[3.2] Expensive Budget Crit Ancestral Warchif [2mil+ dps] " shaper , elders , ubers killed "

God Powers

Soul of Lunaris and Soul of Gruthkul [ bcoz of we using abyssus helmet ]
also try to get
aspect of crab for more reduce dmg taken by physical atks

Unbuffed tooltip dps
non combat def
non combat atk


tier15 map video added
shaper and uber elder videos later
Last edited by kekoyaso on Mar 31, 2018, 6:28:06 AM
Last bumped on Mar 31, 2018, 3:46:53 AM
t15 video added
some other videos later gonna add my computer not well ^^
Last edited by kekoyaso on Mar 31, 2018, 6:28:37 AM

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