3.2 Farrul's Fur molten strike/wild strike pathfinder, uber elder down
Hi everyone, this is my 2nd guide, this time for a pathfinder with molten strike and wild strike.
now that I've finally killed uber elder on it I can confidently say the build works really well. I drew heavy influence from Mathil's FB/MS build from a couple seasons ago, but I put quite a few twists on it to make it my own I think, and very little is the same in the final product. Summary: 1. short description 2. pros and cons 3. videos 4. leveling 5. skill tree and ascendancies 6. gem setups 7. items 8. pantheons Description: So the point of the build is to use Wild Strike for clear and Molten Strike for single target, and abuse the life gain on hit from the insane amount of molten strike balls to get pseudo instaleech, as well as almost permanent extra projectiles+ 82% max fire and cold res thanks to the flask uptime with pathfinder. We can achieve this thanks to the new elder/shaper items giving us pseudo 5-6links so we can socket our Wild Strike with AOE setup into our elder gloves, and put Molten Strike with single target setup in our body armor. The general playstyle is rather simple, you just whirl around spam Wild Strike, and use Molten Strike for the occasional high hp sp single target like red beasts, etc and make sure to maintain the flasks, but that shouldnt be a problem because PF is just insane. you can also just use Molten Strike as an exclusive for both clear and single target thanks to Ancestral call, but Splitting it into two seemed more effective for me. on bosses you pop your totem and potions (maybe vaal haste) and basically destroy them before they can even start attacking thanks to molten strike.
1. Can do basically any content well (except for grandmaster) 2. great clearspeed 3. great single target 4. super tanky thanks to almost permanent resist flasks. 5. can facetank almost anything thanks to the insane heal from claws 6. good mobility 8. Hardcore viable with some gear/points readjustment 9. no need to gemswap 10. super easy leveling
1. can get quite expensive (especially my final version) 2. we need to be in close range to do damage 3. no leech and reflect can be a pain to do, but achievable if you really want with sybils+yuguls and putting in some extra hp/mana pots.
https://youtu.be/qP4802BZn9c Uber elder kill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnXaKCmC2TQ&feature=youtu.be Shaper kill
Right after killing hillock just grab Molten Strike and as soon as you can, get Ancestral Call basically this will be your leveling setup. get Elemental Damage With Attacks Added Cold Damage Multistrike and finally Concentrated Effect when you can, get Wild Strike but just keep it there so you can level it. and make sure to level another Multistrike, Elemental Damage With Attacks and Ancestral Call with it if you can afford the sockets. If you can, also level an Elemental Focus because we'Ll be using that in our endgame setup. as for items: 1. weapons: a Windlash claw right from level 3 is a great leveling weapon, then at 34 you can swap to a mortem morsu, and at 60 to a wasps nest which will carry you to maps. if you don't have access to these uniques just try to get a claw (or a sword but preferably claw) with as high physical dps as you can. 2. armour: Ondar's clasp is a great leveling gloves, it offers tons of attack speed and damage, Wanderlust and Wake of Destruction are great boots for leveling, and Darkness Enthroned(the new abyss belt) is a fantastic leveling belt if you've got two great abyss jewels for it otherwise just try to get life/resists on armour items, and maybe some int/str which you'll need later 3. rings/amulet Thief's torment is a fantastic ring for leveling it offers an insane amount of mana and health sustain, with molten strike you can literally facetank anything with it. otherwise just try to get life/res and some flat physical or elemental damage on it(preferably cold) and maybe some int/str take alira for your bandit, the crit multi is invaluable, the allres helps a lot, and the manareg is nice for the leveling. I'll talk about the skilltree for leveling in the next section
level ~35 poeurl.com/bRAl get ele convert/damage nodes and rush to the claw nodes, get Nature's Adrenaline from Normal lab level ~50 poeurl.com/bRAm go left towards the dualist nodes, and get the two jewels slots for Wildfire, once you have them get two Wildfire Jewels (very important!) you get one in an act 5 quest very soon so you only need to buy one. Get Nature's Boon from Cruel Lab level ~70 poeurl.com/bRAn Fill out some of the hp, finish the top right half of the tree Get Master ALchemist from Merc Lab Final Tree poeurl.com/bRAo without Farrul's Fur (will talk about this later) poeurl.com/bRAp with Farrul's Fur get Veteran Bowyer from Uber Lab you can take vaal pact if you feel like you need it, but I didnt really, life on hit from claws and regular leech is more than enough, and the life regen is nice. path of building https://pastebin.com/w3ka98vz
the most important gems are in order of importance: body armor 6link: Molten Strike Added Cold Damage Multistrike Elemental damage with attacks Concentrated effect Elemental focus this will be our main single target setup for Molten Strike, you can run a 5 link without Ele focus until you can afford a 6link. gloves: Wild Strike Ancestral call Elemental damage with attacks Multistrike This is our clear setup with Wildstrike. helm: Whirling blades Faster attacks Fortify Blood magic this is our main movement skill+fortify to help us mitigate tons of damage weapon: Hatred Vaal Haste Herald of ice/Purity of Ice Herald of ice+Hatred is gonna be the auras you use 99% of the time, but you'll need to swap in Purity of Ice if you want to attempt uber elder. boots: Immortal call cast when damage taken increased duration Enfeeble This is the defensive Setup I use, But I swap to Kaom's roots for Uber elder, so This slot isnt used there. otherwise Immortal call is great for surviving big bursts, and Enfeeble reduces the chances of a big chunk of damage coming in, so we can survive better with our leech. you can also use ele weakness, projectile weakness or even assassin's mark (if yoU're not running farrul's fur) it's entirely up to you. make sure to leave cast when damage taken+immortal call on level 1 and enfeeble on level 5 Shield: ancestral protector Cast When damage taken Summon Lightning Golem this is basically cos having to keep summoning the golem is a big hassle but it does provide a lot of damage. and ancestral protector is a big damage boost also. you can also alternatively run stuff like Frost Bomb or Culling Strike with the totem, or just a Flame Dash to jump over terrain or just run Blood Rage if you're not using Farrul's fur to get some frenzy charges.
Weapon: Just a nice claw with as much phys dps/crit/attack speed as you can, the 30% quality can be gained from beastiary crafting which is a season specific thing. Shield: since we cant run a statstick with molten strike this is our best option. it basically negates the need for accuracy and gives a massive dps boost as well as some life. Body Armour: This is, without a doubt, by far and away our best body armour, if you can afford it, get it. there is no better option. it gives us free max power and frenzy charges, a free aura that gives us tons of attack speed and crit AND some defense. without this, the build wont feel as good as it does. Unfortunately it's super expensive so here are some alternatives: Belly of the Beast: a Nice Hp boost, but not much else, I'm not a big fan of it but a lot of people like it. Queen of the Forest: tons of evasion, some resists and a lot of movement speed. Not bad The Perfect Form: Lot of evasion and free spelldodge good defensive option Hyrii's Ire: Some extra damage and some nice dodge. not bad(but probably needs phase acro for full value) Shroud of the lightless, tons of free damage from the penetration node(skip ele focus if you take it) and an extra abyssal gem, but you probably need more abyssal gems to make it really work. helm: Our best option, if you wanna go a bit more "yolO" you can get rat's nest but I dont think it's worth it. the most important thing is the helm enchant, if you cant afford the +3 proj then get a +2 on anything you can, it's a massive dps boost. gloves: this is what enables us to use two skills basically. it gives us a pseudo 5link for our wild strike which makes it perfect for clearing maps. if you wanna run molten strike as your only skill, you can run tombfist instead (hell for super endgame bosses swapping in a tombfist might actually be worth it since you never really WS them) boots: Kaom's roots is absolutely necessary for uber elder, for everything else I use the rare one. just get as much health and resists on it as you need, the movement speed is a nice bonus but not at all necessary, especially not 30%. This is basically what yoU're looking for in a belt. flask duration and ele damage with some resists and health. if you cant afford the stygian belt just get a nice leather belt. rings: steel or opal rings with some flat damage, or elemental damage to attacks, some life and try to fill out the resists. make sure to get a bunch of int on one of them because you'll need it. and if you're running farrul's fur you need one with "aspect of the cat" enchanted on it. which is from beastcrafting, you need to fight farrul and then capture him to get the recipe. neck: health/res some int/str and crit multi/crit chance/ele damage/phys damage, as much as you can afford. flasks: not much wiggle room here really. you need all of these for the build to hit its stride, you can use a silver flask instead of taste of hate temporarily. jewels: Two Wildfire Jewels are a must and for the third just get crit multi/life/attack speed or if you want an abyss jewel Life/crit multi/phys or cold damage to claws/attacks or if you're rich AF get a watcher's eye that buffs hatred.
Soul of Solaris to prevent huge crits and damage spikes, and soul of yugul for some extra elemental mitigation(the minor one can be swapped around tho to anything from gruthkul to shakari based on what you prefer) so this is it basically, hope you enjoy it as much as I do. if you got any questions dont hesitate to ask here in the comments. Last edited by shaunika90#5422 on Apr 25, 2018, 7:59:16 PM Last bumped on Apr 25, 2018, 3:00:18 PM
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Uploaded my Uber Elder kill video. enjoy
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I want to try this build and leveled to 50 already but I have a question: why do you skill frenzy charges so much? do have them up regularly? I found no item or passive which lets you generate them. just the stealing node from claws which I found to be pretty lackluster to skill to 6 charges. I would assume there are better nodes to take, aren't there?
Edit: okay I saw that you can sustain them but now the question: how? :D Edit2: okay from the body. Last edited by The_L1ne#6624 on Apr 8, 2018, 5:55:30 PM
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" hi! great question, apparently the guide wasnt totally clear about it. you should only get frenzy charge NODES if you're running the Farrul's Fur body armour(it's actually briefly mentioned in the skilltree section as well as the items section) that's where I get my frenzy charges, it's the bread and butter of the build. if yoU're not running the body armour however, I recommend running bloodrage so you have frenzies for clearing at least. but then you dont need the frenzy nodes, so you can just take Fencing, From the Shadows, or some extra hp nodes from the scion life wheel. Last edited by shaunika90#5422 on Apr 8, 2018, 5:51:51 PM
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Seeing on your Youtube you've played Frost blades before. What's your thoughts about Wild strike vs Frost blades for this character? I'll even throw in Spectral throw into the mix. Any reason why you picked Wild strike?
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" Hi! the main reason I went Wild strike is because I was frostblades in the last season and I wanted to change things Up bit. Really you can go with either for this build. they behave very similarly and need zero readjustments on the tree or the gear. altough frost blade does feel a bit worse without touch of anguish chains. frostblades has a bit extra range, and wild strike has a bit extra area, so depending on the map layout you could even hotswap them if you wanted to. as to spectral throw, that would need a complete readjustment of the build first yoU'd need ele dps claws, you'd have to ditch all the phys dmg nodes, and grab proj dmg ones it's doable if you want spectral but it requires a lot of changes. |
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Hey man,
thanks for the great build guide. Since I died to uber elder with my wander character I wanted a solid build to take him on. Then I found and tried your build and after only 2 bricked tries I successfully defeated him on the third attempt. I have been using your build to farm him pretty successfully since then. Keep up the good work :) |
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" thanks, I'm happy you've found success with it Last edited by shaunika90#5422 on Apr 18, 2018, 10:14:23 AM
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Great stuff, just liquidated all my gear on two chars to get this guy started to crank out the end of my challenges. Fun and extremely strong.
Current gear.
Last edited by Jackdaws#1135 on Apr 18, 2018, 5:37:18 PM
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" looks pretty good, altough I recommend getting a belt with inc flask duration. it helps a lot |
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