[Xbox One] Patch 3.2.1c and New Microtransactions

Earlier today we've deployed the 3.2.1c Patch, click here to check out the patch notes. We've also just released four new microtransactions, including the Arcane Portal and the Ghostflame Shield! Press the Menu button in-game to check all of them in the store.

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Grinding Gear Games
GrafBumsula wrote:
[Removed by Support]

I don't need to be "First" (like meaningless fools who wrote only that).

If that is XBOX patch, why my client on PC download on steam 1.3GB like some major update?

If your client can't detect difference I am sure that STEAM have rlly good system detection and we can have separate executable if that is XBOX ONE fixes, so I personally don't see need to waste like 30min on downloading/patching over steam something what is insignificant for my game experience.
Last edited by Patrick_GGG#0000 on Apr 7, 2018, 4:51:08 PM
really great

btw: "first of what???"
▒▒▒▒░░░░░ ++HIDEOUT IMPROVEMENT THREAD: ..../view-thread/2179528...++░░░░▒▒▒▒
Last edited by loCurnus#1594 on Apr 6, 2018, 2:33:28 AM
Coolmer wrote:
If that is XBOX patch, why my client on PC download on steam 1.3GB like some major update?

If your client can't detect difference I am sure that STEAM have rlly good system detection and we can have separate executable if that is XBOX ONE fixes, so I personally don't see need to waste like 30min on downloading/patching over steam something what is insignificant for my game experience.

That was the 3.2.2b patch for PC.

Last edited by Barpus#3529 on Apr 6, 2018, 3:41:28 AM
I might as well ask here as well. And I hope to have some answer.

Because I do miss Stash Tab x6 Bundle for 110pts. Why is it only available on here/PC and not for us who are playing on Xbox?
Or is it quite simply a glitch in the system?
More likely a "Fairgraves Shield" mtx.
Neden yaşıyorsun?
Home page on console still displays 3.2.1b at bottom right, though patch was installed. Closing game completely and power cycling console does not affect it. Does not seem to have any other impact.
Xbox Gamertag - Corrison
Mixer - https://mixer.com/Corrison
Last edited by Corrison#3825 on Apr 9, 2018, 9:20:49 AM
Awesome more beyond overpriced stuff no one will buy. I would buy this crap more often if you would revisit your pricing. I'm sorry but $20 for a helmet graphic is fucking absurd.Its almost like you don't want to make money. no one in their right mind would spend that much on something so utterly pointless. It costs even more for a weapon skin, its bullshit. [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Kieran_GGG#0000 on Apr 30, 2018, 6:51:40 PM
Im gunna have to agree with that. The prices for points are way to high. In my opinion i feel they should at least be half the price they are now. I really want to support the game and there is allot of cosmetics i really want.. but the price man.. i would go broke if i bought the things i wanted, which sucks because like i said i love cosmetics in games like this and i want to support this game because i love playing it, but i feel like the prices are quite a bit unreasonable.. sadly. I hope this changes in the future, beyond that the game is amazing in my opinion.

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