Reidan Build List/Thoughts
Disclaimer: ~90% of these builds are awful and far too ambitious so they just end up sucking and I strongly recommend you don't copy them unless the style is REALLY fun to you. I'm going to be posting my thoughts, required/important items, and rating these builds. Ratings will be 1-5 from bad-good so something like price 1 would be expensive and 5 would be cheap. Feel will be how the build feels in actual play so a combination of things like how fun it is, mobility, mechanical interactions/clunkiness etc all rolled into one. Path of Building links will generally use lvl 90/8 ascendancy points even though I generally get bored and abandon chars before then so the build is more complete and you have something to grow into (plus 90 is fairly easy if you enjoy a build and have decent maps). Also, I played hardcore for a few years so I try to make my builds hardcore viable when possible but usually my dps just sucks.
I occasionally stream at but its not very frequent and sometimes other games, however you can check out most of my builds in action on my youtube just go to the magnifying glass in the top right and search for keywords of the build and you can see the entire leveling/mapping process. If you have any questions not obvious there feel free to ask. Bestiary
Dancing Dervish/Duo Necromancer (Overall: 4.2)
mapping: Clear: 5 Boss: 3.5-4.5 Survivability: 4 Mobility: 4 Feel: 4 Price: 4-5 Boss damage is very high when both dervishes focus the boss, which is over 90% of bosses in practice, however some bosses like Atziri they just attack completely randomly with nothing you can do where the damage takes a big hit. Even with that drawback I killed Uber Atziri with 1 death this league (2nd attempt ever, tried her in HC once on a whispering ice build, died to an instant storm call). Extreme run speed especially at high rampage stacks (100-200% for 500-1000 stacks), but not much room to run a mobility skill or cast speed to back it up. Can get started fairly cheaply but getting nice minion jewels will run you 20-200c each and a good amulet/talisman can be pricey however a high roll astramentis is almost as good. Build/Thoughts
Spoiler (2 points)
theres an astramentis and 2 quicksilvers simulating 500 or 1000 rampage stacks if you want to see the damage difference with them. Very fast, fun, and powerful summoner that doesn't need to cast much. Weapon doesn't need any links as the skill is granted by the item, according to PoB all stats on the item DO matter (dps/attack speed) so 30% quality beastcraft helps a tiny amount eventually. Worm flasks can maintain rampage (or start it when swapping to 3 flasks + reduced charges used rare belt for elder/guardians etc). Zombies do decent damage, leech for you with baron, and apply maim for other minions. Good Abyss jewels are very important here, PoB puts a good flat phys roll at around ~9-10% more damage per which is MASSIVE for a single mod, minion movement speed helps a ton with both damage up time, clear speed, and leech from the zombies. Blind and Taunt should each be on at least 1 jewel as 1/2 chance of being hit and 10% reduced damage to everything except the taunting minion are both extremely strong for 1 mod. Animated Guardian: theres 2 main builds you can do here, standard aura guardian with Dying Breath + Leer Cast + Victario's Flight filled in with survivability items or 1-4 curse block guardian (cheap vuln on hit gloves + Sentari's Answer gives 1-4 curses depending on the encounter, filled in with Zahndethus' Cassock, Bringer of Rain (no drawback on guardian), Advancing Fortress, and Rainbowstride for a bit of spellblock for the 4th block curse). I prefer auras overall for the map clear, but curseblock seems a bit better for some bosses with multiple attack types and better survivability. For spectres, frenzy apes are by far the best choice here since minions and monsters get 15% attack/cast speed, 5% movement speed, and 4% more damage per so with proper supports allowing the apes to keep 3 up permanently all of your minions are getting a total of 45% attack/cast speed, 15% move speed, and 12% more damage massively increasing their total damage. For leveling just use SRS + zombies, once you get the baron at 28 SRS still obliterates everything even after the nerf CoC Bow Assassin Bladefall/Glacial Cascade (Overall: 2.8) Clear: 3 Boss: 3-4 Survivability: 2.5-3.5 Mobility: 2.5 Feel: 4 Price: 1 First things first, don't forget to make a really stupid CoC pun name to annoy everyone, I went with shootingmyCoCeverywhere to really get the bow feeling in there. This build feels kind of inconsistent clearing maps (accuracy/crit are very high, but the spells mechanically often leave 1-4 mobs alive which are then inefficient to clean up which I hate) gets a bit better with increased area of effect gem, but then bosses are pretty weak and swapping gems so much is a bit annoying. Bosses are pretty good, up to very good with concentrated effect swapped in (bladefall and GC both usually hit more often with a smaller aoe), you can often chill/freeze bosses if map mods aren't too bad which also helps with survivability a bit. This build is extremely expensive, and extremely weak for how much it costs, requiring a decent 6L rare bow with CoC support mod as well as a Kaom's Heart for decent survivability. High movespeed boots with cooldown recovery, life, and resists make the build feel so much better but run a few exalts, an I was lucky enough to get a hatred/vitality watcher's eye for 14 exalts which is pretty much perfect for the build. Level 4 enlighten is required to run herald of ice on top of hatred and vitality if you don't want to spend points on aura nodes which are pretty weak here.
Spoiler (Alira)
This build was a massive pain in the ass trying to get everything to work right on it between accuracy on every item for consistency/clear speed, strength for kaom's heart, and enough resists on top of that with only a few slots left. I really don't recommend trying this, but at least the playstyle was pretty fun. If you can't afford a decent vitality watcher's eye look for some shaper rings with life on spell hit to go with our multiple multihitting spells hitting several times a second. One small saving grace here is with all of the flat life on kaoms, you can probably get by with just well rolled crafted life on jewelry. This build was initially planned with The Signal Fire + Effigon and fully converting to fire, but I felt trying to land a blind on everything before having decent hit chance would just make mapping too inconsistent to feel good so I would need to get accuracy on most pieces and then why even go Effigon at that point? Then without Effigon converting to fire would be pretty bad because of the point/gear cost combined with losing shatters. Signal Fire is still a bit higher damage than a rare quiver, but you can get a pretty cheap rare quiver with life, crit, multi, and accuracy which makes clear speed a lot more consistent, and a bit of survivability to boot. I tried barrage as the CoC trigger from the switch at 64 through a few hours of early maps since it used to be the go to CoC ability but it just felt a bit off and switching to blast rain instantly felt like a noticeable improvement to me. If you're using increased aoe gem for map clear speed it seems even better. For leveling, just use 2 poet's pens with bladefall and either EK or GC until you hit 64 and can use a CoC bow. And then keep using them because honestly this build is not very good lol. Herald of Thunder Ignite Elementalist (Overall: 3.3) Clear: 4 Boss: 2.5 Survivability: 2 Mobility: 3.5 Feel: 3.5 Price: 5 This build uses 2x Stormfire + Dyadus + Elemental Equilibrium + fast multi hits (boosted by eye of innocence/cwdt combo) to hit extremely high (these days anyways) ignite values. For packs you can just shield charge around and 1-2 hits will burn down the entire group, on bosses your cwdt spells help a lot with stacking and give a bit of healing back with a vitality life on hit watcher's eye. Pretty much all of the gear is cheap and easy to gear for with Tabula working well enough until you can get Inpulsa's Broken Heart going.
Spoiler (2 points or kraityn both good)
AoE/Clear Speed is pretty solid, bosses are a bit on the slow side but with some stacked shock effectiveness combined with beacon of ruin you can shock them pretty hard, add in any adds or packs that spawn near them, and they actually end up melting pretty fast. An evasion shield can easily fit in this build for some extra shield charge speed as well as decent avoidance combined with blind. Try to get shock chance on all jewels so the dual Stormfires stack as high as possible outside of shock/conflux for more consistency. A flat cold to spells abyss jewel will make any phys spells you're using in cwdt also apply elemental equilibrium constantly. This build was pretty painful to level, I tried using Abberath's + heavily linked Herald of Thunder as soon as possible which kind of works with 2 Call of the Brotherhood + cold to fire gem but isn't the greatest. I really recommend just using 2x poet's pens with your favorite spells if possible. CWC Poisonstorm Assassin (Overall: 3.9) Clear: 4 Boss: 4-5 Survivability: 3.5 Mobility: 3 Feel: 4.5 Price: 3-5 This build is all about the revamped Assassin node Noxious Strike increasing poison duration by 5% per poison applied recently (last 4 seconds). To that end, we use the Eye of Innocence CWDT combo with the increased duration nodes to apply an extreme number of poison stacks combined with Volkuur's Guidance allowing fire damage to poison at half duration which partially gets cancelled out since poisons will last so long enemies will die long before they fade. I chose to go crit so I could get almost 100% ignite chance without any further investment while also increasing poison damage through Toxic Delivery and Perfect Agony (you could try ignoring crit multi and using Coralito's Signature if you wish, but the normally massive 75% duration on it gets dwarfed by assassin bonuses) Most packs of mobs die from a single cast of the wither CWC firestorm, and eye of innocence explosions will finish off any stragglers. Highly mobile bosses like the poison bow elder guardian can be a bit of a problem but other than that, this build performs somewhat adequately in crit-based builds against stationary mid-range bosses.
Spoiler (2 points and Alira both good)
Razor of the Seventh Sun combined with a vitality life on hit Watcher's Eye provides a ton of healing with such a ridiculous amount of spells hitting. If you manage to get a -mana cost clarity mod as well you can run 0 regen maps also. Make sure to eventually get cooldown recovery shaper belt/boots with some life to increase the number of spells for even more poison duration and healing (doesn't work on CWC for faster wither stacking though). A firestorm explosion radius helmet enchant is really nice to land more hits without increasing the storm area to make it less accurate. Mokou's Embrace is required to self ignite yourself for the bonus damage/leech on Eye of Innocence, however doing that isn't 100% necessary on this build if you just want to use 2 rare rings (shaper rings with life on spell hit are solid). All of this healing combined with low initial damage due to poison focus lets us easily run elemental reflect maps without even using yugul pantheon. For leveling, this was my league starter so I had almost no currency but I bought 2 Consuming Darks at 53 and everything just melted from there allowing me to invest a lot into survivability for a while. As always, 2 Poet's Pens would probably end up being fastest with volatile dead Ball Lightning Poet's Pen Elementalist (Overall: 4.25) mapping: Clear: 4.5 Boss: 4 Survivability: 3 Mobility: 5 Feel: 4.5 Price: 4-5 Poet's Pens using lvl 24 lightning warp for extreme mobility combined with ball lightning being decent for both single target and aoe and guaranteed 40-50% shock effectiveness vs bosses makes this a fast, solid all around build.
Spoiler (Alira)
One thing to keep in mind is you often have to take a short stutter step in between lightning warps due to the hidden cooldown on the skill, but even with that this build moves multiple times faster than the standard body swap poet build. Also, Lightning Warp's base speed is based on your movement speed so a quicksilver flask can help until you get a 21 lightning warp and a 20/20 less duration at which point you can probably drop it if you wish. A cooldown recovery shaper belt (and boots if you're rich) can increase movement speed, damage, and healing all at the same time allowing you to scale really well with currency investment. A life on spell hit shaper ring adds some nice instant sustain coupled with berek's while each ball lightning easily hits 5-10 times per target. After geting a reduced ball lightning speed Starkonja's I haven't really noticed any major differences other than higher dps vs stationary bosses, so you could skip that or swap slower proj to a slightly higher gem if you want. If you take the build to 90+ next I was working on breath of thunder and respeccing out of light of divinity) Ball Lightning can easily be swapped for another skill like Arc if you prefer (just drop aoe nodes for something else like breath of lightning/heart of thunder) Incursion
Arc Poet Elementalist (Overall: 4.17) Clear: 5 Boss: 3 Survivability: 4 Mobility: 4.5 Feel: 5 Price: 3-4 Just a modified version of my earlier Ball Lightning Poet build, so there may be some other useful tips if you check that out near the bottom of Bestiary. 45% shocks on all bosses with a 40% Inpulsa's which can be maxed with abyss jewel shock effect if you want but isn't necessary. Very good clear speed and mobility, bosses aren't bad if you vaal arc and can hit them with lightning warp as well. You need at least 1 cooldown recovery item if you have as much attack speed as me. Build
regular: magic find(56% quant): One important thing to keep in mind is you have to very slightly space out your attacks to maximize mobility due to the brief cooldown time of Lightning Warp. One of the new incursion lightning leech amulets is pretty nice for always up sustain, but a Berek's Grip can be used to similar effect and also helps with no leech maps if you wish, this also allows you to use a Choir of the Storm for some nice extra crit and single target dps. Delve
Holy Relic Necromancer (Overall: 3.83)
Clear: 4 Boss: 3.5 Survivability: 3.5 Mobility: 4 Feel: 4 Price: 4 no Avatar of Fire/Smite version, requires fire damage from something with no sources of cold or lightning. random delves/maps Holy Relic is a minion that follows you closely and pulses a small physical damage nova that also applies a minor regen effect to nearby allies with a short (around .25 second + geofri's penalty) cooldown whenever you hit an enemy with an attack, allowing us to spam it and shield charge for utility at the same time.
For tougher bosses with no adds swap Phantasm on Kill from 6L to Elemental Focus and put Smite in a 2nd unset ring if you can for some extra flat lightning. Smite can be scaled up further with generosity and empower if you ever have some extra links for it. Avatar of Fire is combined with Elemental Equilibrium to always buff our minions main 2 types of damage even when using a non generosity Smite to buff. Avatar can be skipped if you don't use Smite or only use it with Generosity, but you'll need some fire damage on gear while avoiding lightning/cold. Flesh Binder can be taken instead of Puppet Master if you want to be slightly more zombie focuses.
Spectres are 2 frenzy apes from early A2 or 1 frenzy ape 1 power ape from southern forest A6, the Holy Relics have fairly high damage and can shock/freeze often with power charges since minions get 200% crit per power charge putting them at 35% with 3. Chest can be swapped for any high life like Belly or a good rare if you can't get a +1 Tabula and at least a 3 Empower. Perquil's Toe lucky mod means your minions dealing damage will roll the damage twice each time and take the higher result which is very powerful with flat lightning sources that have a big damage range such as Wrath and Smite. Brightbeak can be replaced with a Bound Fossil crafted 1h with attack speed to get some more minion dmg at the cost of some charge speed. Magna Eclipsis isn't required at all, just something I was experimenting with for +levels so swap that for whatever you feel like. For jewels I was aiming for life, minion attack speed (both dps and shield charge speed), and flat lightning to pair with Perquil's Toe. ign: reidan Last edited by Reidan#6717 on Sep 24, 2018, 11:32:47 PM Last bumped on Apr 13, 2018, 7:26:12 PM
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ign: reidan
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