Xbox One 3.2.3b Patch Notes

Xbox One 3.2.3b Patch Notes

  • Added 12 Solo Self-Found variants of the Neversink loot filter. These will only be available until the launch of patch 3.3.0.
  • Updated the Neversink loot filters to the latest version.
  • You can no longer use the instance manager to create multiple instances of the Templar Laboratory.
  • You can no longer use the map device in the Chamber of Sins Level 1 in Act 7 to open Maps.
  • Fixed a bug where Yugul, Reflection of Terror could become stuck midair while jumping into one of his pools, and become immune to damage.
  • Fixed a bug where players could be unable to return to Farrul, First of the Plains' arena if they logged out after creating a town portal while being teleported back to the arena.
  • Fixed a bug where Arakaali, Spinner of Shadows could continue moving to different corners after she should be dead.
  • Fixed a bug where Totems, Traps and Mines were able to gain Tailwind.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Debuffs on you expire x% faster while affected by Haste" mod actually caused debuffs to expire slower.
  • Fixed a bug where Aspect skills would activate after changing areas if you had the skill active when you died.
  • Fixed a bug where throwing a net was counted as using a skill. This caused issues for players using Lightpoacher when trying to capture beasts.
  • Fixed a bug where Bestiary monsters with multiple forms left a mini-map icon for each form when dead.
  • Fixed a bug where the Lighthouse Remains hideout decoration did not block players.
  • Fixed a bug where the Bestiary tab was visible in Standard league if you had died in Hardcore Bestiary.
  • Fixed a bug causing performance issues while mana was reserved.
  • Fixed two client crashes.
  • Fixed six instance crashes.
Last bumped on May 4, 2018, 4:19:56 AM
Right off the bat, the performance/mana reserved bug fix had a hugely positive impact for me. Thank you!
Nice Work.Like that our patches are nearly on par with PC.
Can i get uhhhhhh
customizable loot filter?
Hey peeps, it's a me, rangerDanger.

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