Hopeshredder/Arborix Raider | 1.5M Shaper | Ice Shot + Barrage | PoB Link Provided | 25-40ex Budget
Hello, and welcome to my Hopeshredder/Arborix Raider build.
Pros (strengths/benefits of the build):
+ Clears all story and T1-T15 map content with minimal effort (includes Pale Court, regular Atziri) + Clears all end game content with slightly more effort (Shaper and Shaper/Elder guardians take significant effort, while uber Atziri/uber Elder take even more effort) + Compatible with MF (magic-find) cullers who don't do damage but have insane amounts of IIQ/IIR (increased item quantity/increased item rarity) to compensate (due to Southbound cull trick) + Uses four elder-related unique items, in case you wanted to try them all out in one build (Hopeshredder, Arborix, Voidfletcher, Mark of the Elder), with the option to use two more elder-related unique items if you allocate passives or get other good gear to balance resistances and maintain high life (Yoke of Suffering, Cyclopean Coil) + Uses unique items in every slot except 1 ring and belt; dependence on uniques means lower cost and possibly higher effectiveness than well-crafted rares that might exceed 1-2ex in value + Costs about 25-40ex to fully build (budget section explains cost calculations) and provides both decent AoE damage and single-target damage + Allows for quick kiting with 2 movement skills that can be used in tandem/alternating (due to Illusory Warp granted by Star of Wraeclast amulet) + Higher cap for cold resistance (81% default, 87% with sapphire flask), allowing you take less damage from uber Elder and Shaper cold fields + Resistant to one-shots (due to Arctic Armour LESS physical/fire damage taken, Kintsugi 20% LESS damage from hits if not hit recently, Arborix temporary Iron Reflexes) + High movement speed without adrenaline flask (due to frenzy charges, Hopeshredder bow 4% movespeed/frenzy charge mod, Arborix temporary 30% movespeed boost) + Elemental ailment immunity without heat/grounding/dousing flask, allowing for use of Ample Diamond Flask of Warding (due to raider ascendancy, if you take Avatar of the Veil) + Near-capped projectile evasion/avoidance without using Jade/Stibnite flask (due to raider ascendancy, if you take Avatar of the Chase) + Near-constant uptime of Onslaught when killing mobs (either from Avatar of the Chase pathing or using Silver flask, see Flasks section) + Enhanced/doubled life leech rate (as a result of Vaal Pact - helps you bounce back from those near-death scenarios)
Cons (weaknesses/inadequacies of the build):
- Lower-end life without good gear (around 5-5.5K) - Not ideal for newer players who don't have the funds to obtain 3 6-links; cheaper gear or 5-links drastically reduces potential DPS output - Not ideal for players who aren't inclined towards mechanically intensive play (in maps, requires 4 finger taps on keys 2,3,4,5 every 3-4.5 seconds; 2 finger taps on keys W,E alternating every 1.5-2 seconds; 1 finger tap on key T every 10 seconds -- to maintain high DPS) - Non-compatibility with MF (magic find) gear (because every piece of gear has a specific and near-irreplaceable purpose) - Cannot do maps with elemental reflect mod without multi-exalt investment (due to not-full immunity to reflected elemental damage, maximum if you were to use Sibyl's Lament instead of Mark of the Elder ring is 75%, can go to 100% if you were to invest in a shaper unset ring with +3 socketed gems prefix and 25% reduced reflected damage taken suffix -- not worth) - Struggles with maps with chance to avoid elemental ailments mod (reroll map or use DoT-inflicting skill - see Gem Links section for how to compensate for this) - Not immune to bleed (must take Panicked/Seething Divine/Eternal Life Flask of Staunching) - Not immune to elemental ailments if you take Avatar of the Chase instead of Avatar of the Veil (must take Ample/Experimenter's Diamond Flask of Heat, as opposed to Warding counterpart) - No life regen (as a result of Vaal Pact - may require you to change your flask setup when going through merciless/eternal labrynth) - Lower physical damage reduction than you might want (2% by default, but temporary Iron Reflexes from Arborix, mitigates this) - Requires someone else to have done Elder guardians, white/yellow/red Elder, and Uber Elder to get particular pieces of the gear (relevant to temporary league pricing) - Balancing resistances (especially lightning, in this case) can be tough
PoB (Path of Building) Link
Since some people I've met (myself included) have had no idea what Path of Building is, I am also including a link to installation. To beginners and newcomers to PoB - welcome; consider this tool to be an enhanced build planner for items and passive tree. Path of Building GitHub Main Page: https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding Path of Building GitHub Releases/Download Page: https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding/releases My build Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/42cD7d8H For those who simply want to highlight and copy: https://pastebin.com/42cD7d8H How do I use this Pastebin link? Once you open PoB and create a new build, you should see a vanilla/empty build screen. Go to Import/Export Build > Import from Pastebin... > paste (ctrl/command-V) link > press OK > press Import > Enjoy!)
Gear Breakdown
Body Armour: Note1: Items shown above are not all 6-linked; they are just there to provide a baseline / visual of what you might like to choose. Note2: Body Armour can be chosen at your discretion.
<<add nomad,tactician>> Belt:
Abyss Jewels:
Flasks Breakdown
1 - Panicked Divine Life Flask of Staunching (must have for anti-bleed) 2 - Chemist's Diamond Flask of Heat (must have for anti-freeze) 3 - Taste of Hate Sapphire Flask (must have for mitigating anti-cold DoT from Hopeshredder) 4 - Dying Sun Ruby Flask (good to have for DPS + clear) 5 - The Wise Oak Bismuth Flask (good to have for bosses and elemental weakness maps) This is what I believe to be the optimal flask setup, but if by any chance you feel that you want to change it for budgeting reasons or whatnot, there are definitely cheaper alternatives for each slot. A1 - Saturated Eternal Life Flask of Staunching (need anti-bleed suffix, minimum. Divine is better than Eternal for this build since Panicking/Seething Divine gives more instant life recovery than Panicking/Seething Eternal. But if for any reason you want the Saturated prefix, Eternal wins out.) A2 - Experimenter's/Chemist's Diamond Flask of Warding/Adrenaline (if you take Avatar of the Veil ascendancy instead of Avatar of the Chase, you open up suffix since you no longer need Heat) <<no examples here>> A3 - Experimenter's/Chemist's Sapphire Flask of Warding/Adrenaline/Heat/Reflexes (if you want to sub out for a cheaper flask but retaining the +6% to maximum cold resistance; the DPS loss is like 1-3%) A4 - Rotgut Quicksilver Flask or Experimenter's/Chemist's Silver Flask of Warding/Adrenaline (again, if you take Avatar of the Veil ascendancy instead of Avatar of the Chase, you need a way to get back Onslaught) A5 - Experimenter's/Chemist's Jade/Quartz Flask of Warding/Adrenaline/Heat/Reflexes or The Overflowing Chalice Sulphur Flask If I were to try to put really cheap flasks in each slot but get maximum benefit out of them, it might look like the below: Poor man's Avatar of the Chase version of flask setup (no elemental ailment immunity affects flask choice) <<chem sapp heat flask>><<oc unique flask>> 1 - Panicked Divine Life Flask of Staunching (must have for anti-bleed) 2 - Chemist's Diamond Flask of Warding (must have for anti-freeze) 3 - Chemist's Sapphire Flask of Heat (must have for mitigating anti-cold DoT from Hopeshredder) 4 - Chemist's Jade/Quartz Flask of Reflexes/Adrenaline (defensive option) 5 - The Overflowing Chalice Sulphur Flask (for refilling other flasks + small damage boost) Poor man's Avatar of the Veil version of flask setup (no reliable source of Onslaught affects flask choice) <<chem sapp reflex flask>><<oc unique flask>> 1 - Panicked Divine Life Flask of Staunching (must have for anti-bleed) 2 - Chemist's Diamond Flask of Warding (must have for anti-freeze) 3 - Chemist's Sapphire Flask of Reflexes (must have for mitigating anti-cold DoT from Hopeshredder) 4 - Rotgut Quicksilver Flask / Chemist's Silver Flask of Adrenaline (gotta go fast) 5 - The Overflowing Chalice Sulphur Flask (for refilling other flasks + small damage boost)
Gem Links Breakdown
Bow 2: Arborix Setup 1: Elemental Damage (when not mapping solo) Tornado Shot - Ice Bite/Added Cold - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Elemental Focus - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Chain/Pierce Setup 2: Chaos DoT Damage Cull (when mapping solo / Southbound being a nuisance) Tornado Shot - Decay - Swift Affliction - Void Manipulation - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Chain Body Armour Ice Shot - Ice Bite - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Increased Critical Damage - Mirage Archer - Faster Attacks For partnering with MF cull builds, run Elemental Focus instead of Increased Critical Damage. Both are blue gems, so no chromatics need to be wasted. Helmet Blood Rage - Vaal Haste - Blink Arrow - Enhance Enhance:http://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Standard/mlbgehn Gloves Arctic Armour - Herald of Ice - Enlighten - Portal Boots Cast When Damage Taken - Projectile Weakness - Summon Ice Golem - Frost Bomb Last edited by 2ne8#0028 on May 10, 2018, 2:25:57 PM Last bumped on May 10, 2018, 1:50:48 PM
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Skill Keybinds
1 - Panicked Divine Life Flask of Staunching 2 - Chemist's Diamond Flask of Heat 3 - Taste of Hate Sapphire Flask 4 - Dying Sun Ruby Flask 5 - The Wise Oak Bismuth Flask LMB - Ice Shot (common to both weapon setups) MMB - Portal (common to both weapon setups - quality of life so you won't waste $$$ on portal scrolls) RMB - Barrage/Tornado Shot (press X to switch weapon setups) Q - Herald of Ice + Arctic Armour + Purity of Ice Auras (before starting combat, activate each aura in succession, replacing the previous aura with one that isn't activated - this allows you to use other keys for skills) W - Blink Arrow E - Illusory Warp R - Blood Rage T - Vaal Haste In the end, should look like this, with exception of Q: ![]()
Last edited by 2ne8#0028 on May 10, 2018, 2:24:26 PM
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Ideal/Useful Enchantments:
Note that in subsequent sections, enchantments will be listed from best to worst. Some judgments may be based on empirical calculations, others by intuitive convenience. Helmet: << IF AIMING FOR SINGLE TARGET EMPHASIS >> 1-2 Additional Barrage Projectile (2 is legacy, probably not worth using on this build) 25-40% increased Barrage Damage 10-15% increased Barrage Attack Speed << IF AIMING FOR MULTI-TARGET/AOE EMPHASIS >> 25-40% increased Ice Shot Damage 8-12% increased Ice Shot Area of Effect (needs more testing to definitively conclude it's useless, but I am not without hope! :D) 1-2 Additional Tornado Shot Projectiles 25-40% increased Tornado Shot Damage 60-90% increased Tornado Shot Critical Strike Chance << MISCELLANEOUS >> Blood Rage grants additional 8-12% increased Attack Speed (slightly more damage output against mobs) 20-30% increased Projectile Weakness Curse Effect (slightly more boss damage) 30-45% increased Projectile Weakness Duration (slightly more boss damage) 100-150% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Ice Golems (slightly more damage overall) 20-30% increased Blink Arrow Cooldown Recovery Speed (more kiting potential) 24-36% increased Arctic Armour Buff Effect (more resistance to physical damage one-shots) 20-30% reduced Arctic Armour Mana Reservation (more mana for players with less leech available, may allow for a Clarity Gem to be slotted in) 25-40% increased Herald of Ice Damage (more clear potential against mobs) 20-30% reduced Herald of Ice Mana Reservation (more mana for players with less leech available, may allow for a Clarity Gem to be slotted in) 20% reduced Purity of Ice Mana Reservation (more mana for players with less leech available, may allow for a Clarity Gem to be slotted in) Gloves: Word/Edict/Decree/Commandment of Reflection (free mirror arrow clone for when you get hit essentially, might temporarily distract some aggression from mobs/boss) Anything other than Word/Edict/Decree/Commandment of Light will be OK though (because if you do take a critical strike to get the Light enchantment bonus, you're probably already dead) Note that you don't want enchantment on rare Gripped Gloves, as this will overwrite the 15-18% increased projectile attack damage implicit. A friend of mine made this pitiful mistake, don't do the same! Boots: << IF AIMING FOR SINGLE-TARGET EMPHASIS >> Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently << IF AIMING FOR MULTI-TARGET/AOE EMPHASIS >> 16% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently << MISCELLANEOUS >> Regenerate 1-2% of Life and Mana per second if you were Hit Recently 0.4-0.6% of Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently Adds 16-45 to 24-68 Fire Damage if you've Killed Recently
Bandit and Pantheon Choices
Bandits: Exterminate all 3 bandits for 2 Skill Points, this is simply the most efficient way. Possible to help Alira only for the critical strike multiplier and elemental resistances (no one cares about that mana regen at higher levels), but it's just an inferior choice compared to the versatility of 2 passive points Pantheon: For Major God: Soul of Lunaris (for mob-clearing) or Soul of Arakaali (for general mob-clear and boss fights) For Minor God: Soul of Yugul for reduced elemental reflect.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Explain your choice of ascendancy. More specifically, why not Pathfinder, Deadeye, Trickster, or Scion Ascendant? Choosing Pathfinder requires more investment to scale properly, and such investment would go over the 25-40ex budget as claimed by this post. Reasoning - if you wanted to make this build shine like other build guides that advertise even 5M+ DPS, you'd want at least close-to-mirrored gear and legacy flasks. The only legacy flask I use is The Wise Oak, which in itself costs 1ex at time of writing. A truly legacy flask setup to launch the DPS sky-high would be: 1 - Legacy Vessel of Vinktar Topaz Flask Attack variant (265ex) 2 - Legacy Taste of Hate Sapphire Flask Perfect roll (15ex if relic foil) 3 - Legacy The Wise Oak Bismuth Flask (1ex) 4 - Legacy Dying Sun Ruby Flask Reduced Charges (2-3ex minimum) 5 - Legacy Atziri's Promise Amethyst Flask Perfect roll (1ex) Sure, if you have these flasks and a belt like Skalpo's Stygian Vise with flask effect and duration mods, go ahead and take Pathfinder. But you'll lose one frenzy charge, which was my intention for choosing Raider. ~~ Choosing Deadeye when there's no clear path to scaling and clear loss of near-permanent Onslaught/phasing, 1 frenzy charge, and/or elemental ailment immunity. The only benefits I can see from choosing Deadeye are extra chain, tailwind, +1 projectile, and blink arrow cooldown recovery. Cost and benefit analysis points in the direction of Raider being the superior choice, in my opinion - though you're free to disagree or make PoE an even bigger challenge for yourself. ~~ Choosing Trickster has some mildly clear path to scaling given its RNG-based non-chaos % gets added as chaos damage and extra frenzy and power charge. Moreover, it has some evasion/dodge granted with some ES. I haven't looked into the full potential of this choice, but it still seems inferior to Raider, as its lack of proximity to life nodes will make it squishier if you plan to follow the build guide and make this a life-based build. ~~ Choosing Scion Ascendant can be decent, and it's probably the second-best class I'd advocate for someone trying out this build. I'm a huge proponent of Scion, so it's highly likely that I'll make a second tree for Scion Ascendant. But possible sub-ascendancies include, from most to least desirable: Primary: Raider (all-around) > Deadeye (short boss fights) >= Pathfinder (extended uber boss fights) Secondary: Inquisitor (close quarters combat, ailment immunity, consecrated ground + regen) >= Elementalist (all-around, reflect immunity) > Juggernaut (physical damage reduction) > Berserker (all-around, glass-cannon) While you potentially lose ailment immunity and some frenzy charge scaling and permanent onslaught, you gain more life due to proximity to the f**k-ton-of-life cluster. Regen nodes also help you lose Vaal Pact. Isn't 4.5-5.5k life for levels 80-100 low? Yes, by a rich/well-off player's standards, this is going to be fairly low. However, considering that this build stacks high evasion, decent dodge, and mechanical kiting through 2 movement skills, I feel that I've compensated for it sufficiently. Is Headhunter or Atziri's Acuity required to make this build viable? No. It's just quality of life - if you have it, great. If you don't have it, then you'll still live. Do I need the +2 Barrage/TS Enchant or +1 Quiver to make it work? +2 Barrage is not needed but is a great asset to have. Same with +1 Quiver. A good rare with Wed/Crit Multi/Life/Ele Rolls will be better than a non +1 Quiver. Rigwalds quills is another good option if your only focusing on mapping as it gives a free fork to your skills Is this a Good League Starter Build? I doubt it is Can i use a Drillneck? No! Drillneck only has AS and life going for it, a rare Elemental quiver will always be better. How Expensive is this Build? See budget calculation section. It can be as cheap or as expensive as you want it to be, but it will change the effectiveness of this build. I think I've hit the sweet spot with around 25ex of gear, while still holding true to use of 4 elder uniques, which was the original purpose of this build. How do I squeeze out more DPS while maintaining effective HP count? (assume I'm rich af btw) Perfect DPS/numbers on all gear. +1 arrow Voidfletcher/Drillneck. Multi-exalt Abyss jewels with life, added phys, added cold, crit multi, % life regen. Mirror-tier shaped unset +3 ring with Essence of Hatred mod, mirror-tier quiver with Essence of Horror mod + additional arrow to continue cold damage per frenzy charge stacking, mirror-tier stygian vise/elder leather belt with tier 1 elemental damage to attacks and/or flask effect + duration. Make sure all rare gear has tier 1-2 life. Mirror-tier amulet. See Ahfack's Viper Beads or Rayamn's Vengeance Collar as examples. Note that you'll lose the second movement skill if you pursue this path; substitute Portal with Flame Dash and Enhance with Portal in this case; then Flame Dash will supplant Illusory Warp in your keybinds. Why not Lioneye's Fall jewel on the projectile damage cluster at the far right of tree with claw leech + crit chance + multi, as many other bow builds do? We can get life and mana leech from other nodes. According to PoB, the damage nodes provide a roughly 15-18% boost to DPS over 8 nodes of investment, which averages out to 1.875-2.25% DPS increase per node. I like to take nodes/node clusters with 2.5% DPS or more increase per node when building characters, as it helps me establish a baseline for when to stop chasing DPS and accumulating life instead. So that's why I didn't adopt that strategy - not to mention the added 1ex cost of the jewel in Standard. Do I absolutely need Point Blank? Can I do without it? Because it seems weak to me... Any reason for it feeling weak to you is because you have low proximity to your enemies. Use the 2 movement skills I've provided to kite around and in front of them to maximize DPS. That being said, point blank is a 1-node investment for around 30%-more damage if you are right in front of your enemies. Don't use Point Blank if you plan to use the build for maps only with no boss interactions. Continue to use Point Blank if you plan to use the build for all content. What About +1 Frenzy Dark Ray Vectors? Use the if you have em. Great pair of boots for the build as they give alot of dodge and damage from frenzy charges. Last edited by 2ne8#0028 on May 10, 2018, 2:23:32 PM
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reserved -- open to post but still unfinished
Last edited by 2ne8#0028 on May 10, 2018, 2:26:56 PM