Siphoning Trap

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Last bumped on Oct 24, 2021, 6:09:04 PM
Some Skill functions and interactions please.

Currently using trap/duration/aoe supports. Most ele support doesn't work. All added dmg + crit/on hit doesnt work altho on hit dmg comes up on trap tooltip...

Fun with zealots oath.
The skill deals damage over time. Naturally flat added damage and crit modifiers will not affect it.

Cold damage, elemental damage, damage over time, spell damage (only because the skill explicitly allows it) and such should work.

I was using adv traps but now switched to hypothermia. Dmg is much better altho if i 6l my vaal/cold snap...

But saying that comboing a 6l weapon cold snap and 6l armour siphon with some 4l other stuff you can apply a lot of dot dps. Once I get some spell power an a hatred bro I'll use blade vortex too.

Obviously Cold snap is a powerful utility skill with a bypassable cooldown. Siphon trap even if you do get 2-3 traps triggered doesn't lock on a affected target with additional beams. So I'd like some feedback how others are doing. My char is barely 60 atm so I can't give much proper feedback till a few days.

I think Siphoning Trap is basically fun and improves trapper builds! :-)

Can anyone confirm that multiple traps does not work with it? It only throws one trap, though it shows the 't' icon indicator, adjusted tooltip and reduces damage accordingly.

There seem to be issues with other supports too...
GhettoJesus wrote:
Currently using trap/duration/aoe supports. Most ele support doesn't work. All added dmg + crit/on hit doesnt work altho on hit dmg comes up on trap tooltip...
LastFreeNickname wrote:
Can anyone confirm that multiple traps does not work with it?

Multiple/Cluster traps supports indeed "work" with it, will link to the gem, and apply the damage penalty and mana multiplier. However, as of 3.3, you can no longer use multiple traps to get around trap cooldowns - if a skill has a cooldown, you will only throw as many traps as you have stored up cooldowns. Since Siphoning Trap can only store one cooldown, you can only throw one trap at a time, no matter what you do.

Most ele support doesn't work.

Purely "increased/more elemental damage" should work - Siphoning Trap deals Cold damage, which is Elemental damage. However, the only support that offers Elemental Damage is Elemental Focus, which requires the active skill to either Hit or Burn - and Siphoning Trap does neither, so it won't link to it. If you're wondering about some other modifier, let me know which one.

All added dmg + crit/on hit doesnt work

Siphoning Trap only deals Damage over Time, it never Hits anything. So anything that requires a Hit will not work (and likely not even link to the gem in the first place).

altho on hit dmg comes up on trap tooltip...

The tooltip for any skill shows the Hit damage, even if the skill can never actually Hit anything. If you could somehow make the skill Hit (say, with a hypothetical threshold jewel), then the skill would indeed deal that much damage. But if the skill does not Hit (for example, almost all minion skills!), you can ignore the Hit damage in your character sheet as it is never used for anything.
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Aug 16, 2018, 4:10:45 PM
I think Siphoning trap should also provide regeneration to all allies within the AOE.

That would make it great for trappers who like to play in a team.

Also, would it make it too strong if it could regenerate shields too? You can only throw 1 trap, plus it has a cooldown anyway.
"Siphoning Trap" is a great skill, but it's too slow in anything.

It has not enough range, cooldown, and the damage is not enough.

It would be really cool if it can be a little bit more versatile with more damage and area of effect, no cooldown, and having a secondary effect like if it is active you can cast a Skill like "Shock Nova" from the "Siphoning Trap" destruct itself, let it explode causing it to deal "X" amount of damage of the trap life as fire or lightning damage.

kind regards
This gem needs a threshold jewel so we can use it as a primary attack in a build.

Like the one guy right now that is advocating that people play traps won't even touch it.
IGN : Reamus
The main problem is it plays like a trap, when you actually want it to play like a totem. As a trap, it fails to trigger half the time, even when you throw it directly on top of an enemy. Then you just wasted mana and precious time to wait for cooldown to recharge. That reduces its reliability for a defensive skill. Compare if it was a totem that would be active 100% after it's thrown.

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