Xbox One 3.3.0c Patch Notes
Xbox One Specific:
- Weapon swapping while the skill bar is open is no longer possible. This prevents a bug that occurs when swapping weapons while the skill bar is open.
- Updated all NS item filters.
- Added a textbox filter to vendor windows.
- Added missing skill gems to the Tradeboard categories.
- Removed Bestiary Nets from the Tradeboard categories.
- You can now press Y to select "Purchase Items" when interacting with an NPC.
- You can now accept trade offers from the Tradeboard instantly by pressing A + Y simultaneously.
Other Changes:
- Added 3D art for Apep's Supremacy, Shadowstitch, and Zeel's Amplifier.
- Jiquani's Creation now takes reduced damage for a short while after it is summoned.
- Added the Wrath skill gem as a vendor quest reward for the Templar after completing the 'Lost in Love' quest.
- Reduced the cooldown on the unique shield Unyielding Flames' triggered skill to 3 seconds (down from 10).
- Reduced the damage dealt by Redblade Warmonger's Incinerate skill.
- Righteous Fire microtransactions can now be used with Vaal Righteous Fire.
- Vaal Righteous Fire can now be cast by a Totem.
- Removed the Menagerie icon from the World Map legend.
- Tweaked various alert sounds in the Default Loot Filter.
- Made various optimisations to Storm Call.
- Made various optimisations to the Incursion Portal Effect.
- Improved the performance of Bladefall, Molten Strike and Rain of Arrows.
- Herald of Ice and Abyssal Cry explosions now have less of an impact on performance.
- Improved the texture detail of the Wasteland Barricade Hideout Decoration.
- Improved the AI of Vaal Blade Vortex
- Fixed some incorrect Alva dialogue.
- Fixed various cases of missing information in skill tooltips.
- Fixed a bug where the Town Portal and Waypoint tutorial notifications were still displaying after using a portal scroll or waypoint.
- Fixed a bug where characters migrated to Standard League no longer had an Elder Orb applied to their Atlas and could not get a new Elder Orb from Zana.
- Fixed a bug where The Undisputed divination card did not create items with the correct item level.
- Fixed a bug where the Legacy Character Effect glow was placed in front of the character in non-town areas.
- Fixed a bug where the Automaton Character Effect caused the character to glow white if buffed by Herald of Thunder with the Automaton Herald Effect applied.
- Fixed a bug where weapon effects did not appear correctly when applied to the Celestial Staff weapon skin.
- Fixed a bug where players were not able to have more than one permanent curse applied to them at once.
- Fixed a bug where Acton's Nightmare unique map completion was not granted if a boss was revived, unless a boss corpse was detonated.
- Fixed a bug where Cold Snap's damage over time could bypass damage immunities.
- Fixed a bug where Arc and Vaal Arc did not chain to monsters that the player did not have line of sight to.
- Fixed a bug where Vaal Blade Vortex could be cast on locations that the player did not have line of sight to. Vaal Blade Vortex can also no longer be cast on unwalkable terrain.
- Fixed a bug where Vaal Detonate Dead did not roll for critical strikes for each explosion.
- Fixed a bug where one of Vilenta's skills dealt Physical damage, rather than Fire damage.
- Fixed a bug where Atziri would not appear to take any actions if the player left the boss room and returned during the 'Summon Demons' phase.
- Fixed a bug where the Flamethrowers in the Vaal Omnitect encounter were shorter than they appeared. They now more accurately deal damage in the correct locations.
- Fixed a bug where Tacati, Architect of Toxins unintentionally gained a large damage reduction while casting his ultimate skill.
- Fixed a bug where the Altar of Corruption could turn an Unset Ring into an unidentified and corrupted Unset Ring.
- Fixed a bug where the exit portal in the Royal Meeting Room Incursion was not able to be used.
- Fixed a bug where chests in Cartography rooms in Temples whose level was lower than 68 would not drop Maps.
- Fixed a bug where Alva would sometimes display an outdated Temple layout when viewed in a hideout.
- Fixed a bug where players who had completed a "Don't die or leave Zana's Map" Zana mission could not enter their Temple of Atzoatl in the same area.
- Fixed a bug where resurrecting after dying in an Incursion would fail if done too close to the end of the Incursion timer.
- Fixed a bug where the Pure Talent unique jewel was not working when you had the "Physical and Chaos Damage and Life" passive node allocated in the Shadow starting area of the passive skill tree.
- Fixed a bug where having a Vaal skill socketed in The Poet's Pen unique wand prevented casting that Vaal skill.
- Fixed a bug where Zana would repeat dialogue after defeating Uber Elder.
- Fixed a bug where some of Dialla's voice acting was in Russian.
- Fixed a bug where placing some hideout decorations in a corner in the Coastal Hideout could cause them to clip below the ground.
- Fixed an instance crash that occurred when using Vaal Arc while affected by an Echoing Shrine.
- Fixed an instance crash that could occur when using Lightning Strike.
- Fixed a bug where Charged Dash could teleport you through doors.
- Fixed various issues with Charged Dash and Flame Dash where they would sometimes fail to teleport you when cast.
- Fixed a client crash in the Incursion leagues when trying to create areas while having the Monstrous Treasure prophecy.
- Fixed a client crash caused by Zilquapa, Architect of the Breach's breach pool ability when some minions were caught in it.
- Fixed a client crash caused by monster versions of Lacerate.
- Fixed a client crash caused by Power Siphon.
- Fixed a client crash caused by the Inferno Bolt Nemesis mod.
- Fixed a rare instance crash that could occur in the Rotting Core when a boss was killed.
- Fixed various instance crashes.
- Fixed a bug reintroduced in 3.3.0 where the Legacy Armour set lost its shininess.
- Fixed a bug where the "Defeat Alluring Abyss Trio" challenge was able to be completed in the Apex of Sacrifice.
- Fixed a bug where leaving the Brine King boss room could sometimes place the player in an Incursion.
- Fixed a bug where Vials did not display their stack size when placed in the Currency Stash Tab. Vials can now be stacked in the inventory.
- Fixed a bug where the Poison Garden Incursion wasn't able to spawn.
- Fixed some cases where items could drop in unreachable locations in the Temple of Atzoatl.
- Fixed five client crashes.
Last bumped on Jun 15, 2018, 8:37:08 AM
Posted byNatalia_GGGon Jun 14, 2018, 5:41:43 PMGrinding Gear Games
You can now accept trade offers from the Tradeboard instantly by pressing A + Y simultaneously.
so like, will this cause us to accidently accept an offer if it gets offered the second you press the button combination on something else? or did you guys make offers stop getting bumped to the front when new ones come in (thats super annoying)
>be ggg
>have good philosophy of improving xbox as seen here

>take out d-pad stash navigation
can we get dpad stash navigation back pretty please
good job though, step in the right direction for sure i love u guys good update
Last edited by noodlezoo#7759 on Jun 14, 2018, 6:52:36 PM
Posted bynoodlezoo#7759on Jun 14, 2018, 6:05:03 PM
Are you saying you've nerfed herald of ice or that it doesn't slow down performance? Its not very clear.
Posted byIpatientZEROo#2945on Jun 14, 2018, 7:11:18 PM
noodlezoo wrote:
can we get dpad stash navigation back pretty please
good job though, step in the right direction for sure i love u guys good update
This is returning soon! Likely in the next update assuming no issues come up internally.
IpatientZEROo wrote:
Are you saying you've nerfed herald of ice or that it doesn't slow down performance? Its not very clear.
This is strictly a performance improvement, no nerf to the skill itself.
Posted byJeff_GGGon Jun 14, 2018, 7:17:28 PMGrinding Gear Games
Awesome changes! The XBox specific ones are very user friendly! Awesome! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
OK great xD had me worried for a moment then lol. Thanks for getting back to me
Just jumped on my windripper, gotta say it does feel smoother. Good job
Last edited by IpatientZEROo#2945 on Jun 14, 2018, 7:37:18 PM
Posted byIpatientZEROo#2945on Jun 14, 2018, 7:23:22 PM
noodlezoo is right, this shit is pretty fucked.
i mean don't get me wrong, we really appreciate you adding stuff to xbox.
but cmon bruh.
ps can we get uhhh textbox filter for atlas?
also mouse and keyboard would be great because my wrists fucking hurt from this cuntroller
Hey peeps, it's a me, rangerDanger. Last edited by rangerDangerr#7681 on Jun 14, 2018, 8:39:31 PM
Posted byrangerDangerr#7681on Jun 14, 2018, 8:33:36 PM
"Added a textbox filter to vendor windows"
If that means that I can instantly find (or not find) the gem that I am looking to buy (from Lilly in particular), fabulous QOL improvement!
I now comment in Forums with my Xbox account:
rangerDangerr wrote:
noodlezoo is right, this shit is pretty fucked.
i mean don't get me wrong, we really appreciate you adding stuff to xbox.
but cmon bruh.
ps can we get uhhh textbox filter for atlas?
also mouse and keyboard would be great because my wrists fucking hurt from this cuntroller
XIM Apex buddy
OT : I was wondering why no one had the apep's slumber on the trade board lol thanks for the update
Last edited by GobiXB1#5744 on Jun 14, 2018, 10:23:35 PM
Posted byGobiXB1#5744on Jun 14, 2018, 10:22:54 PM
did you seriously just call me "buddy"
Hey peeps, it's a me, rangerDanger.
Posted byrangerDangerr#7681on Jun 15, 2018, 12:34:40 AM