Thinking of Streaming 新手直播,欢迎大家来聊天
Hi guys,
Been playing POE for a while, and today, I just suddenly had the urge to start streaming. I am not aiming to be a famous streamer, just chilling with ppl would be enough. Playing Arc Totem right now, and there are improvements I need, u are more than welcome to come and point it out. PS: I am Chinese, but I do speak english and german as well. :) Stream link: 大家好 我一名在欧洲定居的华人菜鸟 突然想要开始直播,并没有其他想法,就想跟大家一起交流打屁 欢迎多来聊天,目前在玩Arc Totem的Build,装备和技能有很多不对的地方,也希望大家能够不吝赐教,多多益善! 感激~ 直播地址: Tony. Last bumped on Sep 21, 2018, 2:11:04 PM