Ossey SSF & Holy Grail Progress [580/803]


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The stream is usually live around midday GMT+10.

My name is Ossey, I very much enjoy playing SSF and have been doing so for 5 years. I enjoy finding fun builds and taking them to high or max level. Recently I've found, after five 100s, that the 100 grind is not enough alone to motivate me, and have begun a Dialo 2 style "Holy Grail" challenge. This is a challenge in which one attempts to collect all the unique items in the game. This is a nigh on impossible task in both PoE and SSF, but working and farming towards specific uniques is something I've found to be enjoyable and will continue on this path.

Current Grail progress: 509 / 801

The only rule of the challenge is that an item must be farmable/obtainable in any league, temporary or permanent. This means that, for example, Incursion uniques are not currently on the list (despite owning many of them from playing Incursion heavily) as they are not emminently obtainable without a divination card. Lastly, unique items consumed in a recipe are considered obtained if the final outcome is owned, though owning both is preferable (for example, vendoring the 4 Agnerod staffs and obtaining a Vessel of Vinktar is considered to have completed both the staffs and the flask)

What you will experience on stream:

- Completely solo play, utilizing as many tactics as possible to achieve goals

- A small and friendly community that is happy to take time to help newer players/players considering trying SSF

- Relaxed discussion and music with the occasional awful song to keep you on your toes


Q: This task is impossible. Are you stupid?

A: It's close to impossible and I am indeed stupid.

Q: I'm confused, do you play builds to 100 or do you farm stuff?

A: In the past my goals have usually been to hit 100 and enjoy the journey on the way. In the future I will still be taking builds to 100, but in a more relaxed fashion.

Q: Why are random Justin Bieber/Taylor Swift/K-Pop songs in your playlist?

A: Don't judge me.

Last edited by OsseyA#1908 on Nov 25, 2018, 2:31:11 AM
Last bumped on Nov 24, 2018, 2:48:40 PM
Good evening exiles,

This week our primary focus was Kaom's Heart, which we farmed with considerable luck in <200 maps. Slowly making progress towards Rigwald's Quills, and have found Astramentis to be essentially unfarmable, with no divination card drops in north of 250 Relic Chambers. Our attempts at chancing Skyforth's have proved fruitless, but insofar I've only been chancing bases when they drop. Soon we will begin the chance/scour grind in earnest, which will allow for considerably more attempts. Finally, another 2 Uber Atziri's this week, and another 2 hats. One day we'll find gloves/axe!

Here you will find a short video of the weeks highlights. Please note this is my first attempt at recording and clipping video, and some of the clips have unfortunately come out in poor quality. It's fun to learn new things, so I hope my skills at video editing will improve each week.

Beginning of the week: 509 / 802

End of the week: 549 / 802

Noteworthy additions:

Last edited by OsseyA#1908 on Nov 10, 2018, 5:07:38 AM
Good evening friends,

This week we made only moderate progress, due to a combination of limited playtime and approaching this late stage of the league in a slow and relaxed fashion. We finished off Rigwald's Quills div card set, and ground out an Oni-Goroshi. A few lucky drops here and there, but many low tier uniques still to find, so 600+ will happen shortly.

A small highlight video of the weeks interesting happenings will be edited in here tomorrow. Hope everyone is excited after the 3.5 announcements, and keen and refreshed for a new league.

Interesting finds, crafts and events of the week.

Beginning of the week: 549 / 802

End of the week: 571 / 803

Noteworthy additions:

Last edited by OsseyA#1908 on Nov 18, 2018, 2:14:53 AM
Hello mates,

A few interesting additions here and there, but mostly been relaxing and taking some time away to refresh before Betrayal. Delve has been very fun for me, especially as Incursion was, for me, essentially the perfect league. Tough act to follow. The lack of Delve bosses was a bit of a buzzkill, and the insane amounts of on-death effects reminded me of the awful clutter that was Tempest. Still, had a great time, did our 100 push very comfortably thanks to darkness farming, crafted some cool things, and added a whole bunch of cool things to the grail list. Will mostly continue to relax and take a week or two away in anticipation of 3.5 and Betrayal.

Beginning of the week: 571 / 802

End of the week: 580 / 803


Hope everyone had a great league, and look forward to seeing you in Betrayal!

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