Poe Community General Guide WIP
Ever since i started playing poe i felt the need to research a lot in order to make some progress in the game. Make it general knowledge, boss encounters etc.
I want to start making a guide and hope that with the feedback i get from the community we are able to create something where new and not that new players are able to improve themselves. Im not a great player, i even started playing around 1 year ago. But i want to make something thats useful and help people to improve the poe experience. English isnt my native language so make sure to point out the mistakes, i plan on taking this guide both english and spanish. Spanish
Desde que comence a jugar poe senti la necesidad de investigar sobre el juego para poder progresar y saber lo que estaba haciendo. Tanto sea en conocimiento general del juego, como las mecanicas de los bosses.
Quiero empezar a hacer una guia, espero que con los comentarios y criticas obtenidas de parte de la comunidad se pueda crear algo que permita a los nuevos jugadores, y no tan nuevos mejorarse a si mismos. La guia voy a tratar de presentarla en ambos idiomas en los temas que sienta que sean necesarios. ______________________________________________________________________________ Content As the tittle state this is still work in progress and the order and content will be modified to make it as clear as possible. + Terms/Abbreviation + Do / Dont + Programs/Macros/Filters + Classes + Skill tree + Ascendancies + Laberynth + Builds + Bandits + Quests + Gems + Currency + Vendor recipes + Quests + Chat rooms + Masters + Prophecies + Divination Cards + Pantheon + Trade + Commands + Build Improvement [Damage/Defense] ______________________________________________________________________________ Terms English
Poe: Path of exile
IGN: In game Name SSF: Solo Self Found Hc: Hardcore SC: Softcore Str: Strenght Dex: Dexterity Int: Intelligence Ingame Reference Ax: Being x the current act you are talking about R,G,B: Red Green Blue xL: Being x the ammount of links on the item xS: Being x The ammount of Sockets on the item BiS: Best in Slot/Best in Socket Ho: Hideout IIQ: Increased item quantity IIR: Increased item rarity ilvl: Item level LFM: Looking for member Mf: Magic Find Mods: Modifiers MTX: Microtransaction ROTA: Generally used for Masters rotation, or specific maps, further explained in another section. Currency: Alt: Orb of Alteration Alch: Orb of Alchemy C: Chaos orb Ex: Exalted Orb Jew: Jeweller Orb Fus//Fuse: Orb of Fusing GCP: Gemcutter Prism WTB: Want To buy WTS: Want to sell WTT: Want to trade Items // Passives // General use: Aoe: Area of Effect AoF: Avatar of Fire BM: Blood Magic CI: Chaos Inoculation Cotb: Call of the BrotherHood Dot: Damage over Time Dps: Damage per Second DW: Dual Wielding Edps: Elemental damage per second EE Elemental Equilibrium eHP: Effective Health // Total number of damage/ Combination of Life pool, Amour, Elemental resistances etc EO: Elemental Overload ES: Energy Shield HoGM: Hall of GrandMasters LL: Low Life FFA: Free For All //Party allocation// FB: Facebreaker // Flame Blast // Frost Blades // Frost Bolt HH: HeadHunter HoWA: Hand of Wisdom and Action Ias: Increased attack speed Mom: Mind Over Matter pDPS: Physical damage per second Phys: Physical damage QotF: Queen of the Forest RT: Resolute Technique Shav: Shavronne Wrapping TP: Town Portal VP: Vaal Pact Zealot Oath Skills: Aw: Ancestral Warchief Bv: Blade Vortex Ca: Caustic Arrow CoC: Cast on Critical Strike CoH: Curse on Hit Conc: Concentrated Effect CwC: Cast while Channelling CwDT: Cast When Damage Taken DD: Detonate Dead ED: Essence Drain EK: Ethereal Knives EQ: EarthQuake Disc: Discipline FA: Faster Attack FC: Faster Casting FP: Faster projectiles // Freezing Pulse // GC: Glacial Cascade GMP: Greater Multiple Projectiles HoA: Herald of Ash // As 3.4 Herald of Agony could use the same reference // HoI: Herald of Ice HoT: Herald of Thunder IAoE: increased Area of Effect. IC: Immortal Call IncDur: Increased Duration LA: Lightning Arrow LMP: Lesser multiple Projectiles OoS: Orb of Storm Prolif: Elemental Proliferation PoF: Purity of Fire PoI: Purity of Ice PoL: Purity of Lightning Roa: Rain of Arrows RF: Righteous Fire SRS: Summon Raging Spirit ST: Spectral Throw TC: Temporal Chains TS: Tornado Shot WB: Whirling Blades WED: Elemental damage with attacks WM: Warlord Mark Spanish
En esta seccion no voy a traducir los terminos, considero que en el estado actual en que se encuentra el juego aprender las abreviaciones en ingles seria lo ideal, la mayor parte del contenido tanto sea guias como videos se encuentran en ingles. Si alguien tiene una fuente que este en español o alguien desea generar el aporte lo voy a incluir poniendo referencia a la fuente.
______________________________________________________________________________ Do/Dont English
+Its highly recommended to follow a build guide, poe has a lot of mechanics, without mentioning them, the fact that you are able to finish the acts if you did something that managed to get through. Doesnt mean that you are going to be able to do maps, further bosses etc.
+Try to use a loot filter and poe trade, next topic, it will make the game smooth, making it more friendly/easier when picking up items. +Do some research about something you are uncertain about. -If you have an item selling for x of chaos, or whatever price, and someone whisp you to trade it because it is higher value item do a double check, make sure its not a price fix or something like that. -If its your first run try to stick to the guide with out doing many changes, sometimes something that doesnt make sense to you, could be the source of x% of your dmg or a core mechanic of the build. Spanish
+Es muy recomendable seguir una build de guia, poe tiene muchas mecanicas, sin mencionarlas, el hecho de que puedas llegar a terminar los actos si llegaste a armar algo que pudiese hacerlos. No significa que vayas a poder hacer los mapas o futuros bosses etc.
+Se recomienda utilizar un filtro de items y el trade del juego, se habla en el proximo tema, va a facilitar el proceso de obtener items. -Si tenes items vendiendo por x cantidad de chaos, o el valor que sea, y alguien les ofrece intercambiarlo por otro de un valor mucho mayor hagan un chequeo, asegurense que no esten controlando el mercado con este item. -Si es tu primer personaje mantenganse con la guia sin hacer cambios mayores, a veces algo que no de la sensacion de que los pueda estar ayudando, puede ser la fuente de x% de tu daño o la fuente principal de la build. ______________________________________________________________________________ Tools/Macros/Filters English
Poe Trade Macro
Link: https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro
Description: Is an Autohotkey (AHK) script that adds QoL features to Poe. How to use: You need to install ahk first, then download the latest release and execute run_trademacro.ahk. Every time before you launch the game. You also need to play the game on a window or borderless in order to be able to make use of its features. Features: Allow you to check item info (alt+c)/ search the item on poe.trade (alt+d)/ Scroll your stash tabs with mouse wheel(hold ctrl+mousewheel on stash). This last one being the main reason to open the macro even if you are not trading, playing ssf. Poe Lab
Link: https://www.poelab.com/
Description: Is a website that allows you to check the general layout of the daily lab, normal, cruel,merciless, uber/eternal lab. It makes the lab runs much faster, and specially if you are making a profit farming them to make it as efficient as possible. How to use: you have to open the lab layout you want to run. By looking at the image you will notice some dots over each room(circles), the dot represents the general location of a door for the next area. So if the dot is located on the top right corner(i use the monitor as reference). You should try to go in that general direction once you get into the room. Features: There is also additional notes for them, saying the shortest path, ammount of gauntlet, puzzles, and darkshrines on the main path. You also get a complete guide to the puzzle solution on this link: https://www.poelab.com/puzzle-solutions/ Last edited by Nagamon#0837 on Feb 27, 2019, 5:17:03 AM Last bumped on Jan 31, 2019, 9:38:22 AM
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" Excelente iniciativa Nagamon, felicitaciones por compartir lo aprendido, se agradece enormemente. Por cierto, la última actualización de esta guía es en noviembre del 2018. ¿Tienes pensando seguir adelante con la guía?, ¿Para cuando podemos esperar más contenido?, me despido y quedo atento a tus comentarios. Slds. Settlers of Kalguur League
IGN: QLOviejo |
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