Bakuhakubasugasu's Stream and Build List
Hey guys, thanks for stopping by! This thread is still under construction but I will be updating this thread with the builds that I create and use on stream. My stream information and schedule will be updated in the future as well. Thanks and happy Pathing!
___ ![]() I don't currently have a schedule or anything yet, but follow me so you can know when I go live. I usually stream myself testing out my builds or when I am theory-crafting/theory-building. ___ Builds 1. 5-Aura Flicker Strike [Shadow/Trickster] ![]() *Ever run a Flicker Strike build with 5 auras? Now's your chance! + Uses 5 aura(s)/pseudo-aura(s) + Insane clear speed + All content ___ 2. Immortal Blade Flurry [Shadow/Assassin] ![]() *Face-tank all the content in the game with 100% hit with instant leech on top of that? Want a taste of immortality? Your look is over. + Face-tank all content in the game + 100% Hit / 400%+ Crit Multiplier + Instant leech = B-R-O-K-E-N! ___ 3. Herald of Viper [Shadow/Assassin] ![]() *Ever heard of a face-tanking Summoner? Want to melt all content in the game for under 5 chaos? You are in luck, exile! + Can do the hardest map mods with ease + Melee Summoner with some natural tankiness + Extremely budget (less than 5 chaos needed to start!) ___ 4. Arctic CoC Cyclone [Shadow/Assassin] ![]() *Tired of the same old CoC build? Want to try a different variant with permanent onslaught and elemental equilibrium? Want to have a case of arctic eye cancer? You found the right build! + CoC on a budget with a different twist + Permanent Onslaught! + Destroy all content and end-game bosses ___ 5. Infinite Blazing Flicker Strike [Duelist/Slayer] ![]() *Tired of running out of Frenzy Charges for your Flicker Strike? Hate being interrupted while Flicker Striking due to become frozen or stunned? Well, those weaknesses are eliminated with this all purpose Flicker Strike build! + Stun/Chill/Freeze immunity + Reliable way of generating and sustaining Frenzy Charges + Extremely budget friendly, only requiring two uniques ___ 6. Subzero Spider Winter Orb [Witch/Elementalist] ![]() *Want to sit back and relax while your spells do the work for you? Want to have 100% uptime on Frenzy Charges and Power Charges? Want to use a full set and have it actually be viable? Look no further! + Reliable way of generating and sustain Frenzy/Power Charges + Let Winter Orb do all the work for you + Uses the full Fenumus set ___ *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!* [Build/Stream Thread] Last edited by Bakuhakubasugasu#6072 on Feb 4, 2019, 8:34:17 PM Last bumped on Oct 10, 2023, 6:54:45 AM
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Just got done posting my Immortal Blade Flurry Assassin. You can find the link and info in the first post. My next guide I am going to write is an All-Content Dancing Duo build. The build uses a Scion/Ascendant which specs into Witch/Pathfinder. It will be CI based which focuses on defenses and being tanky. The main thing is that it is able to handle all content and is able to do any combination of map mods. Stay tuned! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!* [Build/Stream Thread] Last edited by Bakuhakubasugasu#6072 on Nov 16, 2018, 12:46:05 AM
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12/19/18 @ 3:10pm USA/Central Time
I was originally writing my All-Content Dancing Duo Scion guide, but hearing all of the new things in Betrayal and all of the new patch notes for PoE's expansion had me in SUPER build theorizing mode. Because of this, I started focusing heavily on another build which is a Herald of Agony build using a Shadow/Assassin. I spent a lot of time looking at other HoA builds and I wanted to take the build in a totally different direction. Most people just used the common shell of Quill Rain plus Toxic Rain/Rain of Arrows to get poison stacks for their Herald of Agony, but I wanted to go a melee route instead. There are some melee builds out there (like ones that use Cyclone or are block based), but I wanted to put on my own twist with my own ideas and it sparked this tanky, able to face-tank Summoner. I league started with this build for Betrayal and I got to say, when I finally got the build working, all the content so far has been a breeze. The build is currently at level 90 and I'm also working on another build alongside this one. After getting him to level 90, I started focusing on my next build which is why I am now writing a guide my level 90 Herald of Agony Assassin. I am hoping to get this build guide done by later today or tomorrow so I can focus solely on my new build that I am currently leveling. Good luck to you all, exiles! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!* [Build/Stream Thread] Last edited by Bakuhakubasugasu#6072 on Dec 19, 2018, 4:14:07 PM
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12/21/18 @ 5:17pm USA/Central Time
My Herald of Viper guide is going to take a little bit longer than expected. Just trying to level my second character right now and tweaking him heavily. That plus work is slowing me a bit down with the guide. I would say the guide is a bit over 90% done. Still need to add some extra things and check the spelling/formatting. Sorry for the wait but I promise you, the build is incredibly fun. :) Until then, exiles! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
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12/25/18 @ 1:09am USA/Central Time
I just got done posting my Herald of Agony build which uses a Shadow/Assassin as the character. There are still some other small things that need to be updated to the guide such as videos and whatnot, but the main gist of the build is posted. Now I can finally really start focusing on the two other builds that I have been building in Betrayal. The link to the build is here: Give it a look. The build can be built for less than 5 chaos and still dish out over 2 million damage. I am actually quite happy how the build turned out. It was my league starter and I had some serious issues league starting with it since most of the end game skill tree was on the left side. I had to level as a melee character and swapped out into Herald of Agony at level 68. Though it might be difficult to league start with, if you want to convert a character over, I will guarantee that you will be surprised as how much it can do with a 3-5 chaos budget. Going to work on leveling my other two characters and starting up their guides. :) Good day to the rest of you, exiles! Cheers! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!* [Build/Stream Thread] Last edited by Bakuhakubasugasu#6072 on Dec 25, 2018, 2:13:56 AM
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Just got done writing my Arctic CoC Cyclone Assassin. With the rework to CoC, we have a ton of CoC builds on the rise again. The thing is, a lot of these CoC builds are all similar to each other. I wanted to take CoC a different direction with the use of other reworked items and skill gems. My version utilizes permanent onslaught alongside elemental equilibrium. The build is more focused towards a budget (not including the two required items, Cospri's Malice and Lycosidae). It doesn't use the usual Warlord's Mark rings or The Pandemonius. We have other ways to get similar damage and on a way cheaper budget as well. I just like throwing my own twists to builds to make it my own. The hipster mindset is strong with this one. :S Give the build a look and leave any questions if you need them. I'm working on 4 other guides at the same time so I have really been grinding hard to get these guides out and with quality. Thanks for stopping by! Good luck, exiles! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
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Just got done posting up my Infinite Blazing Flicker Strike Slayer. My first guide was also on Flicker Strike, but that build was a bit more towards the meme sides of things. This Flicker Strike build is much more viable and what a true Flicker Strike build should look like. My build eliminates some of the biggest weaknesses in a Flicker Strike build. The build is immune to stuns, chill and freeze. These are the only ways to interrupt us from using Flicker Strike. We also use Oro's Sacrifice to allow us to have a reliable way to generate and sustain Frenzy Charges. By going Duelist/Slayer, we get some incredible survivability and tankiness. With a Slayer, we get Brutal Fervour which allows us to overleech. Overwhelm being one of the other passives that a Slayer has access to makes it so we are stun immune. We also get a guaranteed stun on enemies with full life which gives us an extra layer of survivability. I can honestly say this is one of my best Flicker Strike builds if not the best. Since it it done a budget and only requires two uniques, you can easily get better gear to min-max it. If you have the currency, you also can get more expensive items to boost the DPS of this build even more. Such items would be Xoph's Blood, Xoph's Heart and The Taming. I honestly have enough currency to trade for these items, but I really wanted to keep this build budget and just use rare gear. Since I finally got the guide up, I might purchase those items just to make the build beefier. We'll see though since I am still working on some other guides as well. But yeah, please do give my new Flicker Strike build a look. I am quite happy how it turned out, to be honest. Hopefully I can get another build or two in before the league ends. That is my current goal. Anyways, thanks for stopping by! Good luck to you, exiles! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
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02/04/19 @ 7:42PM USA/Central Time
I just got done posting up my Subzero Spider Winter Orb Elementalist. It started off a bit as a meme build utilizing the whole Fenumus set since I had a whole set in my stash. I thought to try to make a build with the whole set but also use some other under-utilized uniques and with one of the new skills that I haven't touched yet. Because of this, I went with the Fenumus set alongside Winter Orb. The build actually did a lot better than I thought originally downing all of the Guardians and Shaper fairly easily. You really just channel Winter Orb, run around and let it do its thing. Probably one of the most fun builds that I have played and theorized in a while. All in all, I am happy with how the build turned out. I know there are a lot of areas that can be improved in the guide such as gear and whatnot, but my main goal was to use the whole Fenumus set knowing this drawback. Trust me, you don't know how much I wanted to use my +2 to Winter Orb stages helmet and my 800 energy shield body armor. X_X Anyways, I had fun with the build. If you decide to give it a try, I assure you, you won't be disappointed. Until next time, exiles! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
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" My Herald of Viper guide is going to take a little bit longer than expected. Just trying to level my second character right now and tweaking him heavily. That plus work is slowing me a bit down with the guide. I would say the guide is a bit over 90% done. Still need to add some extra things and check the spelling/formatting Last edited by marionativo#6999 on Jun 22, 2019, 1:22:59 PM
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" Thanks for sharing this insight, as a newbie it is really helpful for me to play nicely and smoothly... |
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