Suggestion for Arena Improvements
Greetings all:
I would like to submit a suggestion or two for gameplay improvement. I have not read every page of the forums so i hope I'm not beating a dead horse here. Anyway, a little context; Most maps have a zone where the "Boss" is, invariably labelled "Arena", and the remainder of maps seem to have a more remote section or distant portion where the boss resides. Observation 1: All of the arenas are labelled just that... "Arena". In my opinion, this detracts from the lore and nuance of the game more than is apparent at first. Wouldn't it complement the game lore if the arenas were labelled according to boss, or map style? As in "Festering Abode of the Blood Guzzling Slimotaur" or "Darkened Hall of Whispering Death" ? It really seems to crack the immersive illusion somewhat to have this generic white pixelfield labelled "Arena" and discounting the vast genetic diversity of life in this realm. The devil is in the details, and I think that the reworking of Arena entrance art would have a perceptible psychological effect. This leads into the more complex game mechanic suggestion as follows: Make the Boss Area, or Arenas, moddable ON THEIR OWN, perhaps via a specialized pedestal at the opening. I envision a group arriving at the arena and gambling via currency to modify the boss then and there. The counter argument would be that the map may already be modded and no further modding is wanted, but personally my take would be I would LOVE to be able to "pump up the Boss" in any map.I think giving group members the opportunity to enhance the boss mini-game would be a solid enhancement to POE's replayability. Picture this... As a group, you have defeated a tough map, perhaps modded, but now you add a dimension of playability by adding a further group dynamic at every boss fight. The group members now have to make individual decisions about either gambling for better odds, or simply chickening out, and to me this adds invaluable depth to any map and the overall group dynamic. "Ok lads Ima pump up the boss".. throw a vaal on the pedestal, now the boss will drop +90% rarity but will hit for 300% phys dmg. "No way, I'm out, see you back at the HO". "Larry, you're SUCH a wuss, it's only 300%" This adds a risk taking dynamic to any map wihout placing the entire map out of reach because of harsher conditions for some of the group. I hope that this resonates with someone. Thanks for listening. Dun open teh box, Floaty, yer gonna freeze for sure. Last edited by YlorLuas#6027 on Nov 8, 2018, 4:02:46 PM Last bumped on Nov 8, 2018, 3:58:26 PM
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