Changes to Hideouts in Betrayal?

Is there any more detail on how the new Masters and Unified Hideout system will work in the upcoming Betrayal update?

Will we be keeping our current Hideouts and decorations? Will we still be able to purchase the current decorations?

I'm hoping we can get an official response to this, as many of us in here love our Hideouts and have spent a fair ammount of time working on them.


Details have been released here -
Last edited by Valtissa#0101 on Nov 14, 2018, 11:20:55 PM
Last bumped on Nov 29, 2018, 4:48:23 PM
Valtissa wrote:
Is there any more detail on how the new Masters and Unified Hideout system will work in the upcoming Betrayal update?

Will we be keeping our current Hideouts and decorations? Will we still be able to purchase the current decorations?

I'm hoping we can get an official response to this, as many of us in here love our Hideouts and have spent a fair ammount of time working on them.

I have the same questions and I would like to know the answer to them, as I now collect 6,500,000 points from Katerina for my new refuge, and I would like to know if all this scenery will disappear? And I have to do it all over again?
My Hideout Architecture:


My Twitch:
Keep an eye on announcements, they'll post more information about Hideouts this week.
Thanks for the prompt response.

More information would've been nice, but I appreciate you have an announcement lined up and probably can't let anything slip right now.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us :)
How many layouts there will be? atm its 8 masters 8 hideout types.. how many hideout types there will be?

I hope its not 4...
I dislike rarity so much im almost quitting poe2. GGG.
webas wrote:
How many layouts there will be? atm its 8 masters 8 hideout types.. how many hideout types there will be?

I hope its not 4...

They already announced that there will be multiple hideout layouts that has to be revealed within the Atlas, that are unrelated to any master. So definitely more than 4. And the old layouts will also still be available, I think I saw that in one of the released videos.
check out my hideout templates at
Noooberino wrote:
webas wrote:
How many layouts there will be? atm its 8 masters 8 hideout types.. how many hideout types there will be?

I hope its not 4...

And the old layouts will also still be available, I think I saw that in one of the released videos.

Thats not confirmed yet for the old hideouts.

I asked but i didnt get an answer.
Balantakos wrote:
I asked but i didnt get an answer.

I would be surprised if GGG is going to piss off all the people having decorated hideouts in Standard...
check out my hideout templates at
hi i would like know if all my favors in standard actually have will share characters from others leagues and will be aviable new decorations for old masters? and will be aviable modifie light ambient or weather of my hideouts?

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