[3.5] [Starter Build] Arcane's NotF - Molten Strike Champion/Gladiator [Dual Wield/1H+Shield]

This build is basically a very slight rework of my Slayer Molten Strike Build with Ngamahu's Axe, except this one uses Grelwood Shank to get additional balls.

  • Fun to play.
  • Easy to gear and level.
  • Decent clear speed and boss killer.
  • Makes lava from your enemies.

  • Relies on leech.
  • Only ~5k life (there's a tanky version but the damage is halved.)

So, broken down, our build will utilize:

  • 2x Grelwood Shank - 4 additional balls per hit - (Must have and Recommended) OR decent rare 1hs with: ~Attack speed, ~Flat phys. damage, ~% Phys. damage, ~High flat fire dmg roll.
  • 2 rings with some of these: ~Flat phys. damage, ~Flat fire damage, ~ Inc. elemental damage with wep., ~Inc. fire damage, ~Flat life, Accuracy, Resistances
  • Impresence (Fire)(END GAME) OR good rare amulet with some of these: ~Flat phys. damage, ~Flat fire damage, ~ Inc. elemental damage with wep., ~Inc. fire damage, ~Flat life, Accuracy, Resistances...
  • Hrimnor's Resolve Samite Helmet
  • Belly of the Beast, Full Wyrmscale
  • Rare boots with: ~Resistances, ~Flat life, ~Movement speed, Armour
  • Tombfists OR Rare gloves with: ~Resistances, ~Flat life, ~Armour, ~Flat fire damage
  • Rare Stygian Vise belt (+ Abyss Jewel) with: ~Resistances, ~Flat life, ~ Inc. elemental damage with wep.
  • Murdereous Eye Jewels: Double flat fire damage roll (Flat fire damage to Sword attacks, Flat fire damage), Flat phys. damage, Attack speed
  • Wildfire Jewel
  • The Wise Oak, Bismuth Flask
  • Dying Sun, Ruby Flask

Alternative Gear

Carnage Heart Onyx Amulet

Great amulet, gives us damage while leeching (which is all the time), faster leech. Attributes and Resists... wow.

Carcass Jack Varnished Coat

AoE damage for Molten Strike, life and resists... but no armour though.

Devoto's Devotion

Movement Speed, Attack Speed. Great if you want to run Uber Labs with this build.

The links to items are taken from Kira's post since I don't own these items.

Some explenations:

Avatar of Fire:
We are aiming for Avatar of Fire in the end-game, which gives us 50% convert of all phys damage to fire damage and zeroes every other damage we do - We are ONLY scaling Fire-Damage unless you get your hands on Watcher's eye phys to fire convert jewel. In that case, feel free to get phys. damage together with fire damage on your items.

Dying Sun Flask
Gives us more Molten Strike Projectiles, therefore more DMG.

The Wise Oak Flask
Gives us Fire penetration in case that Uncapped Fire Resistance is the highest of all our uncapped resistances, that's why we need as much Fire Resistance as we can get.

We can use both type of Jewels, Abyss and normal ones. Great Normal ones will be much more expensive though.

Gems Setup and Links:

Armour (6L): Molten Strike - Multistrike - EDWA - Ele. Focus - Conc. Effect - Fire Penetration

Armour (5L): Molten Strike - Multistrike - EDWA - Ele. Focus - Fire Penetration

We want to change Fire Penetration for Ancestral Call when we map and go back to Fire Penetration for Bosses.

CWDT Setup: CWDT - Phase Run - Immortal Call - Increased Duration

Blasphemy Setup: Blasphemy - Flammability

Herald of Ash + Anger anywhere in your sockets.

Don't forget to use Ancestral Protector and Whirling Blades for movement too.


You can easily start leveling with Molten Strike while using some basic support gems - Added Fire Damage, Melee Phys. Damage, EDWA.
Once you get a hold of 5/6 link, you add Fire Penetration/Ancestral Call and Elemental Focus, Combustion/Conc. Effect depending on your need.

You can find some useful leveling uniques on PoE wiki. I myself used Dreadarc in main-hand and Ewar's Mirage in off-hand for leveling.



Path of Building - Passive Tree + Items:
Basic Version(Champion - Dual 1-handed):https://pastebin.com/q9uckRjA
Tanky Version (Gladiator - 1h + shield):https://pastebin.com/KXVf5672

Champion: Go for Unstoppable Hero(1.), Fortitude(2.), Conqueror(3.) and Worthy Foe(4.)

Gladiator: Go for Painforged(1.), Versatile Combatant(2.), Violent Retaliation(3.), Outmatch and Outlast(4.)

Big Thanks for Build Enhancing goes to: Krovah

Last edited by Arcane225#7133 on Dec 8, 2018, 7:14:24 AM
Last bumped on Jan 2, 2019, 8:52:10 PM
As a new player, I'm giving this a shot, thanks for the idea!
For the dual wield version:

Consider removing Elemental Focus and adding Ancestral Call for trash clear and a Fire Penetration to switch to for bosses
Without Elemental Focus we can ignite and will utilize the fire penetration from Combustion

Murderous Eye Jewels with "Fire damage to attacks" + "Fire damage to sword attacks" are the better option for dps but they ramp up in prices very quickly if you want a life roll on them.

Cap out your lightning resistance so you don't have to rely on flasks!

Don't go for accuracy on gear because enemies will always be taunted and can not evade.
See A Worthy Foe ascendancy node.

And drop point blank from the tree once you equip a Grelwood

For the tank version:

Copy paste the dual wield build but drop Elemental Overload(Because of inconsistency) and the Heart of Flame noobtrap and instead invest those points towards the life nodes around templar & marauder, pick up Resolute Technique to counter the fact that we dropped the "enemies can not evade" ascendancy while also freeing up suffix mods.
And with the remaining points we can also pick up the jewel socket above RT.

Instead of gladiator, remain as champion
Removing A Worthy Foe in the ascendancy and replacing it with Master of Metal for more survivability through armour while adding flat damage that builds up which I believe can compete with the 18,2% damage multiplier if molten strike can shotgun impales, which it should.
(18.2% based on that if they're taunted they're also intimidated)

1H-shield or Dual Wield
I'd say dual wielding is better for the tank build because otherwise we lose the base dual wielding bonuses:
10% more Attack Speed while Dual Wielding
15% additional Block Chance while Dual Wielding
20% more Attack Physical Damage while Dual Wielding

I dont really have anything to add here other than that Loreweave should remain the stronger all around pick although this could be an interesting alternative if you swap to abyss jewels & drop Elemental Focus:

Because then, as stated before, we can ignite, granting us the penetration from Combustion along with the support from the chest which combined grants us 56% additional fire penetration.

Also heres a strong flask to consider for the build:

These are just my uneducated opinions tho

Last edited by 6907531#4295 on Dec 13, 2018, 7:05:25 PM
6907531 wrote:
For the dual wield version:

Consider removing Elemental Focus and adding Ancestral Call for trash clear and a Fire Penetration to switch to for bosses
Without Elemental Focus we can ignite and will utilize the fire penetration from Combustion

Murderous Eye Jewels with "Fire damage to attacks" + "Fire damage to sword attacks" are the better option for dps but they ramp up in prices very quickly if you want a life roll on them.

Cap out your lightning resistance so you don't have to rely on flasks!

Don't go for accuracy on gear because enemies will always be taunted and can not evade.
See A Worthy Foe ascendancy node.

And drop point blank from the tree once you equip a Grelwood

For the tank version:

Copy paste the dual wield build but drop Elemental Overload(Because of inconsistency) and the Heart of Flame noobtrap and instead invest those points towards the life nodes around templar & marauder, pick up Resolute Technique to counter the fact that we dropped the "enemies can not evade" ascendancy while also freeing up suffix mods.
And with the remaining points we can also pick up the jewel socket above RT.

Instead of gladiator, remain as champion
Removing A Worthy Foe in the ascendancy and replacing it with Master of Metal for more survivability through armour while adding flat damage that builds up which I believe can compete with the 18,2% damage multiplier if molten strike can shotgun impales, which it should.
(18.2% based on that if they're taunted they're also intimidated)

1H-shield or Dual Wield
I'd say dual wielding is better for the tank build because otherwise we lose the base dual wielding bonuses:
10% more Attack Speed while Dual Wielding
15% additional Block Chance while Dual Wielding
20% more Attack Physical Damage while Dual Wielding

I dont really have anything to add here other than that Loreweave should remain the stronger all around pick although this could be an interesting alternative if you swap to abyss jewels & drop Elemental Focus:

Because then, as stated before, we can ignite, granting us the penetration from Combustion along with the support from the chest which combined grants us 56% additional fire penetration.

Also heres a strong flask to consider for the build:

These are just my uneducated opinions tho

Thank you for giving me some great tips ^^

I already changed some things you pointed out before - i.e. the Heart of Flame and Elemental Overload. I'll try to look into the whole build this weekend... I am currently working on a new Brand build because Duelist isn't so fun for me anymore.

It's great, thank you again for help with the build ^^

Which pantheons would you recommend to use

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