Content Update 3.5.0 -- Path of Exile: Betrayal

The Betrayal Challenge League

  • Challenge leagues are a great opportunity for a fresh start in a new economy. All of your old characters and items are still present in the Standard and Hardcore leagues, but you're encouraged to join the new leagues, complete challenges and demonstrate your mastery of Path of Exile!
  • With 3.5.0, there are Standard and Hardcore, and Solo Self-Found Standard and Hardcore, variations of the Betrayal challenge league available. They have the same core mechanics and items. You can create private league versions of these leagues, with mods that make the game harder.
  • In the Betrayal Challenge League, you will investigate the Immortal Syndicate, whose sinister operations have begun to appear across Wraeclast and Oriath.
  • Help the newest master, Jun Ortoi, as she investigates the disappearance of several prominent exiles in relation to the sudden rise of the Immortal Syndicate. She will aid you as you seek to dismantle Syndicate fortifications, halt the transportation of Syndicate resources, prevent the Syndicate from destroying vital evidence in their research compounds, and fight off their attempts to assassinate you.
  • Track your progress on the Investigation Board, and force the Syndicate members you defeat to bargain with you, betray their allies, face interrogation or be executed. Use the information you gain from these actions to raid Syndicate safehouses.
  • Battle your way through the safehouses to learn who leads the Syndicate. Gain valuable rewards based on who you defeat in each safehouse, including items with powerful Veiled mods. Jun can help you pull back the veil, revealing untold power on these items.
  • The new challenge leagues include a set of 40 new challenges. When you complete 12 challenges, you will receive the Betrayal Helmet Attachment. When you reach 24 challenges, you will receive the Betrayal Aura Effect. At 36 challenge completed you'll receive the Betrayal Cloak. These microtransactions are only obtainable in this league.
  • From the 19th challenge onwards and for every third challenge after that, you will receive pieces of the Betrayal Totem Pole decoration to display in your hideout. The Totem Pole permanently showcases how many of the Betrayal challenges you completed during the league.

Major New Content and Features

  • There's a new roster of Masters! Alva, Niko and Einhar have returned and have brought their respective League features with them. They, along with Zana and the Betrayal League's Jun Ortoi, make up the new roster of Masters. Einhar's Bestiary content has been revamped - he now accompanies you on the hunt and manages nets for you.
  • Overhauled the Hideout system: Hideouts, favour and decorations are now shared account-wide. You will now encounter Hideouts throughout the game after rescuing Helena in Act 2. Hideouts must be cleared of enemies before they can be claimed. You can now reclaim all your hideout decorations (except stashes, the waypoint and your crafting bench) with the click of a button. Special map-only hideouts are waiting in the end-game, but are rare to stumple upon.
  • Overhauled Mastercrafting: You now have a single Crafting Bench in your Hideout that covers all item types and crafting mods. You now gain new crafting mods from a variety of different sources, including through exploration and helping the new Masters. You can also overwrite previously crafted mods at the cost of an Orb of Scouring.
  • Added a new Strength/Dexterity Skill Gem - Shattering Steel: Swing an Axe or Sword, releasing projectiles in sequence. The projectiles shatter when colliding with an enemy or after travelling a short distance, with the shattered pieces dealing damage in front of the impact location.
  • Added a new Strength/Dexterity Skill Gem - Lancing Steel: Thrust an Axe or Sword forward, releasing a primary projectile that impales enemies it hits. Additional projectiles appear nearby as smaller metal shards that fly forward after a short delay.
  • Added a new Intelligence Skill gem - Winter Orb: Channel to conjure an orb above you which pelts nearby enemies with projectiles that explode when they hit the ground. Channel for longer to build up stages on the skill. The orb loses stages over its duration after you stop channelling.
  • Added a new Intelligence Skill Gem - Storm Brand: Create a magical brand that can attach to a nearby enemy until it dies or expires. It periodically activates while attached, firing beams which damage nearby enemies and the enemies around them.
  • Added a new Strength/Intelligence Skill Gem - Armageddon Brand: Create a magical brand that can attach to a nearby enemy until it dies or expires. It periodically activates while attached, causing a meteor to fall from the sky.
  • Added a new Strength/Intelligence Skill Gem - Brand Recall: Detach your Brands from enemies and return them to you, activating their effect. Your Brands will have increased branding range until they next brand an enemy.
  • Added a new Strength Skill Gem - Dread Banner: Cast to reserve mana and carry a banner which lets nearby allies inflict Impale with attacks, and lessens the accuracy of nearby enemies. Gain stages by impaling enemies while carrying the banner. Casting the skill again places the banner, ending the mana reservation. Once placed, it becomes more powerful for each stage gained while carried.
  • Added a new Strength Skill Gem - War Banner: Cast to reserve mana and carry a banner which increases the accuracy of nearby allies, and the physical damage taken by nearby enemies. Gain stages by killing enemies while carrying the banner. Casting the skill again places the banner, ending the mana reservation. Once placed, it becomes more powerful for each stage gained while carried.
  • Added a new Strength/Intelligence Support Gem - Multiple Totems Support: Supported skills have +2 to maximum number of Summoned Totems. When you use a supported totem skill, you summon two totems instead of one. Supported skills deal less damage.
  • Added a new Dexterity/Intelligence Support Gem - Bonechill Support: Supported skills have increased effect of Chill on Enemies. Enemies in Chilling Areas from Supported Skills take increased Cold Damage over Time, and have Damage Taken increased by Chill Effect. Enemies Chilled by Supported Skills take increased Cold Damage over Time and have damage taken increased by Chill Effect.
  • Added a new Skill - Focus: By itself, Focus does nothing, but new Veiled item modifiers (available in Betrayal League) have powerful and build-enabling interactions with it. The Focus skill is enabled when you equip any item with a mod that interacts with Focus, but is not supportable.
  • Added the Advanced Skill Gem Tutorial. By pressing Y on the Skill Gem quest rewards throughout Act 1 you can see a preview of how that skill will act with a variety of different Support Gems.
  • Added Atlas Objectives, which are guaranteed Master Missions indicated on the Atlas of Worlds. Whenever you complete a map, there's a chance for a new objective to appear (or, if you already have an objective of that type, move). Objectives can appear on any non-unique map, but will favour completed maps or maps adjacent to completed maps. They also refresh every day, like daily missions used to.
  • Added 13 new unique items.
  • Added one new Fated unique prophecy.
  • Added 5 new Divination cards, designed by our supporters.
  • Added 13 new Hideouts.
  • Added 3D art for the unique body armour Iron Heart.
  • Added 5 new maps, which replace existing basetypes.
  • Added Labyrinth enchantments for the new and reworked skills.

Minor New Content and Features

  • Added a new Rogue Exile.
  • Added physics interactions to many skills, including Abyssal Cry, Blade Flurry, Blade Vortex, Blink and Mirror Arrow, all Curses, Desecrate, Discharge, Earthquake, Enduring Cry, Frost Bomb, Ice Crash, Ice Nova, Leap Slam, Lightning Warp, the Offering skills, Orb of Storms, Rallying Cry, Shield Charge, Sweep, and Wither.
  • The Lightning Mirage Nemesis Mod now plays a noticeable sound when triggered.
  • Added new dialogue for Sin to say in the Epilogue.
  • Masters now have a different exclamation mark colour. It's orange!
  • The Hideout Map Device now has several art variations to select from, including that fancy one in the Templar Laboratory.
  • You can now move and rotate your Hideout Waypoint.
  • Cosmetic Aura effects can now be applied to any aura, including the curse auras created by Blasphemy.
  • Added a Seek Prophecy button to the Prophecy panel that shows up whenever the Seal Prophecy buttons are visible.
  • Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.

Xbox-Specific Changes

  • The default quick-identify button is now B (previously it was A).
  • You can now identify items while a vendor window is open (or even while the item is in the vendor window) by highlighting that item and pressing B.
  • If you're targeting a monster out of Arc's range, Arc will now target a monster within its range instead.
  • Your quality setting is now saved between sessions.
  • "Removed corpse-targetting for all skills except Raise Spectre. To target a corpse with Raise Spectre, you must now hold down your Raise Spectre button and then select the corpse you wish to raise..
  • Changed the way skills lock onto targets. You will continue to target enemies even as they move around the battlefield.
  • You can now buy full stacks of items from a vendor with X.
  • You can now zoom your minimap in and out in the Options menu.

Master Changes

  • Haku, Elreon, Tora, Catarina, Vagan, Leo and Vorici are no longer Forsaken Masters. In fact, they've disappeared entirely, and we're worried about them.
  • Einhar Frey is now a master. You can first meet him in Act 2. He will help you capture beasts which can be used to craft items at the blood altar in his menagerie.
  • Niko the Mad is now a master. You can first meet him in Act 4. He will help mine the Voltaxic Sulphite you find on your journeys, to be used to light your way through his Azurite Mine.
  • Alva Valai is now a master. You can first meet her in Act 7. She will send you on incursions into the Temple of Atzoatl during its construction in order to help her find its location in the present day.
  • Masters, including Zana, no longer have Reputation levels. Features such as crafting bench options are, as a result, no longer unlocked by grinding master missions, and are instead unlocked by encountering specific locations, situations or completing specific objectives.
  • Hideouts are also no longer unlocked or improved through master grinding. Instead, Helena will help you unlock new hideouts found throughout the campaign and (very rarely) within the Atlas. Newly obtained hideouts are automatically at their maximum size and hold all masters without being upgraded.
  • Zana's map device options and the items she sells are now unlocked based on your progress through the Shaper/Elder questline. She can now occasionally sell higher-tier maps as well as Sextants.
  • Completing Master missions still earns you Favour, and Masters now have Decoration levels that cap out at level 7. These levels only unlock Hideout decorations, and are account-wide (because favour, decorations and Hideouts are purely cosmetic).
  • Favour costs for Hideout decorations have been rebalanced.

Character Balance

  • Added a new Debuff - Impale: When a hit applies Impale, a portion of that Hit's Physical Damage is recorded before sources of damage mitigation are applied. The next 5 hits against that target apply that recorded damage as Reflected Physical Damage. You can have multiple Impales on a target.
  • Energy Shield Recharge is no longer interrupted by non-damage changes to your Life or Energy Shield, such as when you spend your Energy Shield on skills via Eldritch Battery.
  • You can no longer use skills that require a specific weapon if you are dual-wielding and one of your equipped weapons is unsuitable for that skill. For example, you will no longer be able to use Reave with a dagger and sceptre equipped. This change means that the popular "stat-stick" strategies will no longer work for attacks.
  • As a result of this change, Ground Slam, Vaal Ground Slam, Leap Slam, Double Strike, Vaal Double Strike, Reckoning, Ice Crash, Earthquake, Vaal Earthquake, Sunder, Word of Light, Edict of Light, Decree of Light, Commandment of Light, Word of War, Edict of War, Decree of War, Commandment of War, Tectonic Slam, Consecrated Path, Smite, Ancestral Warchief and Vaal Ancestral Warchief are no longer main-hand only.
  • Added new stats: Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier, and Cold Damage over Time Multiplier. These affect their respective damage over time types multiplicatively.
  • The total amount that you can slow the expiration of an effect on a character through a time-slowing mechanism (such as Temporal Chains) is now capped at 75% from all sources.
  • Updated the reminder text for Ailments to include the 3 new Ailments.
  • Updated how sources of additional maximum totems are described.
  • Updated and improved various mod descriptions.

Skill Reworks

Arctic Breath
  • No longer a ground-projectile. It is now capable of passing over gaps and cliffs.
  • No longer leaves a trail of Chilled Ground in its wake.
  • Now leaves a chilling area on impact that deals cold damage over time over its duration. This area will move towards enemies.
  • You can now target specific locations with this skill. The projectile will impact at the location if it does not collide with something sooner.
  • Now requires level 28.

Ice Spear
  • No longer pierces at short range.
  • Now fires a rapid sequence of ice spears which move 300% faster after arming.
  • Now gains additional critical strike multiplier after it arms.
  • Now pierces after it arms.

Tectonic Slam
  • Charged Slam (which typically consumes an Endurance Charge) now deal 60% more damage (up from 18%).
  • Now has a 35% chance to consume an Endurance Charge to create a Charged Slam (down from 100%).

Skill Balance

  • Vaal Haste, Vaal Grace, Vaal Clarity, Vaal Discipline, Vaal Impurity of Fire, Vaal Impurity of Lightning, Vaal Impurity of Ice, Vaal Molten Shell, Vaal Righteous Fire and Gluttony of Elements (from the Blood of Corruption unique amulet) are now all instant, with a very short cooldown.

Tempest Shield
  • Now also grants +3% chance to block Spell Damage.

  • Is now instant, with a 1.8 second cooldown.
  • Can now detonate from up to 5 Frostbolt projectiles at once.
  • Gains increased cooldown recovery speed as the gem levels up.
  • Deals 42 to 63 cold damage at gem level 1 (down from 50 to 75) and 538 to 808 cold damage at gem level 20 (up from 458 to 688).
  • Deals 116.1 base cold damage per second at gem level 1 (up from 41.6) and 1495.6 base cold damage per second at gem level 20 (up from 684.5)
  • No longer deals 40% more damage when cast on Frostbolt.
  • Now has 20% less Area of Effect when cast on Frostbolt.

Ice Nova
  • Deals 19 to 28 cold damage at gem level 1 (up from 15 to 21) and 632 to 930 cold damage at gem level 20 (up from 486 to 715).
  • Can now expand from up to 2 Frostbolt projectiles at once.
  • No longer deals 40% more damage when cast on Frostbolt.
  • Now has 20% less Area of Effect when cast on Frostbolt.
  • Now has a smaller radius at gem level 1, gaining up to +4 to radius at gem level 20.

Cold Snap
  • Now deals 19.6 base cold damage at gem level 1, up to 1196.3 base cold damage at gem level 20 (up from 997).
  • Whirling Blades
  • Now uses weapon attack time +0.6 seconds, rather than overriding your base attack time. While base weapon speed will have some effect, this change is intended to reduce the travel speed difference between characters using weapons local attack speed modifiers and characters who are not.

Leap Slam
  • Now uses weapon attack time +0.55 seconds, rather than overriding your base attack time. While base weapon speed will have some effect, this change is intended to reduce the travel speed difference between characters using weapons local attack speed modifiers and characters who are not.
  • Molten Strike
  • Now deals 120% of base damage at gem level 1, and 161% of base damage (up from 147%) at gem level 20.
  • Projectiles deal 40% less damage at gem level 1, and 30% less damage (from 40%) at gem level 20.

Phase Run
  • Now grants 50% reduced visibility to enemies (down from 80%).

Herald of Purity
  • Minions summoned by this skill now deal more Physical Damage based on gem level, rather than more Damage.

Herald of Agony
  • The Agony Crawler summoned by this skill now deals increased Physical Damage per Virulence you have, rather than increased Damage.

Support Gem Balance

Cast On Critical Strike Support
  • Now has a cooldown of 0.15 seconds (down from 0.5 seconds).

Cast on Melee Kill Support
  • Now has a cooldown of 0.15 seconds (down from 0.25 seconds).

Block Chance Reduction Support
  • Supported skills now have 10% reduced Enemy Block Chance at gem level 1 (down from 20%) and 20% reduced Enemy Block Chance at gem level 20 (down from 29%).
  • If a supported skill is blocked, it inflicts "Overpowered", which reduces block chance by 5% for 4 seconds, and can be applied any number of times.

Passive Tree Balance

  • Eldritch Battery now causes you to have 50% less Energy Shield Recharge Rate.
  • The Essence Surge cluster (next to Eldritch Battery) now grants a total of 30% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate (down from 60%). It now also grants a total of +60 to maximum Energy Shield.
  • Faith and Steel (near the Templar) now also grants 10% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate.
  • Mental Rapidity (between Witch and Templar) now also grants 10% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate.
  • Foresight (north of the Scion) now also grants 10% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate.

Added passive skill clusters for the new Brand skills:
  • The Explosive Runes cluster between the Templar and Witch increases damage with Brand Skills, Brand attachment range, and allows you to cast an additional Brand.
  • The Runesmith cluster near the Shadow grants increased damage with Brand skills, Brand attachment range, Brand activation frequency, causes your Brands to deal increased damage to enemies they are attached to, and allows you to cast an additional Brand.
  • Added a new Keystone adjacent to the Ancestral Bond keystone - Runebinder: -1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems. You can have an additional Brand attached to an Enemy.
  • The Ancestral Bond cluster now also offers increased damage with Brand skills, increased Brand attachment range, and increased Brand activation frequency.
  • The Shaman's Dominion cluster near the Witch now also offers increased critical strike chance with Brand skills, increased damage with Brand skills and additional critical strike multiplier with Brand skills.

Modified several Cold and Chaos Damage clusters to better support the Damage over Time skills:
  • The Corruption wheel (north of the Witch) now also grants a total of +11% to Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier. The Corruption notable now grants 10% increased Damage over Time (down from 15%) and 10% increased Chaos Damage (down from 15%).
  • Atrophy (between the Shadow and Witch) and the three preceding passives now grant +19% to Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier. Atrophy now grants 20% increased Chaos Damage (down from 25%). The three preceeding passives now each grant 10% increased Chaos Damage (down from 12%).
  • Growth and Decay (between the Shadow and Witch) now also grants +8% to both Cold Damage Over Time Multiplier and Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
  • The Method to the Madness cluster (near the Shadow) now provides a total of +14% to Non-AIlment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier, +28% to Chaos Resistance (up from +20%) and 46% increased Chaos Damage (down from 54%).
  • Breath of Rime (north of the Witch) and the two preceding passives now also grant a total of +20% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier
  • The Fingers of Frost cluster (near the Shadow) now provides a total of 28% increased Cold Damage (down from 36%), +22% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier, 20% increased effect of Chill, 20% increased Chill Duration (down from 30%), 20% increased Freeze Duration, 5% chance to Freeze, 10% chance to Freeze Enemies which are Chilled, and causes enemies to become chilled as they Unfreeze. This is now spread across 5 total passives (from 4).

Ascendancy Balance

The Occultist
  • New Notable - Withering Presence: +60% to Chaos Resistance, +20% to Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier. Every second, inflict Withered on nearby Enemies for 15 seconds. Nearby Hindered Enemies deal 15% reduced Damage over Time.
  • New Notable - Frigid Wake: Cannot be Chilled. Cannot be Frozen. +20% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier. Every 3 seconds, 25% chance to Freeze nearby Chilled Unique Enemies for 0.6 seconds. Every 3 seconds, Freeze nearby Chilled Non-Unique Enemies for 0.6 seconds. Nearby Chilled Enemies deal 10% reduced damage with Hits.
  • Added a small passive leading to Withering Presence which grants 8% increased maximum Energy Shield and +5% to Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier.
  • Added a small passive leading to Frigid Wake which grants 8% increased maximum Energy Shield and +5% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier.
  • Void Beacon now also causes nearby Enemies to have -20% to Cold resistance. The small passive leading to Void Beacon now also grants 10% increased Cold Damage.

The Champion
  • New Notable - Master of Metal: 20% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks. Impales you inflict last 2 additional Hits. If you've Impaled an Enemy Recently, you and nearby Allies have +1000 to Armour. You and nearby Allies deal 4 to 8 added Physical Damage per Impale on the Enemy.
  • Added a small passive leading to Master of Metal which grants 15% increased Evasion Rating and Armour, and 8% increased Impale Effect.
  • Inspirational now also causes your Banner skills to reserve no mana, recover 20% of planted Banner Stages when you cast a banner while you have a banner planted, and causes you and nearby allies to recover 0.5% of maximum life per Banner stage when you plant a banner. It also grants 15% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills.

The Hierophant
  • New Notable - Sign of Purpose: You can cast an additional Brand. Enemies take 10% increased Damage for each of your Brands attached to them. Brand Recall has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Speed. 14% increased Brand Attachment range.
  • Added a small passive leading to Sign of Purpose which grants 20% increased Mana Regeneration Rate and 14% increased Damage with Brand Skills.
  • Ritual of Awakening no longer grants +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems. Instead it now causes skills that would Summon a Totem to summon two Totems instead, and grants 3% more Damage per Totem.

Item Balance

  • Molten Strike Labyrinth Helmet enchantments now grant 1 additional projectile from the Merciless Labyrinth (down from 2) and 2 additional projectiles from the Eternal Labyrinth (down from 3).
  • Tectonic Slam Labyrinth Helmet enchantments now grant increased chance to Charged Slam, rather than granting a chance to not consume an endurance charge, at half of the original enchantment's values.
  • Disabled the Ice Spear Labyrinth Helmet enchantments that increase the damage dealt by Ice Spear. Existing items with this enchantment will go unchanged, but this enchantment cannot appear on any more items.
  • Disabled the Vortex Labyrinth Helmet enchantments that increase the base radius of Vortex. Existing items with this enchantment will go unchanged, but this enchantment cannot appear on any more items.
  • Items exclusive to the Shaper's guardians and the Elder's guardians now drop less frequently. Uniques exclusive to the Elder's guardians now also drop based on map tier, with some items unable to drop until higher map tiers.
  • Shaper and Elder items and Jewels can now gain mods that affect Non-ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier and Cold Damage over Time Multiplier.
  • Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz flasks no longer grant added maximum resistances. Instead, they each reduce the damage taken of their respective elements by 20%.
  • The Shaper weapon mods which cause you to gain a portion of Physical Damage as Extra Cold, Fire, or Lightning Damage, or Extra Damage of a random Element, grant half as much Extra Damage. Amulets are unaffected by this change, and this does not affect existing items. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • The Dying Anguish Divination Card can no longer drop. It will return in the future with some modifications.

Unique Item Balance

  • Aegis Aurora now has 300-400% (up from 80-100%) increased Armour and Energy Shield. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • New versions of Auxium no longer have 10-20% increased elemental damage with attack skills. They now have 20-25% increased elemental damage with attack skills per power charge. Chill and Freeze is now based on 100% (up from 65%) of Energy Shield (you can update existing versions of Auxium to new values for this mod only with a Divine Orb).
  • Crown of Eyes now causes you to leech from all types of attack damage, not just physical attack damage. This affects all versions of the item.
  • Cloak of Defiance now has 300-400% (up from 110-150%) increased Evasion and Energy Shield. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Mjölner's trigger now has a cooldown of 150ms (down from 250ms). This affects all versions.
  • Hyrri's Ire now adds (173-188) to (240-262) (up from (50-60) to (70-80)) cold damage to attacks with bows. It no longer adds cold damage to all attacks. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Carcass Jack now grants 40-50% (up from 20%) increased Area of Effect. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • New versions of Bringer of Rain now support socketed skills with level 18 Blind and Faster Attacks. This change also affects very, very old versions of Bringer of Rain for which these were the original support levels. A Divine Orb will NOT update existing items to these new values, however it will update the Life values on Bringer of Rain to the new values of 200-220 (up from 120-160) Life.
  • Doryani's Fist now adds (150-225) to (525-600) (down from (225-335) to (785-900)) Lightning Damage to Unarmed Attacks, and (90-135) to (315-360) (up from (60-90) to (210-240)) Lightning Damage to Spells while Unarmed. The Doryani's Touch skill granted by Doryani's Fist can now hit up to 50 Enemies per skill use, up from 20, has 20% more Area of Effect, now costs 8 Mana instead of 28, and can no longer be Evaded. It now has 50% less Attack Speed (down from 30%), 600% Added Damage Effectiveness (up from 350%) and now converts all Physical Damage to Lightning (up from 50%).
  • Lioneye's Vision now has a Dexterity requirement of 160, in addition to the ordinary Strength requirement. This does not affect existing versions. This change was made to make it easier to roll green sockets.
  • Daresso's Defiance now grants Onslaught for 5 (up from 2) seconds per Endurance Charge when hit, and 60-90 (up from 40-60) Life. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb. New versions also grant 60-100% increased Onslaught effect.
  • Malachai's Artifice no longer has reduced Elemental Equilibrium effect. This affects all versions of the item.
  • Doedre's Skin no longer reduces the effect of your curses (you can use a Divine Orb to remove this on existing versions). Curses socketed in Doedre's Skin now have 25% reduced Effect of Curses. The Summon Doedre's Effigy skill is now Instant and has a 0.5 second cooldown. You can now have up to 3 Effigies at once.
  • Extractor Mentis now has a 10% (up from 5%) chance to gain Unholy Might for 10 (up from 3) seconds on kill, and a 10% (up from 5%) chance to gain Onslaught for 10 (up from 4) seconds on kill. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Shade of Solaris now grants 200% (up from 120%) increased Spell Damage if you've dealt a critical strike in the past 8 seconds, rather than Recently. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • The Brine Crown now has 240-300% (up from 100-120%) increased Armour and Energy Shield. It now grants 80-100 (up from 50-70) Life, 1500 (up from 800) armour while Stationary. Existing versions of this item can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb. New versions will also grant 5% reduced Cold Damage taken.
  • Light of Lunaris now has 475-600% (up from 100-140%) increased Energy Shield and 6-10% (up from 3-5%) additional Chance to Block. Existing versions of this item can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb. New versions will also grant (35-39) to (54-60) added Cold Damage to Spells.
  • Kitava's Feast now has 265-330% (up from 250-300%) increased Physical Damage. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Arakaali's Fang now has a 100% (up from 20%) chance on kill to trigger Raise Spiders. This affects all versions of the item, though existing items will still say the skill has a 20% chance to trigger on kill. The Raise Spiders Skill triggered by this item has also undergone the following changes: Adjusted visual and audio effects of the Raised Spiders skill. Raise Spiders now has a cooldown of 2 Seconds and has a 100% chance to trigger on Kill. The Raised Spiders now have 100% more Movement Speed, a longer attack range, a base duration of 30 seconds, deal 33% more Damage and always apply Poison on Hit. They can no longer leap. Raised Spiders are now Level 75, instead of the level of the area you are in, and are immune to damage. For each Raised Spider you have you now gain 2% increased Attack Speed and 12% increased Damage with Poison.
  • Gruthkul's Pelt now grants 200-240 (up from 130-160) Life and 5% (up from 2%) Life Regenerated per second. It no longer has a range on Global Physical Damage, and instead grants 100%. Existing versions of this item can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Garukhan's Flight now has 320-380% (up from 80-120%) increased Evasion Rating and grants 2 (up from 1) Life per 10 Dexterity. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Tidebreaker now has (70-80) to (340-375) (up from (60-70) to (300-350)) added Physical Damage. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Martyr of Innocence's increased Fire Damage is no longer conditional. Now grants (230-250) to (300-350) (up from (130-350) to (200-250)) added Fire Damage to Spells. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Ryslatha's Coil now grants 80-100 Life, 30-40% (up from 20%) less minimum Damage and 30-40% (up from 20%) more maximum Damage. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Duskdawn now grants 120-150% (up from 120%) increased Spell Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike recently. It now has +10% chance to block. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Leper's Alms now has 500-600% (up from 130-150%) increased Evasion and Energy Shield. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Grelwood Shank now has 185-215% (up from 170-190%) increased Physical Damage. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Beltimber Blade now has 185-215% (up from 170-190%) increased Physical Damage. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Arborix now has (95-115) to (240-265) (up from (60-70) to (180-210)) added Physical Damage. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • New versions of Augyre now grant 100% increased Physical Damage while you have Resolute Technique.
  • Vulconus no longer has added fire damage against bleeding enemies or added physical damage against ignited enemies. It no longer has chance to inflict bleeding against ignited enemies. It now has (130-160) to (220-240) added fire damage and (85-110) to (130-150) added physical damage. Now grants (70-100)% increased Fire damage versus bleeding enemies and (70-100)% increased physical damage versus ignited enemies. Now has 50% chance to inflict bleeding. It now grants 160-200% (up from 80-120%) increased chance to critically strike while you have Avatar of Fire and 2000 (up from 1000) armour while you do not have Avatar of Fire. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Razor of the Seventh Sun now has (90-110) to (145-170) (up from (65-75) to (110-130)) added physical damage. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb. It now grants 25% chance to Ignite and 25% physical Damage converted to Fire.
  • Obscurantis now grants 800-1000 (up from 300-500) Accuracy Rating. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb
  • Snakepit no longer causes your spells to fire an additional projectile. Instead it now causes projectiles from spells to Fork but prevents them from chaining while in the left ring slot, and grants +1 chain to projectiles from spells but prevents them from forking while in the right ring slot. Snakepit now prevents spells from Piercing. Existing versions cannot be updated.
  • Slivertongue no longer causes arrows to pierce all targets after chaining, or arrows that pierce to inflict bleeding. Now causes arrows to pierce all targets after forking. It now grants arrows that fork 150-200% increased Critical Strike Chance, and arrows that pierce +50% Critical Strike Multiplier. Slivertongue now has (110-125) to (245-265) (up from (60-75) to (170-220)) added Physical Damage. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Reach of the Council no longer grants 2 additional arrows. It now has 50-75% (up from 40-50%) increased physical damage and supports socketed gems with level 20 Greater Volley. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb, but this will not change the additional arrows into Greater Volley.
  • The Void Gaze Skill granted by Eber's Unification now reduces enemy Chaos resistance by 20%, has a base Range of 39, up from 26 and now correctly scales its effect to the range. It now lasts 10 seconds (up from 2.5 Seconds), and has a cooldown of 2 Seconds (from 3 seconds). This affects all versions of the item. Eber's Unification now has 150-180% (up from 120-150%) increased Energy Shield. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Voidfletcher now grants a Void Charge every 500ms (instead of 1 Second) and the cooldown on the Void Shot has been reduced from 500ms to 250ms. Void Shot now travels and explodes 50% faster and deals 100% more Area Damage (up from 50%) and has an added damage effectiveness of 120% (up from 100%). This affects all versions of the item.
  • Queen of the Forest now grants 1% increased Movement Speed per 600 (up from 450) evasion Rating, up to 75% (down from 100%). This affects all versions of the item.
  • Inpulsa's Broken Heart's "Shocked Enemies you Kill to Explode, dealing 5% of their Maximum Life as Lightning Damage which cannot Shock" no longer has a range of 5-10% (and is now set at 5%). Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb
  • Sin Trek now has 100-150 (down from 100-160) Energy Shield. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Sadima's Touch now increases the quantity of items found from slain enemies by 5-10% (down from 12-16%). Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Indigon now grants 20-25% (down from 50-60%) increased Spell Damage for each 200 total Mana you have spent Recently, up to a maximum of 2000%. Existing versions can be updated to these new spell damage values with a Divine Orb, however all versions are now affected by the spell damage cap.
  • Quill Rain now causes you to deal 40% less Damage (as opposed to Weapon Damage). This affects all versions of the item.
  • Windripper now has 30-40% (down from 60-80%) increased critical strike chance, (48-60) to (72-90) (up from (32-40) to (48-60)) added cold damage, and 1 to (120-150) (up from 80-100) added lightning damage. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Chin Sol now deals 50% (down from 100%) more damage with Arrow Hits at close range and has 200-260% (up from 150-180%) increased physical damage. Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb.
  • Divination Distillate no longer provides additional maximum resistances during flask effect and instead provides +50% to all elemental resistances during flask effect. Existing Divination Distillates are not affected.
  • Spine of the First Claimant now grants +25-35% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier.
  • Cane of Unravelling now grants +40-55% to Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier, and 20-30% increased Chaos Damage (down from 60-80%). Existing versions can be updated to these new values with a Divine Orb, but this will not grant the Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier.
  • New versions of Rime Gaze now grant +16-22% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier.
  • Flesh and Spirit no longer grants 5 Souls for Vaal Skills on Rampage, and causes kills to grant an additional Vaal Soul if you've Rampaged recently instead. This affects all versions of the item.
  • Wildfire is now limited to 1. This affects all versions of the item.
  • Zerphi's Last Breath now grants a buff when you use a skill during the flask's effect. This buff recovers 450-600% of the skill's mana cost as life per second. This buff (and the healing) is removed when you are hit. This affects all versions of the item.
  • Blood of Corruption's Gluttony of Elements skill now prevents those affected by the aura from gaining Vaal souls. This affects all versions of the item.
  • Rigwald's Crest now correctly displays a 10% chance to summon wolves on kill, rather than a value of 5% that was totally a lie, because it was actually 10%. This is a purely cosmetic change.
  • Clarified the description on Scold's Bridle's key mod to clarify it does not apply when spending mana on a reservation, only for costs. This, too, is a purely cosmetic change.
  • Cospri's Malice's trigger now has a cooldown of 150ms (down from 250ms). This affects all versions.

Monster Changes

  • The rogue exile Ultima Thule now uses the updated version of Ice Spear.
  • Updated the Cannibal's torch-throwing behaviour. It also looks cooler now.
  • Blood Chieftains can now hurl Blood Apes at you.
  • Fury Hounds now use the updated version of Burning Ground.

Temple of Atzoatl Changes

  • The level of the present-day temple is now the average level of each Incursion, +10, capped at the highest level Incursion for that Temple.

Azurite Mine and Sulphite Changes

  • Player depth notifications are now only announced every 50 depth levels (So you won't get spammed with updates!)
  • Slightly reduced the damage dealt by the Darkness based on player life and energy shield, and added a small amount of flat damage per Darkness stack.
  • The Pulsating Grotto encounter now lasts longer before the boss appears. Monsters from this encounter award significantly more experience when slain.
  • Reduced the number of Ursae that plummet in the Plummeting Ursae encounter.
  • Special encounters now drop more rare items, and a wider variety of items as well.
  • Fossils and Resonators are now found more frequently behind Fractured Walls, and less frequently in the more accessible areas. So if you want fossils, bring dynamite.
  • Voltaxic Sulphite acquisition values have been adjusted to account for the new rate at which you encounter Voltaxic Sulphite veins.

Bestiary and Menagerie Changes

  • Your Bestiary (book) is now account-wide. If you catch a beast in one league, it'll be recorded in your Bestiary in all other leagues, in perpetuity. The itemised beasts themselves are still league-specific.
  • There is now a global capture limit of 1000 beasts, rather than a per-genus limit. The previous total maximum was approximately 680, though most players were likely to hit genus-specific limits.
  • Beastcrafting recipes have been completely reworked and simplified.
  • Non-Spirit-Beast unique beasts can't appear in the Menagerie or Bestiary.

Prophecy Changes

  • Adjusted the weightings of many prophecies.
  • You can now complete the steps of many prophecy chains in various maps.
  • Prophecies which can trigger in maps no longer lock their triggers to specific maps out of their possible pool. In other words, if you attempt to open a map where a Prophecy might trigger and it doesn't, it may trigger next time you open it. Previously, if it did not trigger in that map, it never would.
  • Prophecies that previously forced the appearance of one of the old Masters now force the appearance of one of the new ones instead.

Map Changes

  • The Atlas of Worlds has been shuffled. Most maps have changed tier and location within the Atlas.
  • Many map bosses have also shifted around. Some have been retired and replaced!
  • As part of this Atlas shuffle, many maps have been reviewed with the goal of bringing their layouts or monster densities up to par with other maps.
  • Map icons have been updated to indicate that they are part of a new series. Existing maps from the previous series have been updated to these new versions.
  • Completing a map as part of a Zana mission now counts towards your Atlas' Map Completion and any associated challenges or achievements.
  • The Springs map has been replaced by the Fungal Hollow map. Existing Springs maps will now open portals to Fungal Hollow.
  • The Acid Lakes map has been replaced by the Acid Caverns map. Existing Acid Lakes maps will now open portals to Acid Caverns.
  • The Tribunal map has been replaced by the Crater map. Existing Tribunal maps will now open portals to Crater.
  • The Gorge map has been replaced by the Glacier map. Existing Gorge maps will now open portals to Glacier.
  • The Torture Chamber map has been replaced by the Primordial Blocks map. Existing Torture Chambers maps will now open portals to the Lunaris Temple. Kidding! It'll open a portal to Primordial Blocks.
  • Sextants that previously forced the appearance of one of the old masters now force the appearance of one of the new ones instead.
  • Increased the average number of monsters spawned inside an Abyssal Depths area.
  • The Atlas icons which indicate that a certain map contains a Memory Fragment will now correctly state whether it is the boss, an Elder Guardian or the Elder itself that holds it.
  • Vision of Justice and The Goddess' Projectile Barrage skills have changed in such a way that instead of multiplying the number of projectiles these skills fire, additional projectiles add to the total number of projectiles fired.

Zana League Mods Available During 3.5.0

With the removal of master levels, Zana's map device options are now unlocked as you progress through the Atlas quest chain. These are the League Mods available during 3.5.0, with their costs, in the expected order that they will be unlocked.
  • Anarchy (costs 2 Chaos Orbs): Area is inhabited by 3 additional Rogue Exiles.
  • Torment (costs 2 Chaos Orbs): Area is haunted by 4 additional Tormented Spirits.
  • Fortune Favours the Brave: (costs 3 Chaos Orbs) One of these options will be applied at random, including those you have not yet unlocked.
  • Alternate of Same Tier (costs 1 Chaos Orb): Requires a Rare map. Opens a random Rare map of the same tier, excluding the map you placed in the device.
  • Domination (costs 3 Chaos Orbs): Area contains 3 extra Shrines.
  • Perandus (costs 3 Chaos Orbs): Area has a 33% chance to contain Cadiro Perandus, Area contains 3 additional Perandus Chests.
  • Shaped Tier 1-5 (costs 2 Chaos Orbs): Requires a Rare map. Opens a version of your map at 5 tiers higher, randomly rolled as a Rare.
  • Breach (costs 4 Chaos Orbs): Area can contain Breaches, Area contains 2 additional Breaches.
  • Harbinger (costs 4 Chaos Orbs): Area can contain Mysterious Harbingers, Area contains 2 extra Harbingers.
  • Shaped Tier 1-10 (costs 6 Chaos Orbs): Requires a Rare map. Opens a version of your map at 5 tiers higher, randomly rolled as a Rare, with a chance to be Corrupted.
  • Abyss (costs 5 Chaos Orbs): Area can contain Abysses, Area contains 2 additional Abysses.
  • Elder Tier 1-15 (costs 15 Chaos Orbs): Requires a Rare map. Opens a version of your map at Tier 16, randomly rolled as a Rare, with a chance to be Corrupted.

Strongbox Changes

  • The "Stream of Monsters" strongbox mod now spawns monsters much more quickly, and can spawn magic and rare monsters. This mod can now only appear in areas of level 35 or higher.

User Interface Improvements

  • The Menu now shows either the Bestiary, your Incursion Temple, the Delve Azurite Mine map, or the Betrayal Investigation Board based on where you are when you use it.

Quest Rewards

  • Zana's map rewards have been updated.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the Stoneskin Flayer's skill effects and audio would linger after death, despite not even being a part of the Immortal Syndicate.
  • Fixed a bug where the Doryani's Touch skill wasn't visually scaling to its Area of Effect.
  • Fixed a bug where Detonate Dead could fail to detonate a detonatable corpse if there were non-detonatable corpses around.
  • Fixed a bug where Xoph's Nurture's 3D model was for the wrong basetype.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented Mjölner from triggering Orb of Storms.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to complete and uncomplete a challenge multiple times.
  • Fixed a bug where increased damage sources on minions were increasing damage in ways they shouldn't have been.
  • Fixed a bug where Blade Vortex's damage multipliers were also affecting the Decays it was applying.
  • Fixed a bug where using an instant skill would not remove the Phase Run buff.
  • Fixed a bug where mana spent as part of a reservation did not count towards sources that tracked and cared about mana spent (such as Kitava's Thirst).
  • Fixed a bug where having no movement speed prevented the use of instant skills.
  • Fixed a bug where using an instant skill and quickly swapping out that skill's gem with a non-instant skill would cause that new skill to be used instantly. Doing the reverse would cause your character to become stuck.
  • Fixed a bug (again!) where golem duration was being passed down from the Primordial jewels to the golems themselves when it should not have been.
  • Fixed a crash caused by attempting to use Detonate Mines after it had been given a mana cost and you did not have the mana required to use it.
  • Fixed a bug where casting Vaal Molten Shell while you already had a Vaal Molten Shell active would prevent Vaal Molten Shell from correctly detonating from prevented physical damage.
  • Fixed cases where old accounts could have Shaper's Strongholds on Guardian maps.
  • Fixed a bug where, with sources of Reduced Effect of Curses exceeding 100%, your curses would behave erratically.
  • Fixed a bug where the Shaper's Stronghold could spawn on maps that weren't adjacent to Elder influence (this was unintended).
  • Fixed a bug which prevented Cannibal Fire-Eater spectres from doing anything but auto-attacking large bosses.
  • Fixed some cases where monsters could become untargetable in the Delve Undead Rhoa encounter and the Laboratory map.
  • Fixed an instance crash with Zerphi's Last Breath.
  • Fixed a rare instance crash related to Banners.
  • Fixed a bug where an area would fail to generate, sending the player to the login screen.
  • Fixed an instance crash in Incursions.
  • Fixed an instance crash in Syndicate Transportation and Research missions.
  • Fixed an instance crash in the Primordial Blocks Map.
  • Temporarily disabled the Blood Chieftain throw ape skill to prevent an instance crash that occurred when they tried to throw players.
  • Fixed a bug where The Beachhead Map dropped no items. 
  • Fixed an instance crash that would occur in the Labyrinth when using a switch to change the path of spinning blade traps.
  • Fixed a bug where some Delve areas at low depth levels would fail to generate.
  • Fixed an instance crash that could occur when in combat with Riker Maloney.
  • Fixed an instance crash that could occur when Masters teleported to you.
  • Fixed a rare instance crash that could occur when changing areas.
  • Fixed some typso.

Posted by 
Grinding Gear Games
Thnx GGG for this.

These new Xbox Changes will take some getting use to.

Xbox-Specific Changes
The default quick-identify button is now B (previously it was A).
You can now identify items while a vendor window is open (or even while the item is in the vendor window) by highlighting that item and pressing B.
If you're targeting a monster out of Arc's range, Arc will now target a monster within its range instead.
Your quality setting is now saved between sessions.
"Removed corpse-targetting for all skills except Raise Spectre. To target a corpse with Raise Spectre, you must now hold down your Raise Spectre button and then select the corpse you wish to raise..
Changed the way skills lock onto targets. You will continue to target enemies even as they move around the battlefield.
You can now buy full stacks of items from a vendor with X.
You can now zoom your minimap in and out in the Options menu.

Natalia_GGG wrote:
You can now buy full stacks of items from a vendor with X.
You can now zoom your minimap in and out in the Options menu.


Any news when we will be able to scroll / move the full size map?
Xbox Gamertag - Corrison
Mixer -
Yes! Thanks you! I can't wait! I love the Xbox specific changes! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 10, 2018, 3:05:06 PM
Corrison wrote:
Natalia_GGG wrote:
You can now buy full stacks of items from a vendor with X.
You can now zoom your minimap in and out in the Options menu.


Any news when we will be able to scroll / move the full size map?

I do not think they even have this option on the PC.

I will have to check tonight when I get home.
xPeleusx wrote:

I do not think they even have this option on the PC.

I will have to check tonight when I get home.

Should be able to via the arrow keys.
Xbox Gamertag - Corrison
Mixer -
thank you for the update we appreciate it
For some reason my game won’t update. I’ve tried starting the game to see if it prompts but it doesn’t and I’ve tried seeing if the update is listed under queue and it’s not.
So still no Party board, Guilds, or chat box. That's disappointing. Thanks GGG.

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