Saqawal's Flock cosplay prop
Today, I want to proudly present my Saqawal's Flock cosplay prop. The idea of mine was to be identical with my character, at least on the face area, so that I could stream as a templar playing as a templar. I always wanted to cosplay something in PoE and so I found that, but I'm looking forward to make something else, so I could sit in a full body armor. For now I have tabula rasa shirt :) Maybe someone suggest some other prop to make? I'm pretty excited about doing cosplay stuff :) I also did an unusual video of creating whole prop. Check it out: Last edited by krizos21#0286 on Jan 5, 2019, 12:12:46 PM Last bumped on Jan 5, 2019, 12:12:02 PM