My Advice To You

Over the years I have wrecked my metabolism and harmed my liver. Not with alcohol, but with sugar and carbs. This is because, when I was a kid I was an athlete and I worked out regularly. And my parents made sure I didn't eat anything too crazy. Though I did eat a lot of candy even back then.

However, once I got a job and started picking my own food as well as stopped exercising as much, I just started buying the cheapest, sweetest, cheesiest, buttery breadiest,foods I could find. I mean the people over a Little Caesar know me so well that this one guy who works there saw me in Wal-mart one day and and asked me where'd I been! And when I do show up they dont' even have to ask me what I want, they already know. Pepperoni Cheesy Bread. (Best Pizza I ever tasted btw - though I now know that it's basically made out of 95% poison)

ahem, anyway... this was part of the reason I got gout last year and was forced to lose 30 lbs. You may not believe this but I'm the same weight now as I was when I first lost the weight. But losing weight isn't enough. I had to change a lot of things. To make a long story short, after a lot of research I began to see that carbs, pesticides, preservatives, and casein which is a protein that comes from dairy.

Anyway my advice to you guys is to do your research into ketogenic diet and all the various forms of fasting. Even if you don't elect to go full keto there is a way that you can reduce the impact of carbs on your health by changing the amount and way that you eat them. For example if you don't eat any carbs during the day but then eat about 100 grams at night before exercise and then go to sleep you can greatly reduce the impact that carbs are having on your body.

Anyway - I'm on keto, I'm fasting. I never get hungry. I have a flat hard stomach now. But my liver and metabolism are still not in good shape. It's a testament to how serious your diet and stuff can be. So I'm just telling you people that if you are in the secondn half of your 20s or greater that you seriously need to consider your diet and carbs - because there are a lot of people in bad shape due to their traditional american diets but you don't here from them because they just kind of seem to disappear once their health begins to go bad. But they are out there. I'm one of them. Thank goodness for the internet though or I never would have known about keto and all this stuff. None of these bumpkin ass doctors in Missisippi know shit about anything other than aspirin and maybe you are in a rural area too where your metabolism and liver are in bad shape but there is no body there who is informed enough to tell you.

Again, i encourage you to look into this stuff before you all these poisons and toxins in our food beings to ruin your health.

that's all.
Last bumped on Apr 1, 2019, 8:29:13 AM
tl;dr You become what you eat.

I followed a course on ayurveda for roughly three years, though critical about some of the stuff it sets a good basis for just being concious of what you consume, how and when.

It also does a good job in providing basic methods of observing the state of your body. Feeling your pulse, state of your snot, mucus and excrements etc

Guess i'm just lucky that i'm interested in a plethora of things including observations, which makes the tool utilized(the body) instantly interesting in itself.

So yeah, whatever the angle is i think food is incredibly important in life and learning about the interactions of food and the body is a boon to anybody.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Eat healthily and responsibly:
Boem wrote:
tl;dr You become what you eat.

Not true. I'm really into spicy food but I'm still not hot.
You won't get no glory on that side of the hole.
Upandatem wrote:
Boem wrote:
tl;dr You become what you eat.

Not true. I'm really into spicy food but I'm still not hot.

I bet you have the hottest shit in town.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Upandatem wrote:
Boem wrote:
tl;dr You become what you eat.

Not true. I'm really into spicy food but I'm still not hot.

Boem wrote:
Upandatem wrote:
Boem wrote:
tl;dr You become what you eat.

Not true. I'm really into spicy food but I'm still not hot.

I bet you have the hottest shit in town.



Burnin' ring O fire
Well, that sure devolved fast.

As it should have, lol.

Boem wrote:
I bet you have the hottest shit in town.



I don't always regret my life choices.

But when I do,

I'm on the toilet.
You won't get no glory on that side of the hole.
diet is extremely important. i would suggest reading the book The China Study, it certainly changed the way i look at the food, and therefore my life.

About the Author:
For more than 40 years, T. Colin Campbell, PhD, has been at the forefront of nutrition research. His legacy, the China Study, is the most comprehensive study of health and nutrition ever conducted. Dr. Campbell is the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University. He has received more than 70 grant years of peer-reviewed research funding and authored more than 300 research papers. The China Study was the culmination of a 20-year partnership of Cornell University, Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine.

this guy knows what he's talking about.

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