Need help selecting a back attachment

Heya! Here is my character.

He feels incomplete without a really cool back attachment.
What do you think will best suit this outfit?

I am thinking of the Sin wings, but are they black enough? They seem to be quite a lighter gray. Can anyone confirm this? Or if you have them, invite me to your hideout so I can see them?

Last edited by Syd_Nova#4827 on Mar 8, 2019, 5:54:20 PM
Last bumped on Mar 22, 2019, 10:29:40 AM
Sometimes a look can feel incomplete only because you have an expectation of seeing a back attachment. It doesn't necessarily need one.

You should do the older gore raven wings, not sure if that's exactly what they are called.

I didn't pick up the new demon raven wings, but I wouldn't - they won't match the armor set as well because the wings have some pink fleshy elements the preview video attempts to hide.

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