Are you tired from killing the same monsters over and over again? (PVP ENHANCEMENTS)(WORTH READING)
So as you can see from my profile i'm a new player here, new player in AR-PG generally, years before i've tried a MMORPG that was 100% pay to win but it's pvp system was really really enjoyable so i kept paying and paying and playing for years, until they released new more ton of things that will make you stronger and more expensive and in that time i quit it, because as i told you before the game kept being greedy everyday, i will not announce it's name, but it's items system and mostly everything in it is kinda look like this game's, and that's what got me into this game, when i tried the pvp here i just got sad, then i started thinking if i reached the endgame and my gear was so good what do i do next just farming and selling items and facing the same monsters over and over again it will be really boring, some of you will say you can try new builds yes ofc i can but it's not that enjoyable, and it maybe enjoyable for some of you not for me tho or the majority that left this game, so i got a few PvP enhancements that are very good and i'm sure that these enhancements will not only bring the players's attention back it will even get more players to play this game or who got bored of this game. Note: (i will try my best to make this pvp enhc. doesn't affect the endgame thing that most of the players like here) Note: (i didn't dig deep in the pvp system so there may be some of these enhancements is already in the game. i don't know) Note: (if some of you have a better version of some or one of these enhancements drop it down in the replies) Note: (i'm not trying to ruin the game all of these enhancements are for the pvp and will not ruin the game's bases.) So let's begin: -------------------------------------------- Enhancements: -------------------------------------------- Enh#1: A pvp icon when you click it, it will show a tab which appear in the screen , just click on it and the tab will open (it must be in the screen so it can be easy to find and not too big so it don't interrupt the player's buisness, putting in the settings a button to hide the icon from the screen is recommended if it's interrupting the player's buisness) ----- This will make the pvp more easy to reach by the player. Enh#2: The pvp tab will have a button which will do a matchmake like these new games out there, the matchmaking system will be based on level or else which will make the fight equal. ----- Instead of looking and scrolling to find a match this will be easy. Enh#3: Some tournaments(scroll down on more details to know better), yes i know there is some tournaments right now but i'm talking about automatic weekly/monthly/seasonly tournaments(scroll down on more details to knw better) that appear in the pvp tab examples(Player of the week, Party of the week, etc..) i can make a whole list about it, it must include prizes and the most important thing the prizes should be gotten only from pvp and an appearance prize like a changing the player's name color or above the player's name it says player of the week something like this to make the other player's impressed, and this specifcally which will make the player gain the prestige and the proudness, so it shouldn't be a material prize. ----- This i think is the most important enhancement, and the reason behind that is: this will make other's players excited to get this unique thing that nobody has except for the player who won the pvp tournament. Enh#4: Skill gems, i got two ways of it one's hard for the devs and the other one is easy for devs lets start with the hard one: Nerfing and enhancing every skill gem in the game and make it suitable for pvp so we don't get the one shot kill or one shot dead.(the nerf will happen whenever the player joins the pvp)(hard for devs as i said before bcz there is so many skill gems.) the easy one: Making a nerfed gem that you can buy and its equippable only in towns so nobody can use it outside for the monsters and stuff.(its like a blade vortex gem and vaal blade vortex)(the reason that this is easy for devs is because they don't have to nerf all the gems, they just create as nerfed gems as they can and maybe even new ones to the game.)(the pvp will no longer support the original gems.) ----- The reason why i put this is because there is some skills that got a lot and i mean a lot of damage or maybe the skill will be easy to use like the winter orb for example.(i'm not saying the winter orb isn't good gem for pvp it's just an example cuz its an aimbot). and second it will have more balance between players and it will make the dependence just on the player. Enh#5 Top list showing the pvp stats of the player like (wins,loses,matches played)(it will be in the pvp tab also) ----- Making the player's effort worth doing. Enh#6: A watch button in pvp tab to watch a match that a friend or a bad a** player is currently playing :3 ----- Additional good things. Enh#7: Tournaments for guilds, the prize will be something to enhance the appearance of the guild and the prestige of it.(Like top guilds in tournaments) Suggested tournament from me: Last One Standing in a big arena which everyone will spawn on it.(who gets killed can't get back)(prizes for the second and for the third place too)(the whole guild will take the prize). and to make it worth playing is to make the guild's owner sets prizes for the first and for the second and for the third one, not in the whole tournament just in the guild itself like maybe the player will be placed 50# in tournament but in the guild he is the last one so the prize transfer to him(this will make guild's owners have more potentioal to invite more ppl just to increase it's chance to win the tournament). ----- Now guilds will be useful. Enh#8: PvP points + PvP shop these two things i guess will be the most important thing which will enhance the pvp system from my opinion. i got a few suggestion to get more points in-match: More damage = more points. or Less hits = more points.(One hit = the maxest points you can get from the pvp) or the devs can get a better idea of how to sorts the points. (the points should be untradeable, something that you only can see in pvp tab) About the shop: It got something just for appearance like what is currently on the main shop, or a cute pets, anything which will not affect the game. ----- More gravity to pvp. Enh#9: Flasks can be refilled in the battle, like buying an item from the pvp shop to refill your flasks right away, or standing for few seconds and the flask refill per time. (when you move it won't refill). you can choose between these two or another good idea about refilling flasks. ----- this will help if you're in like a big tournament like the guild tournament that i suggested and maybe it will help in 1v1 if you got the time to refill. Enh#10: Multiple gamemodes, i liked the sarn arena that they put into this game its such a good idea but i got an improved version of it which is: Arena matchmaking max players(10orAbove)(LastManStanding). another gamemode suggesting: Party vs. Party. ----- Making it more and more enjoyable. -------------------------------------------- Measure of importance: -------------------------------------------- Enh#1: *** Very Important *** Enh#2: *** Very Important *** Enh#3: ** Important ** Enh#4: **** Mostly Important **** Enh#5: ** Important ** Enh#6: * Kinda Important * Enh#7: **** Mostly Important **** Enh#8: ***** The Most Important ***** Enh#9: ** Important ** Enh#10: *** Very Important *** -------------------------------------------- More details: -------------------------------------------- 1.Remember all of this effort from me is just to make this game worth playing after the endgame not just killing monsters and trade and being more rich, i know some of you like this game after the endgame but believe me this will make it even better and for the one who doesn't even like pvp continue doing what you are doing these enhancements won't affect your thing. 2.Suggestions for automatic tournaments.(You can sign in the tournament in pvp tab)(automatic tournaments every period of time): -Class of the week/month/season.(example:Ranger will only matchmake with rangers like him) -Party of the week/month/season.(you can only sign in while you are in a party filled with 4 players) -Guild of the week/month/season.(enhancement number 7) -PvPer of the week/month/season.(this time not last man standing it can be more like levels. every person is playing against the other and when a person wins he gets to the next level which the other's person has win and grinding into the finals). 3.Prizes will only be for appearance(like pets or a tag above the character's head or a custom) and not useful for delving and other stuff outside the town.(so we don't ruin to those who loves killing the same monsters again and again). 4.Pvp points is untradeable and the things where you can get it from the pvp shop is untradeable too.(Encourage the player to get it by playing pvp) 5.If i saw enough many likes on this thread i might do a simple graphic version of how the pvp tab would be like. 6.Remember again, i'm a new player here (i might quit this game if i reached the endgame and tried few builds, because then i have nothing to do), anyways so i may be wrong about something or there is something already in the game so correct me down below. -------------------------------------------- HELP ME RAISE THIS THREAD TO DEVS PVPERS <3 *** IF YOU HAVE MORE ENHANCEMENTS LET ME KNOW *** *** IF I SAID SOMETHING WRONG LET ME KNOW *** ********** I LOVE YALL AND THANKS FOR READING THIS THREAD <# ********** Last edited by 3BaDy#1997 on Mar 29, 2019, 3:49:20 PM Last bumped on Mar 30, 2019, 6:58:47 AM
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" hello pathfinder. There is a reason why they nerfed flask recharges in 1 vs 1 few patches ago, tho occultist curses is kind of bad now. Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Mar 29, 2019, 8:11:47 PM
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" Actualluy the reason behind the enhanement i gave was to make the match more longer. But this is just one water drop in the sea of pvp. But good to hear the flask nerfs im happy that they are working on their pvp system. And i hope that their nerfs or anything that they will do will not affect the original game path like delving and stuff. Thanks for replying Exile <3 |
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" They do make changes but most of the time way too late. BTW we have a pvp discord here, mostly organizing our own tournament and rules and soon one will be hold there: Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Mar 30, 2019, 6:47:55 AM
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" Last edited by 3BaDy#1997 on Mar 30, 2019, 7:00:35 AM
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