Need help with my Molten Strike Gladiator HC SSF

This is my first playthrough. I followed a few guides and ended up doing my own thing and focussed on ÷life

This is what I have now:

I'm a lvl 76 Max Block MS Gladiator.

Does my build make any sense? What nodes did I forget to pick up?

I want to put my next point in Discipline and Training for +30 life and 10÷ max life.

If possible I want to get Purity of Flesh for life and chaos res + the 3 nodes around it.

Current stats:
4811 HP
29÷ physical reduction
76/75/75/-30 res
46÷ block unbuffed
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Last edited by Auradinho on Apr 10, 2019, 4:23:10 PM
Last bumped on Apr 10, 2019, 4:21:02 PM

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