Bring Back Old Music

While the new music is good, I still like the old music. Could you please just put the old music back in and have maps rotate through the old and new?

Also, the old title menu/character selection scene with the ship on the sea while it's raining was epic and I really miss it over the new one. The new one lacks anything interesting imo.
Last bumped on May 24, 2019, 8:40:22 PM
Bring back old music!

At least allow us to choose!

I just returned to play PoE after a while and I'm horribly dismayed that my favorite musics no longer exist in the game. Thes new ones... I'm sorry to say, they are arent very interesting.

The old musics I knew. I listened to them. I loved them. I sometimes stopped to just listen them.

These new ones? They are at best mediocre. They are so generic that they are mixing in my mind as same music basically everywhere.

I wouldnt care as much as I do, but this has RUINED some good places.

Such as solaris temple and lunaris temple. In lunaris temple you would feel like you descend into some level of hell, but now... at least the screams are there, but they dont mix well with the music.
Just some examples. These new ones dont even fit anywhere. All the good old ones are gone. :(

Please allow us to choose!

I'm dismayed.

edit: I hear there were some copyright problems? :(

Cant the lisence or something be extended? If it costs money, put it in the shop to fund it... or something.

Also sorry, if the earlier post seems angry post. I was just very sad as I made the post. Edited some words away and replaced with nicer ones.
Last edited by Morae#1328 on May 9, 2019, 12:08:06 PM
I'm not sure how it makes any sense that there are copyright issues when they are still using some of the old music.
I'd also like the old music back, it's engraved in my soul at this point and to have it taken away makes me very sad and unmotivated that something i loved is just gone with no thought of those that cared so much for it.

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