Jarvis' Builds

Synthesis Leauge

Incinerate Occultist


The only unqiues you need are below, for the rest of the items go for
rares with high ES, spell damage, fire damage etc.

Passive Tree

Here is the final passive tree: www.poeurl.com/cn6r
PoB link: https://pastebin.com/30F6byHp


Incinerate - Cast While Channeling - Detonate Dead - Infused Channeling - Controlled Destruction - Combustion
Flammability - Elemental Weakness - Enlighten - Vaal Discipline(socketed in Heretic's Veil)
Summon Lightning Golem
Flame Dash - Arcane Surge (lvl 1)

Build Path

First nodes: www.poeurl.com/cn6s
Early on you want to go for spell damage and fire damage, and some life.

Second nodes: www.poeurl.com/cn6u
Start going more heavy into energy shield as you reach 40+, wait with getting CI until you got at least 4k es. When you go CI, respec pure life nodes. Go for staff damage nodes when you start using a staff.

Last edited by Hobbtotter#6151 on May 29, 2019, 8:24:41 AM
Last bumped on May 25, 2019, 4:31:31 PM

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