Ele- Claw SSF: Build-worthy??
Hey everyone,
I'm a casual player and I play SSF. A couple of days ago I found this claw: So my questions to the community are: Is this good enough for a SSF build? What builds could be good/solid with it? (I found Molten-Strike and Spectral-Throw, ST I don't really feel like trying though an MS is not very strong atm, right?) How about the Elementalist Ascendency? Haven't tried one of those yet and would interest me a lot. Also: What about crafting the claw? I guess I have a good chance of hitting int or the stun suffix if i craft prefixes cannot be changed and annul? I dnt have the recipe yet though and i own exactly one annul und two exalts and have nerver used any of them. could that be worth it? I might lose t1 accuracy, which is a good mod too, i guess? Should I craft Attack Speed in case I go for that craft? Should I leave the Thing as it is? Any Help and Suggestion is very much appreciated. :) Last bumped on Dec 8, 2019, 5:20:44 PM
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Hey there, another SSF player here. :)
Right now you have about 385 eDPS on that thing. With higher attack speed you would get up to 500+ eDPS, which is pretty good to make a build with. Builds that could use it are stuff like Spectral Throw or Venom Gyre. About crafting: are you sure you have an open suffix? T1 Accuracy is also pretty good but it doesn't make or break the weapon. If you don't think you'll find the craft soon then my advice would be a yolo annul slam and hope for the best. The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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Thanks a lot for the input :)
I don't quite understand the part about the suffixes: my idea was, since all 3 prefixes are tier2 ele damage and are probably the most important rolls on the item, I would lock prefixes and try anulling 1 of the two useless suffixes (int or stun duration). Hitting accuracy would be ok too, like you say, i guess? It sounds to me like this way i could almost certainly create a good weapon, if I craft Attack Speed lateron. (Am I wrong somewhere somehow?) I don't like my chances randomly anullling, but i guess that's an option. I would hate losing the weapon though, since i have the feeling this is the most potent Weapon I found in the game so far. I'm going to look into Venom Gyre builds, anything you'd like to recommend? |
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you cant lock prefixes if you dont have an open suffix (because that mod is a craft)
and if you DO have an open suffix, just craft attack speed. |
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" You could do something like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUySRdTR1MQ The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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" Oh, I didn't know that... in that case it means i have to annul, right? The Venom Gyre build looks really cool. How does it scale damage though?^^ I haven't tried understanding conversion yet, but from what i remember, to scale the elemental damage there would have to be some sort of "converted to XY"-chain... or is the build dealing chaos + tri-ele damage? I think I'm annuling the claw and see from there. Thanks everyone :) |
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Got rid of the Int roll :) This is awesome!! Thanks again for the support!!! |
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