just an other TradeBoard topic...


Just asking is still not on the table to auto-accept the trade when the buyer pays the exact amount what the seller wants?

Issue No1:
For example, On Xbox 8 time from 10, i have to wait more than 10 minutes to buy a single map even if i do multiple offers for different sellers.
At the moment when i just write this post, i just waiting around 25mins ago to someone accept my offer... i have 10 offer for 10 different sellers for a T14 map. 6 map from 10 is priced btw, auto-accept gonna be amazing in this cases.

Very frustrating and game-breaking moments :(

Issue No2:
Tons of wan**r price fixer who just try scam the less experienced players
Sometimes is impossible to buy for example a divination card because of this piece of shit people.
Very annoying :(

I know price fixers, scammers, dickhead people is part of the life i can live with that but it can be a part-solution to use auto-accept at least for the maps section?! I don't believe people playing with map prices, and everyone will be happy with this.

Last bumped on Dec 28, 2019, 5:01:44 AM
We did get some QoL feature for the tradeboard that were not mentioned in any patch notes.

1. No longer restricted to 6 pages of backtracking.
2. No longer have to wait when going forward through search pages too quickly.

One minor improvement I would like to see is prophecy's moved outside of the currency list.
TrueAchievements - https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/Corrison

XboxClips - http://xboxclips.com/corrison
PLEASE implement the function "accept trade automatically"!

Unfortunately you can find a lot of offline offers but who knows if people will come online again at all.
If an item has a fixed price and I pay it, the trade can still be accepted!?!
In general I think POE on the console (PS4) is pretty dead, so I mean the perceived number of players as far as trading is concerned.

I searched yesterday (Friday evening) for a weapon in standard (singularity) and there was only 1 page where only 2 people had it (currently online).

At least you should think about connecting XBOX and PS4 via crossplay, so that the trade gets a little better or there is more offer.

On PC I was barely online with my standard char, and the first trade inquiries came.

The game probably not for the "normal" console players .... I celebrate it on the console just because of the controller controls. (on PC full controller support as Diablo 4 should have been nice)

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