MTX - Elder armour + Purple Smoking Hood fix

Hey guys and GGG!

I opened this thread to show you and ask a minor fix for a visual effect mismatch/glitch, whichever you find apropriate to call it: The body armour upper chest piece clips the hood limits, which would look good AF if fixed.
Would it be possible to slightly alter its attachment point or angle, i don't know which is better, so there's no more clipping?

Thank you very much, I know thats a cosmetic request and there are more important gameplay fixed scheduled, but I would apreciate a fix whenever GGG have a time for.

A sample of what I'm saying:
Best regards,

Last edited by Sinthraxlol#1773 on Jan 20, 2020, 1:55:34 AM
Last bumped on Jan 20, 2020, 1:52:07 AM

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