Have map drop rate been nerfed?
I am just wondering if map drop rates have been nerfed recently. I am not new to the game so know exactly how to get maps to drop. have had no problems up until a few days ago. have 100's of maps all the way up till t12 and was starting to build up a decent pool of T13-16 with no problem at all and all of a sudden I am lucky wile running a T14 for a same tier to drop let alone a +1 or 2.
Now I am running awakening level 8 bonus of 140 and 52, always chisel alch and that should be enough to have at least on average 1 map to drop but nope I am in the negative map sustain, so ok, I started vall and sextant all my maps which shouldn't be needed but still only breaking even at best and still not getting +1 or +2 drops from bosses, most bosses are not even dropping maps. I have even tried using my windripper and Bisco collar although I am not sure if MF has any affect on map drop rates anyone else having the same issue? Last bumped on Jan 25, 2020, 5:42:31 PM
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I am noticing the lack of map drops as well - definitely in the negative now
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its not just me then. I have just run 5 precinct maps all 130% quant 48% pack size twin bosses and only got 3 maps back so still negative even with maps juiced to the max like that. also the map bosses only droped another T15 so The map bonus of 192% hasn't done anything as they should have been tier 16.
and what's the point of running awakener level 8, thought it was ment to drop more maps, running the highest difficulty to sustain maps without any maps dropping something is definitely wrong here, at this rate im gonna have to stop playing this league as T14+ maps are too expensive to buy from trade and if none drop I am not dropping back down in Tier |
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Can any of the GGG devs please take a look at what's going on with the map drops please.
there is something seriously wrong here, a tier 15 map boss cant drop a tier 14 map when I have a 100% chance to drop 1 tier above and 43% to drop 2 tier higher and then 29.5% from the awakener bonus. I have awakener level 8 so this cant be possible surely? |
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Lol even if they did break it, they would never admit to it. Just like on synthesis.
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" I can't recall a League where this question wasn't asked. (Since at least Abyss League, which is when I first started playing on console.) Obviously, there are some other operators influencing map drops. For myself, I've never counted any variable as being certain - "I gets what I gets and no amount of complaints or begging will change that." GGG has determined, IMO, that there should never, ever, be a way that a player can independently build their Atlas by themselves, without being forced to buy Maps from other players. I've never played SSF, but I'd bet its even more difficult for SSF Players to advance their Atlas. |
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" lol... this is absolutely not the case. I haven't had an issue sustaining maps since synthesis league (the league where they later admitted there were issues with zana dreams and map drops leaking into regular maps). This league I haven't bought a single map and I have 99% completion on regular and awakened. It's not intended to be a crutch, and that had been a very big topic over the last few leagues, especially for SSF players. They make it so you're intended to trade up maps in order to upgrade early on. But as of the last patch, I have noticed that I have not been getting maps like I did before the patches. Before I was easily sustaining t16's (if not slowly gaining). That's not the case anymore. |
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" I didn't say it was a problem for all players. You, obviously, are the one player that has no problem with their Map sustain! As far as I am concerned, it's an intended mechanic. The Atlas doesn't just include general difficulty increases the further one progresses, but it also incorporates a hard-wall - Map Availability. It's part of the game's design. It's intrinsic in terms of Atlas progression in the End Game. It is a way for GGG to extend the value of the already created content. If adding the difficulty of obtaining maps was not an intended game mechanic... maps wouldn't be dropped by mobs and wouldn't have other variables and RNG associated with obtaining them. So, you're doing well. Congrats! I wouldn't necessarily count on that always being the case. I haven't had near as tough a time at obtaining maps this League as I have in previous Leagues. But, I've only gone about 3/4 of the way through the Atlas. Then, as per usual, I got a bit tired of RNG determining all of my gameplay there. That's not a big deal since it's typical of my PoE play and I expect it, now. Note: There are multiple ways to gain needed maps outside of trading. That's true. And, it's also true that not all players incorporate all those methods. But, regardless of what methods are used, the design intent is obvious - Progression slows down the further one gets. |
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I think you missed my point. my point was I wasn't having any issues at the start of the league, now I'm noticing significantly less map drops.
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