Today's PS4 Sirius Experience - Final Straw

This has done it for me.

Just to pre-empt the "oh it's your build change your build" fanboys I have included a video running the guardian prior to the Sirius fight were it runs perfectly smooth with a LOT happening on screen.

This is all 6 doors on awakener 8. As you can see from video 1, absolutely no issues until final phase as mentioned in my previous post.

Door 1 -

Door 2 -

Door 3 -

Doors 4 & 5 -

Door 6 -


Running smooth - awakener 8 guardian map:

Smooth Elder -
Last edited by Pidge_1#6643 on Jan 27, 2020, 11:34:57 AM
Last bumped on Feb 22, 2020, 7:11:58 PM
people should be posting up here everyday until GGG addresses the issues during the current state of console.

They keep pumping and dumping out content every 3 months when they really need just need to take a league off to optimize and fix the issues. they can't keep up with the same 3 month cycle that they do on pc. even PC has its issues every launch.
Posting in console forum is gonna accomplish nothing. Goto the main forum
Looks like me in blight map last league.

On a serious subject, I think the issue may be minion build. They are counted as mobs and damage to them counted individually. This was one of the main reasons why Blight map is soooo laggy. I'm not sure whether they fixed that yet (I haven't play minion nor Blight map this league).

Also I wouldn't call the guardian map smooth. There are similar lag like in Sirus fight, just less severe.
Napolleon wrote:
Posting in console forum is gonna accomplish nothing. Goto the main forum

The mods would move the topic back to here lol
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As an earthquake build I get no lag with sirus. Is the OP using a minion build?

I am using ps4 pro though.

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