Noooberinos hideout collection | Celestial Warpgate release
Personal collection of some hideouts I created in Path of Exile, some are available at
[3.18] Celestial Warpgate
Used the Celestial Nebula Hideout tileset. "The shortest distance between two points is zero."
Imgur Gallery & YouTube Video
[3.12] The Fountain
Used the Robber's Trench Hideout tileset. Submission #2 for the latest GGG hideout competition. "Death is the road to awe. (Lord of Xibalba)"
Imgur Gallery & YouTube Video
[3.12] Arcanepunk 2087
Used the Glacial Hideout tileset. Submission #1 for the latest GGG hideout competition. "In a far distant future, technology & arcane power are going to be indistinguishable and interchangeable."
Imgur Gallery & YouTube Video
[3.11] Deep Core
Used the Enlighted Hideout tileset. The upload on contains the *.hideoutfile of this hideout. "Deep in the inner core of Wraeclast there's a fortification, the last hidden refuge."
Imgur Gallery & YouTube Video
[3.10] Celestial Gate
Used the Celestial Nebula hideout tileset. The upload on contains the *.hideoutfile of this hideout.
Imgur Gallery & YouTube Video
[3.9] Celestial Sanctuary
Used the new Celestial Nebula hideout tileset. The upload on contains the *.hideoutfile for the MXT and the non-MTX version of this hideout. "One of the last refuges in the war between gods and humans."
MTX Imgur Gallery & YouTube Video
non-MTX Imgur Gallery & YouTube Video
[3.7] Arcanepunk 2077
Arcane themed blueish colour-tone styled hideout, used the Glacial hideout tileset. "In a far distant future, technology & arcane power are going to be indistinguishable and interchangeable."
Imgur Gallery & YouTube Video
[3.5] Desert Temple Complex
Second submission to GGGs Hideout Competition, used the Sunken City hideout tileset. "A forgotten temple complex in an hidden valley in the desert, abandoned for an eternity. An exile rediscovered this place on his journey through the Atlas of Worlds & brought this mysterious place back to life."
Imgur Gallery & YouTube Video
[3.5] Underground Junction
First Submission to GGGs Hideout Competition, used the Elreon hideout tileset. "An ancient shaft leading into the depths of Delve, locked away a long time ago. One door leads to a secret area, the other entrances are locked with a complex mechanism, deriving its energy from the depths below. An exile rediscovered this place on his journey through the Atlas of Worlds, immediately recognizing the importance of this secret place & chose it as his hideout."
Imgur Gallery & YouTube Video
[3.4] Lions Crypt Hideout
Pretty basic Enlightened Hideout with lots of Catarina crypt fire decorations to get that lighting colour tone.
Imgur Gallery & YouTube Video
[3.0] Ancient Ruins
Unearthed Hideout, created during Harbinger league, finished with new decorations of the latest master expansion.
Imgur Gallery
[2.3] Treasure Hideout
Enlightened Hideout, created in Standard around Prophecy league, some pictures already show it partly disassembled.
Imgur Gallery
check out my hideout templates at Last edited by Noooberino#5579 on Jun 19, 2022, 8:26:14 AM Last bumped on Jul 25, 2024, 12:21:22 PM
added new Celestial Gate hideout.
check out my hideout templates at
check out my hideout templates at
Hey! I really love your work!
I used your Celestial Gate as a template for un updated version of it. How do you see it? |
" Hey, thanks for your kind words. I'm glad to see you used my hideout to modify it as you like. I actually also made a version with piles of treasures and gold around the three towers, but at the end I decided to release the cleaner version... anyway, hope you enjoyed the process! check out my hideout templates at
check out my hideout templates at
Arcanepunk 2088 hideoutfile available on
check out my hideout templates at
check out my hideout templates at
check out my hideout templates at
Just wanted to say thank you for your work after downloading most of these just now, very much appreciated <3