Bergerbrush's SSFHC Race & League! Sponsored by Logitech

Hello everyone! Welcome to my SSFHC Race & League. I am very new to organizing races and I apologize in advance for not having all the necessary information ready at first hand. I will update this thread as we get closer to the Race. I appreciate any help with organizing this event and anyone that either funds and joins as well.

My Twitch Channel for anyone that has questions or want to contact me can be found here --> <--


The League is now Full and I will keep adding spots as long as people crowdfund for extra spots. If you do not add any points there is a chance that you can randomly be removed for someone that is willing to add points. 6 points is the ideal minimum to add.

The Format


I have decided to split this race into 2 different categories. The first one will be a Race to Act 5 Kitava. The 3 quickest players will receive a prize each that will be showcased later in this thread.

Then after the Kitava Act 5 Race the league will still be active for 10 days and it will then become a race to achieve the most EXP. The top 3 players with the most EXP will also receive prizes that will be showcased later in this thread.

There will be no rewards for anything else. No Delve Rewards, No other Boss Rewards.


When, where, how?


The Race will be on the 8th of February at 20.00CET(8pm CET) / 14.00 EST (2pm EST) and the League will be up for 10 days only.

This is the automatic invite link. It will be crowdfunded to the point where it has 50 open player spots. If the league becomes full you will have to add 6 points each to fill your own spot. I will add 200 points myself to start the crowdfunding.

So what are these juicy Prizes you talkin about?


Act 5 Kitava Kill:

1st Place: Logitech G Pro Wireless Gaming Mouse
2nd Place: 20$ + Crowdfunding
3rd Place: Gifted Sub in chosen Twitch Channel

Highest EXP:

1st Place: Logitech G Pro Wireless Mouse + 50$ + Crowdfunding
2nd Place: 30$ + Crowdfunding
3rd Place: Gifted Sub in chosen Twitch Channel

I am adding the 100$ total Prize Pool myself. I appreciate anyone who wants to help me fund this prize pool by just donating to my channel as I am a Small Streamer trying to stream Fulltime.


Logitech are sending me the mice and I will send them to you after that. This will require me to ask the top competitors for a shipping address.

The money will be sent through paypal as well and I will require your paypal information.



As most of my community knows. I personally dislike Summoners so my first rule is...

The Necromancer ascendancy is banned and anyone playing Necromancer will be disqualified. This also goes for Scions that have anything Necromancer related. NOTHING RELATED TO NECROMANCER IS ALLOWED.

I want to add that MINION GEMS are allowed. It is only the Necromancer Ascendancy that is banned. All Minions gems and builds are still allowed. You can still play, for example Skeletons on another ascendancy.

The reason for the Necromancer ban is because I just dislike Necromancers overall and it has been so meta heavy this league, and it's a bit of a meme in my community.

I was having a discussion with some people regarding banning all Minion Gems but since I am fairly new to organizing such an event I don't know how I can regulate that so well. Therefor, minion gems will be allowed.


I will try contacting GGG to see if they can help setup a System where you can track who kills Act 5 Kitava in what order. If that is not possible, I will go with Screenshots from the players who are not streaming.

The screenshot must consist of you showing the following:

1: Have the League Information top right Visisble
2: Have your character information open with your name Visible
3: Stand next to Lily Roth on the Boat after killing Kitava Act 5
4: You will have to link this screenshot in a room in my Discord.
5: It will then be based of who linked the Screenshot first once I have crosschecked that it is indeed your character in this league.

Because of lack of proper discord we will use mine :

Other Information


Global Channel: NOT DECIDED YET

I have also contacted the owner of in hopes that this league can be added as well to have a good overview of the race.

Last edited by Bergerbrush#2560 on Feb 7, 2020, 1:13:05 AM
Last bumped on Feb 25, 2020, 8:09:39 AM
Best of luck to those that take part.
Been looking for a new League but these sort of races are aimed at people who can invest the most time into the game which unfortunately is a small minority of pre-existing racers.
Pretty cool of you to do this out of your own pocket

The League is now Full and I will keep adding spots as long as people crowdfund for extra spots. If you do not add any points there is a chance that you can randomly be removed for someone that is willing to add points. 6 points is the ideal minimum to add.

I will try contacting GGG to see if they can help setup a System where you can track who kills Act 5 Kitava in what order. If that is not possible, I will go with Screenshots from the players who are not streaming.

The screenshot must consist of you showing the following:

1: Have the League Information top right Visisble
2: Have your character information open with your name Visible
3: Stand next to Lily Roth on the Boat after killing Kitava Act 5
4: You will have to link this screenshot in a room in my Discord.
5: It will then be based of who linked the Screenshot first once I have crosschecked that it is indeed your character in this league.
Still spots open and more can be opened!
If you decide to go with the screenshots as a verification for act 5 kitava kill, you should post an invite link to whatever discord you want us to paste the screenshots too.
Keldorn_race wrote:
If you decide to go with the screenshots as a verification for act 5 kitava kill, you should post an invite link to whatever discord you want us to paste the screenshots too.

A discord will be provided here in the thread and on a new reddit thread a few days before the event starts.
hope to join your league
Very excited.

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