Shaper has 4x the health. His dot swirls need to not be permanent.
Okay, so this is dumb.
My shaper fights end the same way every time now. I can handle his regular attacks, I know the fight well, but when he does his bullet death the dot orbs come in, cover the ground, and by the end of his final phase because you can’t activate them outside the red shield, the whole ground inside the red shield is covered and there’s no safe place to go. This wasn’t an issue before because a decent build could defeat him before that happened, but this build can kill sirus 8 deathless, elder, even Uber elder wasn’t that bad after buying the fragments for shaper. Boss of the jun missions went down easily too. This is the only fight where there is a no win situation if you don’t have a meta build. Every other fight can be won with skill. Shaper I just can’t beat, because the ground inside Zana’s shield becomes deadly and the bullet attack is instant death outside so I can’t keep the swirls outside the shield. These things need to vanish over time if the boss gets 60 million health, or not penetrate the red shield. Losing four portals because the ground is instant and guaranteed death and nowhere is safe is not much fun. Last bumped on Mar 9, 2020, 7:05:37 AM
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i havnt done shaper since before the conquerers expansion, but from what i remember.
theres actually more room to move around inside the shield than it might look, if yuu get an orb spawn at that point, your supposed to lure it towards the edge of the shield, let it explode at the edge so its not covering the entire safe could also try kiting it too i guess. and i think ground dots vanish between area transitions, but i could be wrong. |
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Doubt they'll nerf that did they buff the dmg or just the health? You're stunlocking with heavy strike + threshold jewels that used be easy mode for shaper. Maybe get steel rings (spiked gloves) and helm enchant or kaoms heart.
Last edited by Shifty 7 Crows#8471 on Feb 28, 2020, 3:23:22 PM
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I’m not using heavy strike or threshold jewels.
Try the fight. You will have several pools inside the shield with nowhere to stand. It’s permadeath, with no way out, that’s all I can say. This fight is now broken in the same way sirus was. Shaper is easy for me, literally the only way he can kill me is to fill the red shield with dot and give me nowhere to stand. I’ve beaten him many times. Now his health is so massive that the orbs fill the shield with dot swirls before he dies. I can beat every other boss, anything that doesn’t give me a no win/impossible to avoid damage situation. His damage is the same, but after the fifth ball during bullet death or so, you’ll have AOE one every square foot of the Center map, and zana always puts the shield in the same spot so when she does it again, the swirls will still be there. In my opinion this fight is broken, you can’t tank the swirls for 30 seconds straight while you wait for the bullets to go away... This, they need to fix. Try the fight though, you’ll see what I mean. This is why the elder fragments for the Uber elder are 30c and the shaper ones are 2ex. Shaper would be cake versus the Uber elder if it wasn’t for this. I beat Uber. Shaper is just broken. |
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To add to that, before the new expansion there WAS room. Now you get three or four bullet death’s in one phase, so you get 6-7 orbs and aoe swirls all in that one spot.
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dont mean this to sound condescending but i dont believe that GGG needs to nerf shaper at all.
the next time you enter the fight take into account that you have issues with the degen from the shaper orbs so you place them strategically on the boss arena. try to lead them to the outside of the arena and then pop them there. i have done shaper countless times and take this into account and lead the balls to the outer arena and pop them there. with just a little planning this issue can be fixed | |
You say place them strategically, but have you fought him this league?
He enters his purple bullet mode, the orbs appear right outside the red shield with two inches of safety, come in and make contact and cover part of the interior of that shield. Then he does it again. And again. And before long every bit of that shield is full with degen after 3-4 orbs, and Zana puts it her shield in the same spot, right over the degen, until there is nowhere to stand. Instant guaranteed unavoidable death. I’ve beaten shaper literally 100+ times. This is not a noob thing or a lack or understanding. Try the fight, how do you propose to win when you’re stuck in a three inch shield and can’t actually activate the orbs outside of that shield without the bullets instant killing you? No mechanic should be guaranteed death no matter where you are in the arena. I don’t mind the orbs outside of the bullet death phase, but there’s no room to strategically place them. I don’t think you understand what I’m saying here. 4 orbs covering 100% of the inside of zana’s red shield for 30+ seconds of constant degen, immediate loss of all portals one after another. Shaper doesn’t need a nerf, but the orbs shouldn’t fill a spot you MUST stand in order to live. It’s bad design and a frustrating way to lose five portals over and over. |
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Might be a problem with PS4, shaper fight was always a laggy desync mess on xbone. Should be able to dodge bullet hell for half a second to pop the degen bubbles outside zanas red shield thing. Take a look at heavy strike stuff doubles your dmg (ryslathas coil belt too).
Last edited by Shifty 7 Crows#8471 on Mar 7, 2020, 2:57:07 PM
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Volatile Anomaly shouldn’t spawn during Ultimate Chaos casting, are you sure you didn’t leave some ‘unpopped’ in th arena before Ultimate Chaos and they are just kiting to you due to proximity during the phase ?
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
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