[PS4]*Slow clap* thank you

So this is some what of a thank you for finally making it playable on hc had a nice week on ssfhc this league! Got some shit luck on the drops tho so couldn't really advance past white maps without killing 3 chars, but HEY, that's the game i guess...
Now we just have to wait for more players to go for the hc play style (the way poe should be played), got some issues with the market tho think it's filled with shall i say entrepreneurs making a irl buck or two from the sales so to speak.

would be nice if something could be done doesn't seem fair to be able to p2w on a game you guys tried to make un'p2w'able.

Edit: what's up with occultist they suck plz buff all of the occultist ascension notable can be replaced with uniques. suggestion for example +5% increased damage on forbidden power and not just spell damage. just a thought.
keep the good work going

tldr: hc good stuff, market is filled with bots?maby? and buff occ bc sux
Please remove mf gear
Last edited by DiogenesCritique#9092 on Mar 1, 2020, 9:23:40 AM
Last bumped on Mar 2, 2020, 7:01:51 AM
Nicolonpinpon wrote:
Now we just have to wait for more players to go for the hc play style (the way poe should be played)

Stopped reading there
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