Incinerate Sound!

Incinerate is great. The new look, the cool blue MTX (maybe GGG should bring out a celestial skin haha) But that's not what i'm here suggesting.

Incinerate doesn't FEEL as powerful as it LOOKS, i believe, due to its out of date sound. Incinerate should be given a sound that is ferocious, Dangerous, unstoppable almost pure evil. I'm not asking that every time we click the skill our ears are suddenly bleeding but just give it more of a punch when casting. every time i cast it with my awesome blue MTX i sit there and wonder.. man if only it didn't sound like some one breathing heavily over their headset.

To reference a good sound, for anyone who is a 'Avatar the last airbender' fan the last episode with Ozai when he is being powered by the comet and begins to fire bend from the airship and creates this sound of just PURE force then out comes this ray of fire. THAT'S the type of sound we should get.

TL:DR Basically update incinerates sound file. BOOM. Thanks :)
Last bumped on Mar 14, 2020, 4:51:44 AM

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