Game disconnect/crash 10 times an hour
Ever since release on ps4 console the game crashes far to much. It feels like it's not optimized enough and to hear that pc is having issues and your fixing them right away what a joke! it's been over a year on console and we still have extremely bad crashes and disconnects it's not even a high quality game theres no reason it's in such bad shape on consoles (I've played much higher graphic insensitive games and far more mechanics and NEVER have these issues) dont get me wrong I love this game it's by far my favorite but in terms of console it feels like you just pumped it out for new money stream and forgot it. I should mention it's not just me it's all my friends who play have the same issue and most likely the entire community please come show the console version some attention and get it fixed if I didnt like poe as much as I do I would have just uninstalled by act 2 because it's in such bad shape. I'm not sure if xbox has similar issues if it is just for money imagine how much you've lost because people just turn away because of instability but please at least check in on ps4 theres so many issues if you just respond i could help you out with a list but this is the biggest one it almost becomes unplayable at some points because you log in and crash every 5 min or 10 min you cant accomplish anything like that it's so hard to get through ascendencys and progress in general
Last bumped on Apr 18, 2020, 8:54:01 PM
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" it's pretty simple. Not even when there only was a PC version, could they fix the bugs. Now with first Xbox, then PS and now also mobile version of the game there will NEVER be enough time to fix anything. It also doesn't help that they "have" to make 4 releases per year..... |
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i've had no issues so far and i'm playing on a standard ps4 that i've had since dec 2014
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" Wow you must be luckiest person on here! Or, you're just straight up lying. I'll take the latter. |
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" it's not uncommon for problems in games to only effect some people, if the problem was more serious and widespread we would be seeing a lot more bug posts and complaints, but up to now we have only seen a handful of complaints since there are many factors to take into consideration such as internet speed and reliability, hard drive capacity, having a near full hard drive can effect game performance. the version of the console, there are differences in both hardware and software between ps4 non-slim/slim and pro also xbone/xbone slim/xb slim discless and xbone1x that can potentially cause problems. skills used in-game, some skills such as flicker strike have been known to cause problems in some builds etc. up to now i have had only 1 blue-screen crash at the battlefield area but no more so far and no lag or slowdown except for the sometimes longer than normal loading times. |
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" OK, I get that you're upset. I understand it can be annoying to have a game "crash 10 times an hour." But... it's probably not GGG's fault. And, it's not likely to be the PS4 build of the game, either. In fact, it's probably "your fault." In my experience since playing PoE on console since around the first release for XBox, once that very rocky hurdle was overcome, the majority of console issues that players most frequently complain about can be very easily attributed to their own internet connection and the pipe between their console and GGG servers. There are two instances I know of with the PS4 where there was definitely a PS4 "issue." One had/has to do with sound and the other was some other short-lived glitch. (Could be ongoing, but not related to "crash 10 times an hour." If you don't know how to optimize your connection to the internet for your console then you need to learn to do that for PoE. This game is very "talky." It doesn't take a crap without checking with GGG's servers, first... Everything that happens in your game generates data and receives data and all that overwhelming amount of garbage gets pushed and pumped to and from the GGG node that your game is hosted on. ALL of it. Go ahead and check your bandwidth usage since you've been playing PoE. Compare that to months when you were playing PoE. Compare that, if you can, per application. PoE absolutely depends on a clean pipe. Unless you've got an installation problem or some other unique issue on your end, your problem is very likely due to a crappy internet connection. If you can't diagnose and fix it on your end, call your ISP. Run the diagnostics for your console to determine what the quality of your current connection is. Then.. go from there. I guarantee that if you work the problem and you have an internet connection type and contract that is supposed to be able to allow what PoE needs, then you can fix it yourself or involve your ISP so they can fix what they need to on their end. (If you're a minor, run the diagnostics, make sure you're running the game on hardwired connection, get the results to your parents and have them help you discuss the issue with your ISP.) PS - Every nation is dealing with the Coronavirus issue right now. There are bajillions of people at home right now that aren't usually at home... right now. And, anyone who can is probably connected to the Interwebz and gobbling down bandwidth like it's a useful option for toilet-paper. EVERYWHERE online is experiencing "Doomsday Traffic." Doomsday traffic that could not have been planned for... That is going to complicate issues across the board for everyone from your ISP to Netflix junkies trying to stream HD 4k "Frozen" for their screaming brats. Be patient. Be understanding. People are dying out there. And, here, now, online... it could literally be the only way many people can contact the outside world. If you live in a rurual area, it's highly likely your local provider's pipes are just plain full and there is nothing at all they will be able to do about it. Good luck, all the best, stay safe. Wash your hands... :) Last edited by Morkonan#5844 on Mar 23, 2020, 6:53:30 PM
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My internet connection is fine I play far more bandwidth intensive games. The problem expands way past just me everyone I know has similar problems if not worse. If they could focus on fixing what they have instead of pushing new broken content that'd be great. One thing at a time.
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" You have 3 challenges done, and are referencing no issues with the battlefront zone in campaign? Please chain run juiced up t14/15/16 maps, use full league mechanic, AW8 on probably 85% of builds. Then by all means return to this thread and say you have had no issues. I am on an xbox one x and by no means am I crashing constantly but there have been crashes and more importantly fps lag / desync etc on a hard lined connection. Have not had the same issues with other games but tbh I do not play too many other titles at the moment. |
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