literally not tested online. there is not way it was

im betting they used one console turned it on and said its perfect. there is no way this update was tested for more then 30 seconds. [Removed by Support]. when will devs learn that their closed OFFLINE environments are never good enough to test online games. ggg will never admit they dont test online.
Last edited by Matthew_GGG#0000 on Mar 19, 2020, 8:35:00 AM
Last bumped on Mar 30, 2020, 5:16:20 AM
Crashes since Act 1!!! Well fixed and tested GGG.
Works ok for me so far besides usual rubberbanding but I'm not running sound or mtxs.
I’ve had no issues yet on the standard PS4
i've had zero crashes or rubberbanding since starting the league on a standard 2014 ps4
Xbox OneS running great. League mechanc is fun too
It's been running really well this league, have only crashed once in about 20 hours of play. I do get a little lag when entering any player hub but it usually goes away after 5-10 seconds. Over all, I'm very happy with performance so far
Been having constant lag spikes to the point that if I have a pack in front of me I might as well just hang it up. I did some trace routes today to the Texas server (the closest one to me), and wow. While having the PS turned off, not playing anything or have anything connected, it was fine. But once I started playing the latency is un-fucking-believable. I have my console wired, not on wifi as well as my laptop. I am able to play other online games like Destiny, NFS and many other online MMO games from my PS and PC and have no lag spikes, rubber banding or server/client hiccups. GGG really needs to look into this issue that is effecting a lot of there player base and roll out something to fix it. I am currently downloading PoE to my PC to test connection stability (If my old GPU can handle it >.<), but with what the trace told me, it wont be any different.
Lord_Dingaling_X wrote:
Been having constant lag spikes to the point that if I have a pack in front of me I might as well just hang it up. I did some trace routes today to the Texas server (the closest one to me), and wow. While having the PS turned off, not playing anything or have anything connected, it was fine. But once I started playing the latency is un-fucking-believable. I have my console wired, not on wifi as well as my laptop. I am able to play other online games like Destiny, NFS and many other online MMO games from my PS and PC and have no lag spikes, rubber banding or server/client hiccups. GGG really needs to look into this issue that is effecting a lot of there player base and roll out something to fix it. I am currently downloading PoE to my PC to test connection stability (If my old GPU can handle it >.<), but with what the trace told me, it wont be any different.

Hmm, that's funny because i'm on the texas server and i haven't had any issues.
This is actually the best league I've experienced as far as blue screens go. I blue screen about once a day now, but I also made sure to do a lag-free melee build this time and that's just the way you have to play on this machine I guess.

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