Shadowlands it going to be awsome!

I already preordered it. Three times.

I can't wait to enter this new mystical world that's "somewhere else".
All the new cool funky looking races and creatures that look like reskinned old models, who just HAPPENED to enter this unknown PHYSICAL realm in the afterlife way BEFORE me, the hero who defeated planet sized demon lords and gods from alternative dimensions.

Can't wait to accept all the "collect ten apples and go kill 15 generic bad guys because" quests from more goblins and gnomes, who are in their rag shack caravan camps with barrels and crates and sticks for weapons, who again somehow managed to explore this entire place way ahead of me. Cool how there are roads connecting every location with lanters, reminding me of EVERY zone EVER over the past 15 years.

Oh yeah this is going to be such a blast. Literally goosebumps.
Luckily, since I preordered it seven times, it comes with a bucket of paint so I can spill it on the floor and watch it dry in case I get bored after 20 minutes of playing this masterpiece. Which I'm totally not going to do.

"Players can now smack around players who are having trouble very early on."
Last edited by Elemenz#6466 on Mar 26, 2020, 9:42:42 AM
Last bumped on May 6, 2020, 2:00:10 PM
Hasn't WoW been shit since after BC? That's the last time I played it.

WoW classic? I can't go back to playing games where your character has the move speed of a cripple while "jogging". I would get bored from that alone. I can't play these slow ass games anymore.
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Mar 27, 2020, 2:40:17 PM
WoW ate a good chunk of my life at one point.

Never again.
WoW got so boring, that trolling in the trade channels became more fun than playing the actual game, and at that point I started to question why I was paying a sub for this?
MrSmiley21 wrote:
WoW got so boring, that trolling in the trade channels became more fun than playing the actual game, and at that point I started to question why I was paying a sub for this?

When the "game" became real "work," I could only take it for so long.

I did the whole "Progression Raiding" bit. Top tier raiding, top tier PVP on the side (when it was interesting), etc.

I was a Raid Healer. An Officer. A Priest. One of the unappreciated, overblamed, unwashed Horde raid healers. We pushed content. We got free keys for expansions. We got phat lewtz... But:


"Stop standing in the ___'ing FIRE!"





After all of that I just couldn't just "play the game." I had burned out on the top, so went out on the top. :)

Oh - And "Politics." Like, server and inter-server and guild-vs-guild recruitment politics and progression arguments and yada yada yada.. and "sex." I kid you not - It was like being in some seedy political party that blew up large underground complexes full of gold on the weekends while murdering puppies on our off-time.

And, no matter how nice you are, as soon as they'd see the Guild tag, they'd think you were a jerk. Play 60 hrs a week or more to "be the best you can be" and then everyone thinks you achieved that because you cheated or lied or killed their darn cat.


"No. I am divorced and have no life."


"I'm just trying to have fun with this ga-"



Sorry. :) /rant-off ;)
MrSmiley21 wrote:
Hasn't WoW been shit since after BC? That's the last time I played it.

WoW classic? I can't go back to playing games where your character has the move speed of a cripple while "jogging". I would get bored from that alone. I can't play these slow ass games anymore.

WotLK was pretty awesome too. Altho I think the dungeon finder turned off some players. Lore wise at least it was the last expansion to make any sense.
Only 3 MMO's i'd vouch for today are

GW2, SWTOR and ESO - and i'd say all games are absolutely great games. I don't care what all stuck in past fools say, mmo's is probably my favored type next to mmo-arpgs but technically mmo's are just that on a higher level so.. And all those 3 games got a great single player experiences plus mostly story focused i'd say and don't force you to be a serious committed raider to achieve gearing in game etc.

I'm playing SWKOTOR 2 atm, and while i'm enjoying it these pure single player games just makes me feel so wanting for more meaning - i want to be able to grind and farm on some character that i know won't just end when story is done and that is it and that i can interact with other people on. I generally don't play games with just a story run-through and then end, i like games where i can get seriously connected to my character and keep working on it. So i'm currently reinstalling SWTOR again, lol.

WoW classic was great, but it made me realize if i gotta nolife grind like that i'd much much rather do it in TBC if that ever gets released. I don't have enough lifetimes for farming out every wow expansion again.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster#7709 on Mar 28, 2020, 4:45:05 PM
Shadowlands may be the greatest expansion ever! It is squishing the level cap down to 60 and revamping where characters level up. Best of all, there's an entirely new starting zone that's actually super fun and acts as a great intro to new players! Looking forward to it!
Morkonan wrote:
WoW ate a good chunk of my life at one point.

Never again.

This ^ nearly got divorced over it.
~ There are spectacular moments.
I played WoW BfA a while ago. It feel´s rather stale in evrything.
I can´t understand why wow is still played by so much people, it´s 15 year´s old none the less.

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