Looking for suggestions for a new fun crazy build

Looking for a new fun build to mess around with on standard.

Builds I already played:
- TS Deadeye (nerfed too much)
- Ice Shot Deadeye (fun but played too much)
- RF Guardian (too low dmg)
- Aurabot Guardian (played too much)
- Molten Strike (not fun anymore after nerf)
- Zombie/skellies Necro ( abit boring)

I'm considering:
- Death's Oath Occultist
- Cyclone CI Guardian
- Autobomber

It doesn't have to be a speedfarmer!

I like builds that have good synergy with unique items like this one:


Builds with good minmax potential welcome too
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Last bumped on Apr 9, 2020, 12:37:28 AM
I'm having a blast playing mines. Where the "crazy" part comes from a device called XIM Apex. With that thing you can remap your controls and play basically with one button. It's that setup that makes PoE fun.
1) Flasks on LT/RT
2) Main Skill on "A", just one button to throw AND detonate mines.
3) RB ingame Map
3) Multiple Movement Skill on single button like: Whirling Blades/Frostblink with a flask or multiple flasks. If you have to move it's ONE panic button.

I leveled in like one day to 60, found two Tabula Rasa it's really fun even to level.
If you want a satisfying build to play I greatly enjoyed a Phys. Dmg based Ground Slam Barbarian. The fun part is deciding it's Type. Tank built for being a punching bag utilizing trigger skills like reckoning and vengeance, Bruiser (Half tank, Half Dmg), Life Stealer based purely on attack speed and life regain, Crit Attack Speed Glass Cannon, even a unarmed stun lock Cyclone build if ground slams isn't your speed. Whatever tickles your fancy the most. Depending on the type is your build so let me know and I'll whip it up for you >:D. I know Ground Slam isn't the "strongest" of skills but I don't* find one shotting everything necessarily fun.
Last edited by MFam_Herc#9673 on Apr 5, 2020, 3:48:22 AM
I've been having a ton of fun with a version of this ele hit ballista build


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