PS4 Breach suggestion

Since maps ands breaches produce large amount of mobs, it is almost impossible to open your Clasped Hands without sacrifising your time to clear mobs only around the Hand just to open it, thus losing focus on all the other mobs within the same breach (not to mention it is a huge unnecessary risk). Currently you have to get your character to highlight Clasped Hands and then press X to open them, which is way too much effort and wiggling around with your character.

So I suggest you could just simply walk over them to open Clasped Hands (like activating said Breaches), this way the gameplay around Breaches would be ALOT smoother.

Thanks for your time. I'm sure I'm not the only one struggling on PS4 to open these things!
Last bumped on May 16, 2020, 7:58:17 PM
I second this, I literally was getting on the forums to make a suggestion about this. I noticed someone 3 years ago brought this up and nothing was done so it seems grim they will tend to this matter unfortunately. Kinda sad, not sure why they refuse to make proper fixes to there game for console players. Maybe they think it underminds the integrity of how breaches should work.

News flash GGG its ruined if said mechanics can't be used by console players due to an easily fixed oversight. Heck how about another interaction hockey that only interacts with chests and loot rather then trying to have the game guess which interaction we need.

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