[DSC][FREE][US] Carries for Boss Fights and Simulacrums, we SPLIT big loot , low portals OK!
I just wanna do some boss fights and maybe get some sweet drops.
I am looking for an Awakened Multistrike and Awakened Brutality, I take those if they drop. Anything else over 10ex we split, I will just pay you out half the market value and sell them. Gonna rely on the honor system and let you pick up the drops and price check them if you wanna. If there are any specific drops you want that are valued over 10ex, we can work that out. I'm not in it for currency or anything, just wanna kill some bosses and get people their challenges and whatnot. Any other loot is yours. My character is nice and thick and can handle a sticky situation, so low portals is fine, but don't get mad if a triple extra double crit multi wave 20 Kosis with one portal left doesn't go so well haha. Add me @TurnedMeIntoANoot and let's get it done! Only exceptions are Shaper, Labs and HoGm. Shaper toooooo looooong, and I don't wanna respec and regear to do Labs or Hall at the moment. Hope you understand. Maybe we could post some screenshots once we get rolling and get some AL8 Sirus's and dirty Delirium bosses in the bag. Last bumped on May 22, 2020, 4:13:32 AM
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