PixxelKicks Build Lists
Latest versions of currently played PoB codes can be found on my twitch:
https://www.twitch.tv/pixxelkick Latest Copy of my Endgame Custom Filterblade http://www.filterblade.xyz/?profile=SteffenBlake&saveState=End%20Game&platform=pc Latest copy of my Levelling / Early Game Filterblade http://www.filterblade.xyz/?profile=SteffenBlake&saveState=Levelling&platform=pc Metamorph League 3.9
Stone Golemancer (Delirium)
PoB Code: https://pastebin.com/2Yyz49iJ Build Showcase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8wkQ7-1Bf0 Delirium League 3.10
PH Stacker Visual Gearing Guide https://i.imgur.com/zc4fyyG.jpg The Most Unethical Build of All
PH Stacker, Self Temp Chains, boom chest, Headhunter, Solstice Vigil, Animate Guardian. The whole package. PoB Code: https://pastebin.com/pFhru1Sf Build Showcase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VkOzheGyvg One Punch Gal (Delirium, stay tuned for Harvest League ver!)
5L'd snipe + Pathfinder Poison Prolif + 6x Low Tolerance + 6x Wasting Affliction Goal of the build was to apply 1 extremely fat poison on one enemy via Wasting Affliction, then let it chain through the pack instantly. It worked better than I expected, but the boss single target was abysmal. New buffs in harvest league might make this build more viable, so Im hoping to revisit this build again in the future! PoB Code: https://pastebin.com/58mJnmDT Harvest League 3.11
Toucan Poison Tornado Assassin
7.55 Tornados per second x ~4 hits per tornado = ~30.2 "casts" per second. Standard phys > Chaos poison stacking assassin, relying on massive reduced skill duration stacking to spam tornadoes. PoB Code: https://pastebin.com/yf27dwnj Build Tree Example vid of the build in action on standard: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/655754186 Example clips of the build in action: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/661850321 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/673097802 Heist League 3.12
Two-Toucan Poison Tornado Assassin
PoB cant even calculate our theoretical damage anymore, for some reason. Cant handle more than 25000% more flask. 10.55 Casts per second, 4 hits per tornado = ~42 hits per second, per tornado. Ongoing testing if it does indeed shotgun needed. Ill assume it doesnt for now, but if it does, that number goes *way* up. Its like Poison BV assassin, except you dont need to cast BV, and has a bigger radius. PoB: https://pastebin.com/8AeYbngV Vids of the build in action https://www.twitch.tv/videos/780078785 Build Tree (WIP) Last edited by SteffenBlake#0084 on Oct 27, 2020, 4:04:44 AM Last bumped on Jun 23, 2020, 2:50:29 PM
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