Dynamic Culling toggle
I play on PS4 and it seems like Dynamic Culling is hurting performance quite a bit. Unless there is a massive change that was made since delirium that I am unaware of. It seems like whenever there are a lot of particles going on the PS4 now struggles to keep going. Clicking the seed league mechanic kind of shows the issue, but in areas like Delve the PS4 will full on stop for about 5-7 seconds then continue on or will crash to blue screen, either way darkness ends up killing you. This also happens in Influenced maps when large spawn in happen, it's not as long or as bad as the issue in delve but it does lock the screen up for about 3 seconds which is enough time to die. I've tried posting between here and reddit and haven't gotten so much as a "We are looking into it or You're just flat wrong this is the issue". I try to support you guys every league by buying a pack or two it'd be welcome to hear anything back at all. Thank you.
Last bumped on Jul 6, 2020, 5:57:35 AM
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" Welcome to the console forums, they afterthought of GGG. Your pleas eccho into the fast emptiness of our stashtabs |
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"I've discussed dynamic culling with our engineering team, looked at it internally, and have found no issues related to it which would be causing performance problems. "Without seeing a video, as described this sounds like a connection problem. | |
Here is the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaPhgeqKaWk, It looks a lot like a connection issue right? but it's not. I play this game more than, I'd guess, 95%+ of your player base on console, I just want the game to run well. I have never had this issue before harvest, sure there are some connection hiccups here and there, but this a lot different. I am hard wired to my internet, and when I look on my end I'm not seeing any spikes. Again this is only happening in delve, there are other out right crashes that are happening almsot hourly in maps which seems to mostly happen with conquerers warping people in. If you're willing to comment on, you are aware of how wide spread crashes on ps4? In delirium I'd crash about once ever 3-4 hours, yesterday I peaked at three in 27 mins. I generally play super juiced builds and I expect crashes, but again last league was maybe once in hour (that was running self curse, tripple beyonds in delirium) I appreciate you taking the time to look into this.
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This is definitely not an issue with connection. So many people are discussing this in game and elsewhere.
Delirium running super juiced maps with 10x as much density as we have now wouldn't cause these problems. In harvest any influenced maps, opening the seen cache, etc, will simply make the game freeze as it loads in effects and in-game assets. After how well the game was working in Delirium to have the worst performance this league and simply blame customers internet is embarrassing. Turn on a Ps4 and try it out for yourselves, as this is definetly an issue. |
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Jeff, messing around more it looks like I was able to show the slow down in the unique map Mao Kun, I'll try to buy some more maps and run them, but more or less when the green ghosts would pop in my aoe could kill them as fast as they were spawning in and the game would stutter step along until the ghosts were gone then it appeared to run fine.
Edit: I'm going to reset everything on my side and see if that fixes it too, btw I have had the specific delve "issue" happen numerous times since posting, on average about once per visit to the mine with full sulphite. Again that clip I linked earlier, I only ever encounter it in delve. Last edited by MewMoo#9974 on Jul 5, 2020, 9:36:10 AM
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Playing more and on other characters it seems the FPS issue is directly tied to things being warped in on screen (conquers, delirium etc.) I also sent out messages to the 5 people out of 10 that are still playing and every one of them said they are experiencing these issues. I don't know what more I can tell you, the game feels very rough to play, delirium ran pretty solid and overall had less bugs in it. For whatever reason harvest has severe issues regarding FPS in just normal mapping and crashing. I went so far as to try playing a few other games online too and wasn't experiencing any connection issues there either.
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