azurite mine cart wont move

I have gone to my azurite mine for first time but cart wont move to any section its just sat at entrance and i cant get it to go no were i have azurite for it to move i have tried every internet solution i can find but nothing seem to work
Last bumped on Jul 7, 2020, 4:10:14 AM
If this is your first visit, it should point you where it wants you to go.

You also have to click somewhere you can get to in one hop from somewhere you've already been. If it tells you how many sulphite it will cost, when you mouse over it, that's a good location. If it doesn't, the location is more than one hop away.
Last edited by GreyLensman on Jul 5, 2020, 4:09:52 PM
Did you talk to Niko? I *think* the first time you enter the mine, you have to talk to him before you enter the mine, then again after you enter. He'll be standing there next to the cart inside the mine.
Thanks for suggestions have tried them all it still wont even move of starting spot. Says i have 221 azurite so its not that either.
Honestly, there is maybe one post a league like this and it normally turns out to be operator error. That's not to say you couldn't have a really unusual bug, but the odds of that are low.

Without watching what you are doing it's hard to offer any more advice. Sorry not to be more helpful - I'm sure it's really frustrating!

Also, I think you mean 221 Sulphite. If you had Azurite, it would mean you had already been in the mine successfully and I think you are saying you have never gotten it to work, correct? (Just checking to make sure I understand your situation correctly!)

no i came in low lvl and did not complete anything and then the next time i went in was lvl 68 the floor it wants me to go is lvl 1 i have fa friend who has been playing game a lot longer then him and i have streamed for him and even he has no idea.
Also i have just noticed the start circle that normally on out side mine is not showing any animation.
snarrly wrote:
Also i have just noticed the start circle that normally on out side mine is not showing any animation.

If by start circle you mean the waypoint kind of thing next to your stash, that means you have not done the first thing with Niko.

When you enter the Mine Encampment for the first time, that circle thing will not be animated, and you can't use it.

You must first talk to Niko, then manually walk into the mine entrance (not use the circle waypoint type thing).

Once you are inside, the cart and Niko should be there.
Talk to him again.
Then click the cart.
Then click the highlighted location on the map.
The cart should start moving.
Follow it to the next node.

At that node, you have to finish the encounter to get credit for it. I can't remember how the first node is, but it will either be a big encounter as soon as you get there (more than the normal mobs), or there will be something to click to start the encounter.

You will know you finished the encounter, because a bunch of loot will drop.

If you did not finish the encounter, you'll have to do it over again and your sulphite will be wasted.

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