Artillery Ballista

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Last bumped on Mar 31, 2024, 10:03:54 PM
ty its not bad but could be faster
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I do not understand.
This Totem skill is very good. But it has too many downsides. The first is that it has very bad target positioning. It takes a long time from the creation of Totem to the time Totem shoots. Then, the ammunition from Totem that shoots and falls to the target takes another time. Next, this Totem's ammunition does not drop in an area it spread vertically, so damage on one target is impossible.
So this Skill Gem is very slow clear and the boss damage is very weak.
That's why no one used this Skill Gem.
Do you have a fix? I really like this skill. But compared to other Skills Gem Totem it was terrible. Very bad.
Totem's health is low.
The skill points on the Skill Tree from the Character and Ascendancy Classes give it very weak support.
Since it was created, people have only played for testing at the end of the season and then discarded it in the trash.
Please have a move.
Sleeper skill of 3.19

Mark my words
"I didn't know we were making a pants simulator." - Chris Wilson
Game was peak fun before consoles and tencent.
Hello! I've wanted this skill to be good ever since it's release but it just seems really bad. I think the main issue is that the dmg doesn't seem to overlap, it attacks like a turtle walks (slow), and hits like a single barrage arrow. Not too sure how this is balanced, there must be some really OP way to scale it shown in house to make it so weak on live.

Here's to hoping it gets more and more love to help make it viable.
I was very hyped with that skill. PoB seemed to be promising. Clear feels good, but single target is a struggle. I think the issue is that AoE is hard to come by on the Ranger side of the tree, so getting overlaps is a bit hard.

With the helmet enchantment giving a cross pattern, it is technically possible to get 6 overlaps, which enables the build, but needs at least 50% increased area of effect, which is hard to come by for a ranger.

I think if the base AoE went from 20 to 22-24, the build would become competitive with other ballistae.

Here is my PoB reference
Kind of Trash TBH.

I see a couple of builds that call for it but Shrapnel and Siege are better.

Most because of the Horrible and I mean Down Right Abysmal Targeting and Projectile speed.

By the time these fire and the projectile lands 99% of the time the Target has moved already!

Unless I stand there and Face tank enemies as a ranged class ... this is just another under performing skill that is in Desperate need of a buff.

Even just speeding up the projectile and fire rate would be a huge improvement.

I honestly would of loved this to work with some kind of Nova skill/Support or something that would leave behind patch's on the ground for you for mobs to walk through or get CC'd by.
Questions about Artillery Ballista of Focus Fire

If there is only 1 enemy, will all arrows hit the same one or only 1 arrow will land on that enemy?

i sounds like 2nd


skill im talking about:

Artillery Ballista of Focus Fire
Attack, Totem, AoE, Fire, Projectile, Bow
Level: 20 (Max)
Cost: 11 Mana
Attack Speed: 50% of base
Attack Damage: 120% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 120%
Requires Level 70, 155 Dex
Summons a ballista totem that propels a number of fiery arrows into the air, each targeting a specific enemy. Arrows deal area damage to enemies around it on landing. Requires a Bow.
Totem lasts 8 seconds
+3 to maximum number of Summoned Ballista Totems
Fires up to 5 Arrows at different targets
100% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Summons a Ballista Totem which uses this Skill
IGN: Nivius
Ty for scam <3
Questions about Artillery Ballista of Cross Strafe

Why does it target with the outside of the X and not the middle.

O X <--- hits target with this one

I feel like this skill should have the center "X" where it hits twice be the spot it tries to hit the target with.

Seems like the normal skill is just better with the chance of hitting more than once.

Only firing 6 projectiles
23% increased attack speed
30% less area of effect
Last edited by MouseHaxs#7996 on Mar 31, 2024, 10:04:40 PM

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