PoE crashed so hard I had to unplug my PS4....

This game crashes at a rate that I have never experienced before. I had one other game crash maybe twice in the entire time I played it. I didn’t even submit reports because it seemed like such a rare occurrence.

This game can’t seem to go an hour without a crash...if I’m lucky.

Last night, I was fighting Drox and the game crashed so badly that there was no blue screen on the PS4, just my TV asking for input. I couldn’t even reset my PlayStation or turn it back on normally. I had to unplug it to get it to turn on again.

I have a direct internet connection and the system is fairly new.

I would appreciate any suggestions on anything I can do to avoid these crashes as I have now lost numerous levels worth of experience to them because my character has often died as a result.

In game consequences aside, this can’t be good for my PS4 and I can’t imagine you all reimburse us for consoles that get trashed by your software.

I’m new to the game. This is my first league and if this is how the game runs on my PS, I don’t know how I can continue to play and support it.
Last bumped on Oct 2, 2020, 11:32:29 AM
Theory is the engine they use isn't fully compatible with the ps4, thus it will never be fixed
They will never fix any of this if u enjoy the game play on pc ps4 can't handle this game.
You’re totally right.

I got to the point where I couldn’t progress on the PS4.

I’ll be restarting.
CupcakesmyCat wrote:
This game crashes at a rate that I have never experienced before. I had one other game crash maybe twice in the entire time I played it. I didn’t even submit reports because it seemed like such a rare occurrence.

This game can’t seem to go an hour without a crash...if I’m lucky.

Last night, I was fighting Drox and the game crashed so badly that there was no blue screen on the PS4, just my TV asking for input. I couldn’t even reset my PlayStation or turn it back on normally. I had to unplug it to get it to turn on again.

I have a direct internet connection and the system is fairly new.

I would appreciate any suggestions on anything I can do to avoid these crashes as I have now lost numerous levels worth of experience to them because my character has often died as a result.

In game consequences aside, this can’t be good for my PS4 and I can’t imagine you all reimburse us for consoles that get trashed by your software.

I’m new to the game. This is my first league and if this is how the game runs on my PS, I don’t know how I can continue to play and support it.

That reminds me on something that happened today. My game crashed, my screen turned black and I couldn't switch out with pressing the reset option or the off button on the console. Had to take it from the power source, boot it up again had a diagnostic screen for saves and stuff and then it worked.

Yesterday something close to this one. Only that i had a still image from the game, but at least i could use the power button on my console to reset it.

I did deleted the game after the crash event today, i will turn to pc for this game before i fry my ps4.
You can't and won't be able to avoid these crashes, Harvest was already bad and Heist is much, much worse.

I had two of these crashes (along with many of the others, close to 20 in 10 hours playtime) and have stopped playing since, my ps4 has bricked once last year and I suspect PoE played a major role in the reason why. I only have 2 more months of warranty and I won't risk it anymore.

My advice would be to stop playing. Force shutting down your console is close to the most dangerous thing you can do as it can corrupt something. There's a reason why the system says not to do it.

If you do decide to continue playing, avoid movement skills as they are prone to cause crashes every league, and avoid the league mechanic. Just do maps and level. Play without sound (turn everything down in PoE itself), don't have any other applications open and restart every few maps (30-45 mins). Try to not have many encounters in your maps, avoid Delirium for example, or at least don't stay too long with it open. If you are delving restart before going in and when leaving. That's the gist of it.

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