macOS: Key bindings reset every startup

I have a problem with the macOS client where my custom keybindings are reset every time I start the game.
I've tried exiting the game in all kind of ways, but the problem persists.
I've also experimented with editing permissions through the terminal but it didn't fix the issue.

Is there any additional info I can include to help solving this?
Last edited by 05K4R on Sep 24, 2020, 3:47:29 AM
Last bumped on Oct 29, 2020, 2:58:10 AM
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This one I have been able to "fix"

It doesn't appear to happen to everyone, but I've found that there are issues when the client tries to write back to the production_Config.ini

This is what I posted on one of the PoE discord in the mac channel

Ok make all the changes to the settings and key binds that you want.
close client
open production_Config.ini using an advanced text editor, the default mac one was not great at showing the issues. I used BBEdit
Check the following
Do you have [ ACTION_KEYS] section at the top and bottom? My binds were the bottom set.
Cut the version of [ ACTION_KEYS] section that looks to be right and copy over the top version.
Get rid of the space in [ ACTION_KEYS] so it's now [ACTION_KEYS]
Now scroll down to [NOTIFICATIONS] and look for any settings that have any weird spacing and fix (remove) the spacing.
If using an advanced text editor you may now see some of these settings with lines under them, this is the because its the exact same setting. Keep 1 delete the duplicates.
Save file
Launch Client!

The images show what I am referring to, so before I launch the client I check the ini file to remove the space from [ ACTION_KEYS] and tidy up the weird spaceing in the [NOTIFICATIONS] section.

Hope this helps
Last edited by CriticalDramage on Oct 15, 2020, 1:52:12 AM
Thank you! I'll try it tonight and update if it fixed it for me!
and for those playing along at home...

the config file and a bunch of the content have now moved to ...

/Users/XXXXXXX/Library/Application Support/Path of Exile/Preferences/

XXXXX is whatever your username is
It worked after changing the config in Application Support! Thanks for the help!
I just created an alias of the config file to my desktop and check it before launching the game.
That fix didn't work for me, but what is happening to me is clearly related to what you described. I did the following (not a fix):
a. Set new bindings.
b. Exit from PoE. Config file has [ACTION_KEYS] (no space) at the top and bottom, and the ones at the bottom match my bindings.
c. Cut the bindings at the bottom of the file and use them to replace those on top.
d. Reenter PoE. Default bindings showing. Change one binding only.
e. Exit and check the Config file. Config file has [ACTION_KEYS] (no space) at the top and bottom. The one at the bottom matches my original custom bindings. The one that the top shows the one new binding.
f. Reenter PoE. Only default bindings showing.

So the information is being retained (and rewritten to the bottom of the config) over multiple sessions, but it is not being used.

- Dani
Did you check the [NOTIFICATIONS] section to ensure there was no spacing and duplicates, and did you delete the second [ACTION_KEYS]?

This is where an advanced text editor like BBEdit comes in handy the normal Text Editor doesn't show them. Technically it's not a normal space, I can't remember what they are called but common in coding.
This one I have been able to "fix"

I can confirm these steps also worked for me in resolving this.

Note that there are two copies of production_config.ini; one inside the "Path of" bundle and one in /Application Support/Path Of Exile/

Only edits to the one in Application Support are picked up in the client.

I've also noticed that launching the app from the Path of Exile launcher sometimes resets the settings, but launching 'PathOfExileClient' directly ensures the correct settings are picked up.

If anyone else is encountering this issue:

1. Ensure you are editing the production_config.ini in /Application Support/Path Of Exile

2. Launch the client directly, not from the launcher

3. Make sure there are no zero-width spaces in the file (these will only show up in an advanced text editor like Sublime, or BBEdit)

Thanks to OP for posting a solution for this, it was somewhat annoying to rebind all settings eveyr launch.
No worries!

I found for me that it didn't matter where I launched the client it only mattered if any settings were changed while running the client and so I just have a shortcut to the config to check for [ ACTION_KEYS] and the malformed PartyMemberJoinedObeysDoNotDisturb setting and fix both before launching the client

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