Concerns regarding console

First of all, I've been playing this game since closed beta when "Kripp" was streaming it on his twitch channel back in 2013-2014, yes I'm one of these people who bought an founders edition to get access to the game because it was not free2play in closed beta. So you could call me a veteran. When "Path of Exile" announced that a console version was coming I was really happy and was looking forward to it. Actually I only bought an Xbox to play it on console since it didn't get released on PlayStation for another year.
I'm not gonna lie, the performance of the game was lacking and with lacking I mean framerate drops to the mid 20's and crashes every 2-3 hours which made it almost impossible to enjoy but I kept playing because I said to myself "Its their first console game, give them time." (this was over 2 years ago btw.) When this game got released on PlayStation and made the switch and invested hundreds of dollars to support you guys even though the performance which was already lacking (1 year ago) on Xbox was still present but I said to myself "It's their first game on PlayStation, they need time to adjust".
No we are here at almost the end of 2020 and I'm in shock actually.
I've played this game for thousands of hours with all the issues I just mentioned but I am fed up.
The performance of this game is a "no go" you simply cannot release a game like that its unacceptable, it's still crashing and it's still dropping frames after over 2 years on console. There are no excuses left to say to make me feel good. I still laugh watching this clip: - where they proudly announced that they managed to make the game run in 4K - 60fps in less than 30 minutes, impressive but somehow you are not able to deliver a stable experience for players for YEARS.
Whoever is in charge of the console department is doing an awful job and that is hard to say to bash someone but somehow in two years the game got technically worse and it already was bad with crashing and framerate drops in the release version of Xbox.
I am actually really disappointed in the lack of support the console version is getting. I mean I don't want "free mtx" or "free points" or something but what I would really like of you guys is an apology. An apology for performance, the lack of communication, the promised features we didn't get in two years and the mistreatment at ExileCon where console got ignored at any point.

Honestly I hope at some given point in the near future both Sony & Microsoft delete this game from their store, its a disgrace to console and its a disgrace to Path of Exile in general. You once where the most community involved developer back in 2014 and vibe was good but overtime you lost it somehow and its disappointing because I love this game in general.
Last edited by fLekkZ#9832 on Sep 28, 2020, 1:52:15 PM
Last bumped on Sep 29, 2020, 8:04:06 PM
I feel the performance on Xbox has gotten better since release. No crashes so far this league. Only issues are when going into the rouge harbor or mid heist. Of course I'm at the higher end of the spectrum, X1X with external SSD 1GBs hardwired; not everyone can afford or wants to play this way.

Can not comment on the PS front.
TrueAchievements -

XboxClips -
Last edited by Corrison#8649 on Sep 28, 2020, 2:46:57 PM

The performance on Xbox is good, no crashes either. So they need to replicate that ever they are doing on Xbox to PS4. Since it's the same game version they might wanna contact Sony what's up with the PS4 compatibility.
Corrison wrote:
I feel the performance on Xbox has gotten better since release. No crashes so far this league. Only issues are when going into the rouge harbor or mid heist. Of course I'm at the higher end of the spectrum, X1X with external SSD 1GBs hardwired; not everyone can afford or wants to play this way.

Can not comment on the PS front.

Same setup and I crash to launch screen several times each play session. Happens in hideout, town ,maps, delve, etc.

Also, the lag and screen tears are still very frequent in maps and other areas. To me, it seems to have gotten worse with the last few patches, not better. I gave up trying to get to 100, the lag deaths are just too frustrating.
JoeUtopia wrote:
Same setup and I crash to launch screen several times each play session. Happens in hideout, town ,maps, delve, etc.

Also, the lag and screen tears are still very frequent in maps and other areas. To me, it seems to have gotten worse with the last few patches, not better. I gave up trying to get to 100, the lag deaths are just too frustrating.

What are your color depth settings on the Xbox? I dropped mine to 8 bit (lowest setting) from some other game recommended improvements and that might be one thing to check. Also is your TV in game mode if you have the option?
TrueAchievements -

XboxClips -
It might be skill gem/build related problem.
"Fix it soon becaise beong locked out of my wealth and my character puts a hold on me trading and bartering to increase my wealth" - Nameless Forum Poster.
Corrison wrote:
JoeUtopia wrote:
Same setup and I crash to launch screen several times each play session. Happens in hideout, town ,maps, delve, etc.

Also, the lag and screen tears are still very frequent in maps and other areas. To me, it seems to have gotten worse with the last few patches, not better. I gave up trying to get to 100, the lag deaths are just too frustrating.

What are your color depth settings on the Xbox? I dropped mine to 8 bit (lowest setting) from some other game recommended improvements and that might be one thing to check. Also is your TV in game mode if you have the option?
. Right because a system that's more powerful then slot of peoples computers who play poe should have to drops it's color to 8 bit. It's just garbage development from a developer that clearly does not give a duk to make the game polished. I mean multiple skills are just horribly designed and buggy for use on console for no reason. I'd be willing to bet more crash reports then any other game on either console even with a vastly lower player base.

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