Easy Console Trade Board fix!!!!

Let us use your already prebuilt trade site that you let the PC users use and have an option for it to point to the console dataBase for us console players.

1 console player login to website.

2 go to trade tab... the one up top that Says trade!!!!

3. Now we can use all the sorting features.

4. Have the ability to add an item to one of our 10 trade offers

5 return to console to see the item added to one of the 10 offers and add currency

6 everyone is happy with a functional search engine for trade board

GGG for the love of sanity with every league you add more more more stuff. Now you add more and more variant of the same stuff.... how does the old console trade system keep up?

Let us use your trade site you have already built and is already in use! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last bumped on Sep 29, 2020, 11:08:42 PM
This feature is listed in the console faq as coming soon but that faq hasn't been updated since 2017 so i doubt they ever will get around to it console version is a cash grab they don't care if it works. Someone will always buy a stash tab before realizing game sucks on console.

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