MinusFormality Stream - Endgame content/crafting/theorycrafting/help & more!

Aloha people!

I'm Chris "MinusFormality" and I've started my venture into streaming about 3 weeks ago.
I'm currently playing Golemancer CGolems 90% All res, 60m+ DPS, but I'll be trying new builds soon.

I am always up for some grinding, chatting and having fun as much as I can! I may be able to assist you on Sirus8 or bosses in general, maybe bench crafting if I'm not busy.

You'll mostly find me grinding currency, I might be trying new currency making techniques, 100% Deli Maps etc.

Feel free to drop by and say hello! Soon I'll try to get a specific schedule for my streams aswell.

Last edited by MinusFormality#5942 on Oct 17, 2020, 10:17:34 AM
Last bumped on Apr 9, 2021, 11:10:19 PM
Lets go live bois! Drop say hello!
We are GOING STRONG for 3.13 BOIS. JOIN me for some chatting, good vibes and gaming!
Hello Exiles! Path Of Exile 3.14 is around the corner and I'm posting this video as my initial thoughts about most of the informations we've gotten so far!

On top of that - I'm sharing some of my Live reactions while streaming GGG's Livestream Announcement a day ago. Enjoy!

Path of Exile 3.14 - Ultimatum | Initial thoughts & Reactions!

Last edited by MinusFormality#5942 on Apr 9, 2021, 11:10:35 PM

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