Trade Board - unwanted items exclusion from list option

Trading is a big part of normal PEO play. On PC there are several sites and systems to improve trading and make it fast and responsive.
On consoles, well, is far from perfect.

In this post I will do my best to explain some of the issues that could be improved and wouldn't require any refactor of the system.
So I'll only focus on small quality of life tweaks.
This topic is about:

Item filtering - Unwanted items exclusion
There are several options to highlight a item with what the player is looking for.
Price, stats, level, and so on.
Problem: unwanted items are not removed from the list

GGG: Why is this a problem?
Let's say you are looking for a Medium Cluster Jewel. A very specific one.
On PC would go to, set you filters and in a couple of seconds you get none, one or several options exactly matching your filters.
On Console you get 800 pages of items, with every page highlighting none, 1 or more of selected items.
Now Imagine the time a player needs to go through all those pages?
Cluster Jewels are a good example because there are only 3 options to search:
Large, Medium, Small. All the variations get cluttered in 3 categories.

GGG: How to fix this?
POE Data query API, shows that it works as a SQL, so is only a matter of tweaking your SELECT code.
Create option to remove unwanted items from the list of showed available.
Solution: [ ] only show items matching filters.

Hopefully I did a good job explaining this.
Thanks for all the work in the game.
Cheers! And stay safe everyone :)
Last edited by pra-lima87#9599 on Oct 19, 2020, 11:49:11 AM
Last bumped on Oct 25, 2020, 10:02:17 AM
I second this. Action house needs a rewamp
Go read this:

Trading *supposed* to be hard, according to GGG.

Now, I watch Twitch streams of PoE fairly often, and I would say that they don't seem to have much trouble trading.

So I agree there's an imbalance. But I suspect the GGG team would argue that trading is too easy on PC, rather than too hard on console.

All that said, I really do wish they would offer some improvements to the marketplace.

1) Comparative operators (e.g. "Item Level > 80")

2) Instant completion if asking price is exactly met (to combat the rampant price fixing on specific high value items, especially Div cards)
The trade too easy argument would make sense if that were the case on PC too.
With several trading tools available this argument kind of looses its point.

So trade only suppose to be a chore on consoles? That's would be really weird.
pra-lima87 wrote:
The trade too easy argument would make sense if that were the case on PC too.
With several trading tools available this argument kind of looses its point.

So trade only suppose to be a chore on consoles? That's would be really weird.

Well pc players hate trading too.(useless pming, visiting hideouts etc).
Ggg doesn't like trade market. China pc version has console insta buyout ui trade market though(console community would go bonkers if they knew this lol.)

So it's not about technology or lack of communication from players. It's about how developers are looking into trading. If we will be getting everything faster and easier we will quit playing sooner. Game is full of steps that are slowing player from going forward.

(btw chris once said that harvest had low player count after few weeks because everyone crafted bis gear too quick. I have another opinion lol.)
"Fix it soon becaise beong locked out of my wealth and my character puts a hold on me trading and bartering to increase my wealth" - Nameless Forum Poster.
Last edited by oldwolfsoul#9911 on Oct 19, 2020, 6:12:30 PM
pra-lima87 wrote:
The trade too easy argument would make sense if that were the case on PC too.
With several trading tools available this argument kind of looses its point.

So trade only suppose to be a chore on consoles? That's would be really weird.

Next time actually read the thing that was linked before responding.

Trade is supposed to be "hard" on both platforms, it's just hard in different ways.

Go read the trade manifesto I linked earlier.
QQPQ wrote:

Next time actually read the thing that was linked before responding.

Trade is supposed to be "hard" on both platforms, it's just hard in different ways.

Go read the trade manifesto I linked earlier.

Hold your horses dude. I did read it before answering. I just think is not hard on PC at all. Maybe it was "supposed" to be hard.
On consoles is not really hard, but time consuming. And a chore.

The version of Path of Exile published by Tencent in Mainland China uses the "Trade Market" rather than a system of exposing items via public stash tabs and forum posts for searching on web pages. This system is also in use on the Xbox One version of Path of Exile - as you can imagine, web page searches and textual trade conversations aren't well suited to the controller input of a console.

On the trade market, we're experimenting with the opposite end of the trade spectrum, where it's very easy to complete trades but more difficult to find the exact item you're looking for. You can search broadly by a specific item class or type, but have to look through a lot of search results to find the one you want to make an offer on. This system intentionally makes the search process harder and the trade process easier, for quite a different trade experience. We're not planning to bring it to the international PC version of Path of Exile.

Maybe you are talking about this part. This system doesn't make trading hard. Just very time consuming. Those are not the same thing. But it could be consider a type of grind. So trading is a type of grinding gear.
Last edited by pra-lima87#9599 on Oct 19, 2020, 7:34:30 PM
Yeah it would be nice if it only showed the highlighted options.

My first season I was looking for a Molten Strike +2 projectile helm, looked in over 1000 pages, while I ate an entire meal. Found 1 maybe 2 tops.

I've since given up on trading as I would waste more time than it ended up being worth.
I think it has something to do with the current backend architecture. Seems like it was way easier to request all the items from "server" and highlight them on "client", instead of reworking the backend to return only items in accordance with the specified filter. So I don't think they will rework this anytime soon.
ilya138 wrote:
I think it has something to do with the current backend architecture. Seems like it was way easier to request all the items from "server" and highlight them on "client", instead of reworking the backend to return only items in accordance with the specified filter. So I don't think they will rework this anytime soon.

I don't think is a problem of development. Is more about the game grind philosophy. Wich makes things even more dire. Basically GGG don't want to make trade more approachable. The longer you stay in the game, the best it is for them, is a way to make the playerbase bigger.

This post is was the first one for days, and never got even a reply from GGG. So now I'm not at all hopefull that trade will be made better even on POE2 :(
Last edited by pra-lima87#9599 on Oct 23, 2020, 7:57:51 AM

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