Suggestion: Auto-delete duplicate messages in Chat.

Some people feel the need to spam chat with identical messages back to back.

This is annoying, and would be extremely easy to remedy.

I imagine the same problem exists on PC.

My suggestion is that one or both of the following solutions be implemented:

1) Automatically delete (or prevent) any chat message which is identical to the previously posted message, if that message is from the same account.

2) Automatically delete (or prevent) any chat message which is repeated from the same player is less than a certain timeframe (I recommend two minutes, although even as little as 10 seconds would work for simply stopping the double/triple/quadruple posting)

To be clear, when I say "chat", I mostly mean Trade Chat, but I imagine that the same remedy would be welcome in Global as well.
Last bumped on Nov 9, 2020, 11:11:43 PM

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